Even Punishment

I'm literally this one trophy away from getting the Platinum for Playstation and I know I have hit all 4 survivors in the match with a Phantasm Hit I've done it hundreds of times now. My question is does anybody know if the trophy is bugged? Is there something special you have to do in order for them to count?
I did it a long long long time ago - but you have to make sure you're getting the Phantasm Attack score event (which is hitting a survivor shortly after teleporting) on each survivor in the match. If you take too long after teleporting, it won't count.
I'm not currently aware of any bugs related to this achievement/Trophy, but it's possible it is bugged. Unfortunately not something I can test since I've already achieved it. I see you've raised something in the bug forum, so hopefully those who haven't achieved it yet can confirm for you.
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Thanks for the feed back I really do appreciate it, I thought as long as I got a "Phantasm Hit" it would count. I figured that was BHV's way of saying that counts as part of the trophy instead of it being just a "Hit"
Again though I really do appreciate you commenting and helping.
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I even just tried to farm the trophy with survivors getting 4 "Phantasm Attacks" and it didn't pop. It has to be bugged.