Is the knight promoting camping?

Just give me your opinions. I know these forums are PREDOMINANTLY killer mains... so I already have a preconceived idea of those responses... but I'm still curious what everyone will say :D
Regardless of power, people will camp if they really want to. However, there is a reason why certain people will use killers like Bubba, for example, to camp and that is because it makes saving others extremely difficult without hook trading. I'd say Knight is in the same boat given that both him and his guards can patrol around the hook easily and he has that one thing he can do with Make Your Choice.
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Camping/tunneling is a consistent method to get kills and there's nothing to discourage it. Add in a killer that has a power that helps them camp easier and you'll see it more often. Knight can send his AI to camp so it's a go to for Knight players is camping.
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promoting? no. enabling yes. I don't think any killer really promotes doing it. Some killers like bubba, and yes the knight are better at it than others though that is for sure.
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Almost every knight I've played against has used the guards to camp, not chase. He's probably the most annoying killer released. Not the most OP, but definitely most annoying. I'm tired of vsing him already.
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I experience similar..
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He can enable it but if the Knight leaves a guard to watch the hook just unhook right after the guard notices you. Instant guard despawn. If the Knight is going to camp it's more effective to have the guard by a generator and the Knight camping by a hook or both the Knight and a guard by the hook.
It's pretty easy to counter if it's just a guard by the hook; unhook while the guard is setting the standard.