Does Knight get...
The kicking gens perk effect if he uses one of his pawns to do it?
Not even the base 2,5% kick regression on base kit which sucks imo.
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Really what a crap
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Of course he doesn't. That would actually give his power some power.
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Would actually make Carniflex useful if it did
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That's hilarious. Every time I try to make a list of the self-nerfs built into his kit, I find ANOTHER one.
It literally feels like they had everybody in the office brainstorm some unique nerf to put on Knight and just put them all in.
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It does suck, it basically makes it so you can't kick a gen with a minion lol. It's like trying to play Twins, Victor doesn't have any perks, just Charlotte. XD
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Basically you don't ever want to use guards on gens only carnifex on pallets
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At least you can injure them with victor and have full control over him. Yes there is a learning curve to it but knights guards are not even on nemesis zombies level.
nemesis zombies give info and appearantly since i had a nemesis who double add on'ed their speed they will chase you off gens as soon as you got on one, cling to them as if its their personal property. And then when you think you found another gen, the same zombie comes at you when you have made it to 20 seconds progression because he followed you. Way better minions than guards.
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It does make sense that they don't apply kicking perks but they certainly should apply the 2.5%, seems like a bug that they don't.
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you do, just not Carnifex
it takes 6 seconds to break the gen for Jailor or Assassin, thats 6 seconds that a Survivor cant work on that gen. While its of course very situational, there's still a use for it
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I'm still trying to learn about the minions, so I didn't know that....
I feel like if they are used right, you can get some good information. Like, if I don't know where a surv is, I'll just let the minion run through the middle. Or, behind me to go back to a hooked surv to see if someone is returning, or ahead of me to know if they are on a gen, or diagonal to a gen I'm checking so I can corral them into minion.
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Let's face it The Knight had great potential but they drop the ball majorly on his design. His power is too clunky, you can read how he's using his power, his guards are not a threat since you can see the orb and patrol range, and to top it off I have been purposely triggering the hunts just to get the flag and the bonus....unless it's a small right map like rpd maps he's not a viable threat