Clown vs Knight

DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

Yes time for another killer vs killer. Same two questions:

Who in your opinion would you class as the better/stronger killer of these two and why?

And which one of them is most fun to play?

So Knight is new and changes comes to all killers sooner or later, but this question is about right now.


  • InvadeGames
    InvadeGames Member Posts: 415

    i havnt played knight, i just P1 him for his perks lol.

    I dont think clown is weak, hes actually one of my better killers and very fun to play. I dont see him as being weak but i do tend to play alot of M1 killers, i dont touch the "strong" killers much.

    I play pig, trapper, wraith, gf mostly so im used to the perceptually weaker killers

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    With how little time the Knight has been live and his sheer amount of bugs I think its a bit early to really say how good/bad he is or going to be, people said Blight was awful at release and just discount Hillbilly and it turned out he is the second strongest Killer in the game after fixing several of his bugs and putting hours.

    Altough I admit it doesnt look like he is going to be better than Clown.

  • Moxie
    Moxie Member Posts: 806

    His power is very easy to avoid or manipulate. It can basically only be used in chases and Holding W literally counters every aspect of it.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    I'll go against the grain. I think the Knight beats Clown in both categories and I like Clown. The Knight is more versatile and better able to keep survivors occupied than the Clown.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,212

    Clown has some of the best anti-loop in the game at the expense of map pressure. You can even mindgame by winding up and pulling down bottles without throwing them if survivors try to cheat and hold W. He gets a lot of free hits just by pulling out and holding a bottle. Survivors will try to dodge before he even throws it and you can just pull it down and M1. I'm not saying he's A or S tier by any means, but it's crazy to me that people go D or low C with him.

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    I think Knight is stronger, but Clown can end chases faster. To be fair, Clown can end chases faster than a lot of killers.

    I think Knight deals with macro play more easily and I think he gets hits more consistently. You can either choose to use his power to harass or you can use it in chases. The guards take awhile to be useful for getting a hit, but once you understand their hunt path and how to track the survivor using the guard's aura, you can position yourself to make full use of the guard before the hunt ends.

    Knight is also less susceptible to god loops and elevation which is pretty unique. For Clown, Dead Dawg's main building can be hell. For Knight, once the hunt starts, he can pretty easily cut off a survivor at the other end of the god loop since the survivor can't run backwards. Knight's guards can also start hunts from different floors which allows him to be similar to the ranged characters in that regard which is VERY rare for a 115 killer. Is there a single 115 killer that can start a chase from the bottom of Dead Dawg's main building when the survivor is on the generator at the top? The more I play him, the more I generally don't feel the need to break pallets during chases. You can break the pallet with the guard, but why bother when you can start a hunt and the pallet becomes useless?

    Both of them are weak to hold W into the comp corner. Most killers are weak to that. Even Nurse and Blight. And his power is harder to use and more punishing. If you can't consistently start hunts, you get penalized A LOT.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,163

    I think Knight is the worst killer in the game.

    you answered the wrong part of the question for why.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,591

    Clown is better, hands down.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Both killers are pretty mediocre, but I'd say Clown is the better out of the two. Both killers lack map pressure, but at least Clown can use his power usefully and end loops way faster.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,417

    With my expirience with both killers - The Knight is way far stronger than Clown:

    1. He don't care about pallets.
    2. He's more consistent with getting downs.
    3. Survivors only have 1 option to avoid his "sandwich" <_<. (It's DH)
    4. He's not spending much time to brake stuff. (Orders)
    5. Potencial to chase 2 survivors at the same time.

    If you play the Knight correctly (not just tapping his power at loops), he's just very slightly weaker than Artist. Only because he needs more time to hit\down.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Clown is better. His power is more versatile. And he laughs. Nothing worse than a miserable killer. You have to enjoy what you do.

  • some_guy1
    some_guy1 Member Posts: 694

    knight is way better than clown imo, clown can end chases quicker, but not as guranteed as knight, additionlly clown's main counter is to pre drop a pallet, knight doesn't care that much about pallets

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    the knight looks cooler

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Clown is better. He can end chases or at least remove pallets super quick while still countering W strategies. Knight gets destroyed by W gamers and is way slower to end chases

    Only issue to clown is his reload but knights power takes longer to use in general

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,849
    edited December 2022

    I mained Clown for a while (got rank 1 for the first time playing him) and while I agree with people saying he can end chases fast, he also can suffer badly with his poor map pressure and pre-dropping counter play.

    Knight can completely shut down a loop instantly and force you to hold W to the next loop, whereas survivors will pre-drop against Clown but they can still play the loop against you until you kick the pallet. So Clown gets forced into a situation where he simply has to break a moderately safe pallet to force survivors to W key to the next loop, Knight can just shut down the loop immediately if they have half a brain.

    With unsafe pallets you are going to go down against either if you try to play them, with Clown being far stronger in these scenarios.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I've faced some pretty good clowns and they quite often come from behind to get the win. Definitely underrated.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,163

    yeah that is my experience. I think knight is way superior clown and your reasons perfectly summarize it. knight's ability to shutdown loops makes maps like Garden of Joy and Gideon's meat packing plant look like a balanced looping map. I have only two issues with knight for why I think he is not strong enough. The first is lack of agency to counter shift-W between loops which extends my chases without any ability to -counter it- leading to slow time of down and all the add-on being too situational in terms of effectiveness.

    clown's anti-loop is probably biggest placebo anti-loop in the game. First of all, When it comes pallet loops, pre-dropping pallets is really strong at safe pallet loops because clown is not very good pallet eater-type killer. Most of the pallets that are safe, clown still has to break them. The purpose of anti-loop for killers is to shorten chases but the clown fails to shorten chases because the survivor can out-skill the clown's anti-loop in many situations. For example, if a survivor pre-drop a pallet and the clown throws a tonic at a pallet, breaks the pallet and the survivor gets 13 meters of distance, the survivor can account for the distance loss of clown's pink bottle. Suppose you have a pallet 12 meters away and a pallet 8 meters away, If you throw a pink bottle, the pink bottle allows you to catch-up 2 meters extra so now the survivor can only put forward for 11 meters which means that you can hit the survivor before he reaches Y pallet, but extra 2 meters of distance does not matter because the survivor can re-route to a closer a pallet(8 meter pallet) and still be safe. The summary of the problem is that clown cannot cut strong looping survivors off because distance gain per pink bottle is too insignificant if the survivors routing for pallet looping is high-level.

    In term of rotating pallet loops/windows vs clown, If you are 180 degree adjacent to clown, clown has to walk around the long-side of loops which means he wastes bottle ammo for the "chance" that he possibly gets a 50/50 panic pallet slide from the survivors. If your guess is wrong, you will run out of bottles mid-chase which add's extra reloading time in chase where survivors can tactically leave loops and re-route back to same loop. Overall, my experience with clown playing pallet loops is that pallets that are long and somewhat safe have little variance in terms of time to down compare to another m1 killer simply because bloodlust is generally a safer option than using clown bottles even though it takes longer to acquire bloodlust 1 and bloodlust 2 because at least when you get it, your nearly 100% certain to get a hit where as Clown is just doing optional guessing with clown bottles where a single bad chase as killer can be a total loss for clown due to the gen speed of the game. Another thing to keep in mind is that clown is not very good user of generator defence perks because he has no mobility to kick generators and no tracking tools to make informed decisions(his entire macro game is blind).

    Even when you are smashing survivors consecutively at loops, your map pressure still sucks and generator still fly even if your using RPF.

  • Hensen2100
    Hensen2100 Member Posts: 339

    Knight by a long shot. Clown needs to constantly be fed strong addons to remain competitive, even if you play him super well. He NEEDS extra bottles, bleach, or ether to have a real chase power. Otherwise all he will get is predrops instead of hits at most safe pallets

    Knight is just about as strong in chase, but his best addon is probably a brown and a yellow. He can down people at the safest loops in the game without even kicking the pallet

    Both play somewhat similarly in that they are basically forced to camp and tunnel the first survivor you find to death in order to have a chance against a good squad

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    One of Knight's best maps is probably Gideon. The guards ignore pallets and that makes the god loops completely unsafe. Since the map is small, it's also really easy to get a hunt started and survivors accidentally run into dead ends constantly.

    When I first started playing him, I thought breaking pallets quickly with guards would be more common. I've been finding that using the sounds to locate survivors, place a guard, then start a hunt just make it to pallets don't exist in a way that's only replicated by Nurse.

    I don't think he's as good as Nurse by any means. The hunts and damage states are too slow for that and his miss cooldown is much higher than Nurse. I'm mostly just saying people are underestimating just how strong he is when a hunt gets started and his ability to ignore pallets entirely is mostly unmatched outside of Nurse.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,163

    yep. its league better then clown. I agree. His ability to ignore pallets is emasculate but his time to down and shift-w guard makes his chases too slow for fast gen-type teams. Knight needs more refinement where as clown is just.... a clown.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I like how the opinions here are very different from Clown is stronger to Knight is way stronger 😀 Could it be that Clowns power is easy to understand making him a killer most people can do pretty well with, unless you play him at high level while Knight is harder to master but better in high level? That would make him the better killer, if so.

    I used to say Clown is the most underrated killer in the game, when I had 500-1000 hours in the game. Now with 6k+ hours and Clown has been buffed I think he is not the worst but he is not far from worst. Trapper should be the worst one.

    Knight is new I don't really know where to put him yet but I do get the feeling he could be better than Clown. At this point perhaps it's because he is new and Clown is an older killer I would say Knight is more fun to play.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,090

    At this point, Clown's time to down is better.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,212

    B tier killers are usually good at something and pretty lacking in other areas. Clown is good in chase and lacks any map pressure or utility. Hence B.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,163

    clown excels at nothing and has placebo chase power that can be countered by survivors. that is why people rate him as C-tier/D-tier. he does excel at an easy accessible instant down though, but only with RPF. Knight excels at shutting down loops but suffers from same m1 killer problems of no counter to shift-w and no gen-defense or instant down. he does have some tracking with jailer guard and pallet break but its nothing useful for high-level.

  • TheMruczek
    TheMruczek Member Posts: 191

    Mhm. Knight can waist survivors time and get decent chases while Clown can end chases quicker than him if there isn't a lot of pallets, yet his base kit yellow bottles are meh.

    Knight is great camper too and ignores pallets thx to his guards while the best counterplay to Clown is predropping pallets.

    Knight is stronger i think overall.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,090

    He lacks everything. You can just pre-drop pallets and he has no anti-loop. No "just Bloodlust"ing with him either since it gets cancelled from using his power. His power can even give survivors a speed boost.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Mm Clown is bad. Question is if Knight is as bad or not 😀

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,090

    He's got too many built-in counters and his time to down is so slow. You see him making the patrol path for the guard, whilst he can't see you, and you also see the alert range of the guard. Assuming the guard starts chasing you, you can either outlast them from the huge lead they give you, or touch the banner to despawn them, get speed, AND get Endurance. They also don't apply gen or chase perks. You can pincer movement a survivor, but they can still run away, and at that point you've wasted just as much time as if you'd broke the pallet and chased them away, except the pallet's still up. But nobody's allowed to talk about this stuff because, "Budget Artist/boring anti-loop killah!"