BHVR doesn't make the game appealing to survivors

BHVR doesn't make the game appealing to survivors. State of game is such that most of the survivors cannot win. you made a side killer game. WHY?
you really never played a low tier killer huh?
if anything the game right now is neither survivor or killer sided its a boring mess
both soloQ and low tier killers are suffering while everyone is spamming nurse
so yea.
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I can escape 1 time in 2 hours of play. is this the game i want? This is a game where killers rule. a game in which there is no chance is not interesting.
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BHVR doesn't make the game appealing to anyone
Post edited by GiveMeTheBox on5 -
I'm still greatly enjoying survivor *shrugs*
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no. wrong.
not allowed.
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Survivor is still fine for me. I win some and lose some and recognize that much of the time, when I die, it's usually because I will forever be bad at this game.
The only issue I have with the game that is it's become rather stale. A new killer every three months isn't doing anything to help either.
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I think the swf outputs all the stats escaped.. Soloq die in almost every match. Thanks for making such a fun survival game... *sarcasm*
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Sorry, I'll stop it
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If by survivors you mean soloQ players, yes. It is not made to be played alone anymore.
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Then it's about time for them to make solo player imrpovements, Kindred is basically a must have in my every build
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Yes, for a start they could give soloQ the aura reading of kindred without revealing the killer's aura so that at least you can know if someone is going for the unhook or they are fully commiting to gens.
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what killers exactly?
and maybe consider changing your play style or play safe or go full tryhardy with perks, you know work for it not expect a free game
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Watchu mean? This game's appeal is that you can bully the killer. That's been the main schtick of DBD content creators almost since the game's inception.
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.....that's facts
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That was years ago. Since 6.1.0 unless you are in SWF, you have more chances of being bullied by the killer than the other way.
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yeah that sounds like a skill issue, as much as I hate to say it
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that just means you arent very good and are below average
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There is some sort similar to Kindred but not Kindred. I believe able to see teammate's basic action (Gen, Gate, Hex, Chase), or longer extend that giving sticker to communication (help me, ignore me, pls do Gen...) would be enough for Solo.
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I can escape 1 in 10 games 1 in 30 if I have useless babies as my team....
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You know, I am against whataboutism. BUT. The game was survivor sided for majority of it's life span.
M1 killers are literally = to solo queue if people are actively trying I know mmr can be bad
high tier killers are = to 2, 2 man swfs or 3-4 swf
Though that highly depends on the builds of both sides.
If you really think things like clown and wraith for example are stronger than even decently competent solos running good builds you would be wrong
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Yeah, the only reason I ever have to queue up as Survivor is because I can't play Killer with my friends anymore. (rip co-op Killer)
It's not something I particularly enjoy doing.
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Don't some of those streamers/youtubers actually lower their MMR so they go against baby killers?
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i don't doubt it. Everyday on these forms u see some poor solo survivor venting about how they never win. At first i dismiss it but it been consistent for a while now. The so call boogeyman of dbd aka 4 to 3 man Swf's definitely make up the majority of the survivors wins. Which make u think how often does a solo survivor actually win. 2 out 10 match maybe??? dosen't matter!! Only one thing matter really...WINNING.
yes winning does not = fun all the time
but losing over and over definitely= unfun
It pretty simple if people cannot win they will leave and play something else. People delude themselves into thinking fun matter more than winning but once they start losing back to back u see how fast the energy shift.
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Play killer after midnight....Survivor is Baby mode compared killer
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Thats because everyone will play in SWF at that time.
The only way to play survivor is in SWF full squad, otherwise just playing killer, but avoiding the time when everyone plays in swf
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Lmao if people complain that survivor is not appealing,I dont think they have played killer yet to see how much worse it is.
At least as survivor you can have fun with your friends in swf.
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That sounds terrible. Whats your loadout and playstyle? Have you considered changing the way you play? Maybe we could give you some advice.
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if you have the ability to do so play survivor deep into the night for some reason at 2 am is when it seems the most fun
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We can't prove it, but it seems awfully convenient. Any time a killer is able to "test out" a new/fun build of theirs that is unabashedly off-meta, it's like, "Really? The survivors didn't complete all the gens in 8 minutes against THAT?" You just don't get away with any of that if you're playing against efficient survivors. You playing well vs survivors who play well should almost always be a loss, in this current game state.
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Ngl I dont understand your stance tbh, I'm still enjoying survivor way more than I would killer (hence being a survivor main)
And yes before people ask I do solo Q. Not saying the games perfect, hell SBMM ans just matchmaking in itself is awful at times mixed in with people giving up or rage quitting definitely hurts the fun.
But killer sided? Definitely gonna disagree there. Unless you're talking low mmr or new players and then yeah but that flips at the top level so survivors are the power role (middle is mixed and actually sell balanced for the most part)