Tomb Myers? No thanks..hiding in locker for >2 hours

Myers - Judith's tombstone + Fragfrant Tuft of Hair - Lerys
This Michaela (last survivor of the game) jumped in a locker more than 2 hour ago in order to avoid the insta-kill. I stayed spectator mode and then went out and later had dinner but when I came back I found the same situation (which still continues)
Neither of them yields.
Updates will follow, at least as long as I feel like following.
Two hours?? That's dedication, or an unhealthy level of obsession. Take your pick.
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Right now there are a Steam thread "I hid in this locker to avoid Tombstone 2 hours ago, had dinner and came back and Im still there" and a Reddit thread "this Mikaela hid in the locker to avoid me Tombstoning here 2 hours ago, had dinner and came back and she is still there" each with a similar photo but different perspective.
P.D. Thats dedication on the Myers side...
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some people say games cant last more than 1 hour
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Was just about to ask about that as I thought they capped the match length recently to be an hour. I'll have to double check cause it might be bugged I'm guessing.
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I don't see any steam thread
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The match time limit is 1 hour and 5 minutes now. It was confirmed by mod in other thread.
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It does kinda suck people do that but it's understandable I guess. Myers could have pulled them outta the locker and kept dropping/picking up if they were actually afk and got the achievement that way.
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Honestly, i'm invested now.
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i was in a similar situation once, but I was with a friend, the Myers didn't want to grab us from the locker to hook, so we stayed in the lockers to see how long he'd stay in game. Long story short, we gave in after 50 minutes and let him kill us. He then proceeded to call us childish in the chat...
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He should grab them out of the locker and close the locker door then pin them up against the locker with the knife.
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Hatch standoffs may be gone, but they live on in S
piritShape4 -
I mean, I get it.
I love playing Scratched Mirror Myers but the stars have to align to get both the add on and an indoor map offering. If I went go all that trouble and my build was completely negated or all the survivors DC after the game starts or something, I'm pissed.
Double Iri Myers is expensive to run and isn't easy to pull off. I wouldn't be wasting my add ons without getting a mori.
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Thanks, I thought they had changed that recently.
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It was a joke about how absurd the entire situation is where the spectator, the Killer and the Mikaela go AFK for 2 hours and come back to find the match exactly where they left it.
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This, but in a locker.
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Tombstone myers is soo broken 😂
gotta love it though cause it’s makes survivors to ply smarter.
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I doubt deciding to be a pity child and hide in a locker not to survive but purely out of spite to deny an achievement is even close to the definition of "smart"
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Its smart when you are one of the first 3 and do it to prevent being removed from the game instantly, but yeah spitefully denying the achievement and forcing a stalemate is being a bit vindictive.
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Some people have way too much free time if they can just waste 2 hrs like that.
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Fufufu, I see what you did there. Nice!
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You should post this in bug reports because the max amount of time players can be in a match is 1 hour and 5 minutes, after that the server is supposed to kick them out. If they were in the match longer than that time then something got bugged.
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Why there is nothing stopping myers from grabbing out of the locker and then hooking them, whoever has the strongest will wins.
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All games are unrealistic.
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Hmm I never once said what this dude did was smart. But good job jumping to the assumption.
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This Michaela is a gigachad lol
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Poor Myers wants his achievement. 🤣
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At this point they should just scrap this achievement. You would need a farm round and the survivor be somehow on board to get it.
Nowadays survivor are way to prone to DC to indirectly deny it.
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I'm so glad I have that achievement already. So when I play tombstone and they jump into a locker, I will just hook them ...
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I don’t see them ever changing the achievement, but they should.
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What I usually do, I jump in lockers to force a grab and hook and once I'm on death hook I let him Mori me.