Which killer do you enjoy playing even when you're in a losing streak?

I'm a Nurse main for 3 years now, but I'm love with Sadako.
She's just fun. When you lose, mostly you couldn't have played much better. Killer just doesn't have that much of a potential.
What's your favorite, even while losing?
I love Doctor. I’ll be the first to admit I’m a terrible killer, so losing doesn’t bother me unless my opponents are toxic and rub it in my face. If they don’t, I can keep playing him over and over. But once I encounter the turds, I’ll go do something else after the match.
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Wesker, honestly. Yeah, he's strong, but even losing means you probably got plenty of chases, and that chase theme and all the trash talk makes up for it.
I just wish lightborn darkened the screen for him. I'm wearing sunglasses damn it! xD
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Pig, because you can at least meme around.
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Ghostface. If I lose I can teabag them back.
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Wesker, Legion, Wraith, Blight off the top of my head. I would like it to be Billy, but I need to actually practice curving on him - seems really fun when you nail it.
Basically killers that I personally enjoy the gameplay loop of. Doesn't matter if I'm losing, bouncing around as Blight is fun, and throwing survivors into walls as Wesker, running fast, vaulting and stabbing, etc.
Tbh, I find the killers that are enjoyable to play the ones I play the most. I find Nurse's gameplay loop frustrating as an example (blink, look down, blink, look down, etc.) so I'd much rather have fun than 4K. That's just me though, I understand everyone has fun in different ways.
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Legion and Ghostface.
Both can turn a bitter loss into fun memeing, and it's a good way of feeling better after a bad game.
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Mikey. But then he's the only one I really play with any consistency.
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Artist: map long hits are so satisfying no matter what.
Legion: Best music in the game and no one can convince us otherwise.
Blight: ping pinging and going "WAAAAAAGH" brings a chuckle.
Jump scare Meyers. It's always nice even if everyone just holds w forever. (Occasionally literally)
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Clown and Pinhead are my mains for this reason. It always feels like you are learning new tricks and they aren’t too unforgiving to where a bad day can ruin your experience
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Cannibal I can always facecamp what's more fun... But my longest losing streak has been like 3 games getting only 1-2K recently with him so not not very long.
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In general, I don't usually mind winning or losing in terms of kills because I find fun among other things within the match regardless of my performance.
However, Wesker is just so fun to play for me that I'll definitely have fun no matter the match result. His power has the ability to roam the map quick in short bursts and aide in chase but not in an antiloop way, so it's just extremely fun for me to use.
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Huntress. Just using her power has always been fun for me so I'm gonna have a good time regardless.
Been enjoying Wesker a lot lately too for similar reasons.
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Many fit that bill : Huntress, Nurse, Trapper, Trickster, Executioner, Doctor, Myers, Plague, Oni, Deathslinger, Blight, Nemesis and Dredge.
I usually play for fun. e.g. wasting time to try to push survivors in my traps, attempting trick-shots, scare-jumping, ...
Hag would have made that list was she not utterly broken at the moment (trap placement, no camera swing, ...).
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Freddy with Black Box and Dream Pallets. There is something super satisfying about watching a survivor use a dream pallet. BUT nothing is as satisfying as a survivor opening the exit gate, tbag you and then get downed because they are blocked in for 15 seconds.
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I was losing a Game with Dredge this morning, I was just zooming and having fun instead.
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Legion is always a blast to play
Tons of points, awesome music, their inert stalling makes it so you atleast have some game even without slowdown
I never get tired of that rush
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Billy :)
doesnt matter if i win or lose, im getting at least one clip out of that game
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Dredge especially if you use the cowl add-on. The most frustrating thing to me is getting stunned going for a pick up and the cowl makes so nobody can ever sneak up on you and do a flashy or head-on save. I know people are all about the skull and calender on dredge but I think the cowl is really underrated and gives great information.
Freddy is surprisingly growing on me lately. He's not great but with the extra skill check penalty add-ons and the right build even if I don't win I can at least feel like I made the survivors work for it.
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Wait, I can play killers other than blight? Yeah I am not too bothered by losing unless it's me messing up. Although I rarely get 0-1ks as long as I played mechanically clean I am fine with the out come especially when I am only running aura reading vs stacked swfs.
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Came here to post this
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Wesker, because it's freakin' Wesker.
Legion, I love them conceptually.
Knight, I keep playing the ScoobyDoo music in my head, might help.
Pyramid Head, I wish the sound of the knife on the ground was a bit louder Killer-sided.
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Ghosty. for sure! He's never been the strongest killer in the game, but he's always just super fun to play. His chase theme is awesome and I love his cute, goofy little run. Plus, you can meme with him as he's the only killer who can teabag back (I know Pig can but it doesn't look as funny as GF).
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Artist and Pinhead. They both are fun regardless of the match outcome.
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Myers. I get a rush every time I hit tier 3 and that theme music kicks in. It's addictive. 😂
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Sadako, SM Myers. I may not win as much, but Imma scare the bejeezus out of some people.