Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

"You are not as good as you think/people shouldn't play as you want" to justify the disaster of SBMM

Thoughts about some extremely frustrating matches (they didn't happen in a row, but they were all on the same day) because of terrible teammates. There are always those who say "you're not as good as you look, if you're being matched with bad players it's because you are too". In fact, I don't consider myself a high-level player like the guys who spend their days training for community championships, but I also don't see myself as a bad player at the level of my teammates.

Match 1 - I was downed and slugged, Dwight was on the hook and Mikaela was injured and being chased (she was the obsession, it's was possible to see the claws moving). So David, the only one who could save me and the Dwight, was blessing a totem. He left us to die.

Match 2 - I unhook a Cheryl, she insists on staying crouched wanting to be healed even though she hears the terror ray increase the volume progressively. I point at the killer coming, but she just looks at me crouching for healing. When she finally realizes the killer is coming it's too late to her get in a loop and she is on the floor agains (the killer is really was far away, it was possible tosee him coming over 40 m in open field).

Match 3 - I'm in chase with a Leatherface, I'm unlucky enough to get into a loop where a Bill is hiding. We run together in the same loop, Bill in front and me in the back. Leatherface starts the chainsaw and Bill drops the pallet in my face and I get downed.

Match 4 - I'm hooked and on my last hook, Kate and Meg are also on the last hook and are injured. Ada is healthy, hasn't been hooked once and she is in basement opening a chest with only 1 gen missing (it wasn't even a trigen). Everyone dies.

Match 5 – Yui and I are repairing a gen (by approximately 80%). The killer kicks the generator with overcharge and calls of brine, Yui hides and I starts a chased and try to take him to the other side of the map. My chase lasts around 40 s, when I'm unhooked I'll see the generator and it keeps regressing (almost zeroed). Yui remains hidden.

I refuse to accept that “I'm not as good as I think”, I may not be a great player, but I don't play these extremely inexperienced games. There's also the famous "people shouldn't play as you want". I'm absolutely sure no one wants to match with teammates who do actions like that, who struggle for the killer's victory, it's a worthy frustration. I just want to match with survivors who had the least bit of common sense. I feel like my MMR doesn't match the people I'm playing with.


  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096

    The skill of individual teammates arguably affects the performance of the team as the survivors generally need teamwork to survive. Therefore, you could be pretty good at the game yourself, but your teammates not performing on par could drag you down and eventually lead to you not escaping and decreasing your MMR with it.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,608

    There's not really much else to do but keep trying, get a SWF or play a ton of map offerings to swing the odds more in your favour. I hope it improves.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Yep being stuck in low mmr survivor as solo queue is terrible. This is the only game where I think mmr hell truly exists. It really just shows how bad the rating system for survivors are. You can run the killer for 4 min before going down but it doesn't matter if no one is doing gens.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,929

    The MMR needs work for sure. It works, people. But this is BHVR's MMR system, so naturally it needs a LOT of tweaking before it's anywhere near good.

    Yeah, I've never bought into "maybe you're just not good" because it doesn't require much critical thought to say. Question the level their teammates/opponents are playing at? 100%. But "git gud" just doesn't sit right with me. Killers were told to get good when cow tree was an infinite.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Escaping as a Survivor has nothing to do with skill, that's why.

    You could run the killer for 5 gens and unhook 5 times, but then die to a random NOED smack at the end... and the game thinks you suck.

    Likewise, you can hide the whole game and wait for the killer to slam the hatch shut while lurking near an exit gate and get out... and the game thinks you are good.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Its basically just a coin toss with solo Q because the SBMM is awful...

    Like seriously I escape alot and some days it's just pointless logging on because the game constantly puts me with new players and every game is an impossible win, then other days I'm steam rolling killers even though they play better than the previous day.

    Some days teams are good, some days they are bad. SBMM really is that bad lol

  • rinnai
    rinnai Member Posts: 50

    The games in a terrible state - survivor you usually escape 1 out of 5 maps and I usually get to Iridescent 1.

    I'm not convinced that rank resets are a favourable idea.

    And lastly this game isn't able to be enjoyed on a casual basis unless you SWF. Killer perspectives might be different

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I bring perks to support the team and quickly save and heal my team when needed. It usually works out. If you prioritize keeping the team alive you improve your chances of "advancing"

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    But, well, I think that is what MMR intended. Unlike the rank system, it is impossible for anyone to check their own or each other's rates.

    But we are only allowed to believe that MMR is working. If the system is not working, the developer has to change this.

    It is also safe to say that if you play only to complete archive challenges, there will always be an imbalance in the MMR.

    Let's say that until yesterday there was a player who relied on voice chat to escape and increased his rate by winning with high rarity items, add-ons and meta perk. Let's say he started playing solo today just for the archive challenge. (Especially playing for a terrible challenge that will never contribute to his escape as a survivor team.)

    Obviously, he makes it harder for the other three to escape.

    Yes, there are ways to increase your rate without being so good.

    I mean... A build that focuses solely on escaping the gate after collapses by continuing to hide in the locker without taking any risk of repairing the generator or unhooking it will increase the MMR. LOL.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    said it before, saying it again:

    it is theoretically possible to get a good, decently working SBMM into DbD but for that a lot of things need to be done beforehand:

    • there need to be better tutorials, that actually give people an idea of how to play as/against certain killers well
    • The game needs to genuinely punish bad behavior/playstyles and reward good ones.

    Especially the latter will absolutely drive off a great chunk of the 'but tunneling/camping/slugging are totally legit tactics' (and who might even try to justify it with LORE) but, well, good riddance to them then.

  • Hex_Rural_LTE
    Hex_Rural_LTE Member Posts: 16

    Match 1 - you were downed and slugged. Maybe a better player could have lasted long enough to allow mikaela to get rescued before they went down. Sounds like it happened pretty quickly.

    Match 2 - Why are you stopping to point at her? If you don't want to heal her, just leave immediately. Bad play.

    Match 3 - You should have split up as soon as you saw Bill in the loop instead of insisting on playing it together. You refusing to go a different direction is a bad play.

    Match 4 - Sounds like there were 3 potentially competent survivors alive. Even if Ada was useless, the rest of you couldn't get 1 generator done?

    Match 5 - Yui made a bad play, but what about the other 2 survivors? How did the game turn out? You just lost 4 games in a row, and you couldn't run the killer for more than 40 seconds?

    What you're not acknowledging is that when your MMR goes down, the MMR of killers you face also goes down. You don't just get worse teammates against the same killer, you get worse killers too. If you're still going down quickly against these worse killers, I hate to say it, but you're not as good as you think you are. If you refuse to accept it, you'll never get better.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    I wonder if the more team oriented MMR coming with the new chapter will help these scenarios a bit. Maybe not, given these are the kinds of scenarios that lead to 4ks but maybe a little for those times someone makes it out.

  • FentV1rus
    FentV1rus Member Posts: 112
    edited November 2022

    Survivors have it way worse than killers do. I'm a killer main, and while I have no idea what my MMR is, I suspect to to be at the softcap at the minimum. My queue times are quite long at any point of the day, usually around 5 full minutes or more at the minimum. The average survivors I face have anywhere from 2-6k+ hours. Most are generally very good, and games can be rough sometimes. I still hold my own though.

    My survivor is a different story though. I play very little survivor, and if I queue up as a solo survivor it is pretty rough to say the least. Frequent unsafe unhooks, body blocks when trying to run form the killer, bad pallet drops, leaving gens entirely too late, and overall poor awareness. This is to just name a few. I can try my best, but ultimately I can't 1v1 the killer.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    (S)kill based matchmaking isn't the best tbh

    And randoms aren't the smartest creatures

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Sounds like you are a low mmr solo player. Important to realise that the game is not the same as normal.

    Low mmr solo survivor is NOT a teambased game. Depending on low mmr co-survivors means they will drag you down.

    You will need to learn the important skill of know where the turning point of a game is where the killer has to much momentum and the gens won't get done. At that point play to survive and get hatch/gate

    Learn how far you can open the gate before the red light turn on so you have the best chance to escape on your own

    Another important thing is that the solo low mmr meta is different from top play meta. Running all the chase perks doesn't matter if your team doesn't capitelise on the time you buy.

    Don't get perks that extend chases, get perks that make you lose the killer when you have too. Solo survivor is a godsent for increasing the odds you can increase your mmr even with potato co-survivors.

    Adrenaline is one of the best cause it works when your team is good and when they are not as it activates on hatch getting closed too

    If you are really better then your teammates you can escape with this playstyle and it doesn't take (overly) long before you can play sorta normal again.

    Or play with swf

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,362

    There should be an escape method that scales with Survivor Deaths in order for Escape-based matchmaking to be a viable metric for survivor skill.

    Otherwise, the emblem system influencing MMR gain/loss would be pertinent.

  • ImNotBobDylan
    ImNotBobDylan Member Posts: 221

    You are absolutely not alone.

    Alby is a 4000-hour DBD streamer, plays all the time in SWF bully squads. Presumably high MMR right?

    Look at the kind of teammates he gets (stream from literally days ago):

    Imagine how lenient the matchmaking must be to allow this. Throughout the game, this Jake kept doing nonsense, he was so clueless that when the killer gave him escape for free, he didn't understand and died to the entity.

    Imagine, in the same game, you can get a SWF bully duo, who spend 10 minutes running the killer and flashlight saving, and somebody who cannot escape while the killer is AFK.

    This is not an isolated case. Watch the VOD. The game before, he had a Bill with default cosmetics and 2 yellow perks. Another game before, killer was a Ghostface with 2 yellow perks. Angrypug, another streamer, is at 1800-2000 MMR (his MMR was revealed by hackers) and also gets teammates like this all the time. The worst part is that their queues are almost instant, so the matchmaking probably believes that the game is balanced.

  • just_one_player
    just_one_player Member Posts: 148

    You're typically the person commenting on the headline, but since I'm in a good mood, I'll answer you.

    1. I got downed after holding a Blight with ring and crow for 1 whole generation, he didn't just intend to take me down, as he has infectous fright, went after Dwight, hooked him and saw Mikaela near the hook to save, then went after her. But hey, it's me playing bad, not David blessing a totem in a critical situation.

    2. Oh yes, I will run with a Cheryl running behind me and crouching every 3s asking for healing. Oh, pointing at the killer coming our way is a bad play.

    3. How do I switch loops with a Leatherface being 6 m away from me? How am I supposed to guess that there was a Bill crouching behind a car (after all, looping the killer is bad gameplay, hiding when there's a terror radius is right)? Are you going to say that I should be with Bound and that's why I'm playing wrong?

    4. It's amazing to see you reversing all the situations I mentioned. Everyone was on the LAST HOOK AND INJURIED except Ada who has NEVER been in hook and is HEALTHY and she is in the basement instead of having the slightest sense of empathy and helping finish the last gen or healing the others. It is not possible for you to think that the other three were playing wrong (from here on I consider you to be just a troll). We tried until the end to finish the generator, but in a 3v1 with everyone on the last hook it's pretty tricky.

    5. There were only 3 survivors left, the 4th had already been killed and a Feng that was repairing another generator (remember that is soloQ, its impossible to warn her about the gen in 80%). After all, what is the average chase time good for you? 40s may not be an insane chase, but it's clearly not a bad thing. You are belittling everything I'm saying. (and I didn't lose 4 games in a row, I never said that, I said that all these matches happened on the same day, but not in a row).

    It's no use my MMR dropping along with the killer's MMR dropping too, I can clearly see that the killers are low level, but it's humanly impossible to escape if you play with survivors who do the aforementioned things. More than 80% of the games I lose, I can clearly see that it's because of the teammates, but according to you “hey, you're the one who's playing badly!”. I believe you should also find SBMM fair and rank players according to their skills

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,995

    Unfortunately it happens. With survivors you're in a tricky situation where one mishap can often have a domino effect. I had a game not long ago that I'm still salty about (which is unusual for me, I'm usually able to move on but this one is burned in my memory now) where i'm 100% confident it would have been a guaranteed 3 escape if it weren't for one team mate who decided finishing the last gen was more important than unhooking me while the other survivor was in chase. Other survivor goes down and is hooked, and still the other person prioritises the last gen. They get exposed while on the gen and downed a cpl seconds later. What should have been a win was ruined by a massive misplay from one person.

  • Hex_Rural_LTE
    Hex_Rural_LTE Member Posts: 16

    You're right, you played all of these situations perfectly and there's nothing you could have done better to survive. Your deaths in each of these games was everyone else's fault and not your own!

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2022

    Just accept how it is or get a SWF. 6.1 proves BHVR doesn't give a ######### about soloq. All the surv nerf and killer buff are aimed at soloq (to reach their desired 60% kill rate) since all nerfs left SWF completely untouched and just as strong as before. Which is also why we won't see a soloq buff any time soon.

    I am barely playing these days and if I am playing I am only doing some tome challenges until I am fed up and then I go play something else.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    MMR doesn't work, it never has, it probably never will.

    I feel like there was a time when the ranked matchmaking was at the best because you had to be a good player to rank up, but then it got messed up as well and it's pretty much the same as we have now where you could be on a winning streak and still get paired with noobs who happened to survive a few games and get thrown in with better players,

    So basically MMR can't work because it's always throwing newer players into a higher bracket in order to try and determine a skill for them and gauge where they're at, but in turn when they aren't good it doesn't only bring them down but the others as well even if they were playing extremely well and that causes MMR to always be off unless youre in a swf of high MMR and even then you can still get paired with killers who are noobs and it still doesn't work properly.