Waiting for the killer to hook you is boring, please add the unbreakable basekit asap

Sick of how killer sided all your decisions are devs.
Luckily I have an RTX 4090. I am literally playing something else while they flashlight, teabag me.
Omg just force them out.
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thats not the point
survivors do this, and wonder why I go nurse and bleed out the next group
then the cycle goes on and on
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His feelings are hurt. Don't you get it....
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Sounds like your continuing the cycle by wasting the time of players who aren't affiliated with the ones you just previously played with. This person could've easily moved on to the next match instead of acting like a crybaby and coming on the forums to complain about survivors flashlight clicking when they can easily force them out.
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You accomplish nothing by bullying the next group
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Not entirely true. They create more toxic survivors who will then create the next toxic Killers. Perpetuating the cycle of toxicity is something; not a good thing or a desirable thing but something.
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lol 4 strong regression perks on a strong killer on a strong map for said killer and doesn’t get a single kill
small issue of skill
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Asks for anti-slugging mechanic.
”Devs are so killer-sided”
Shows picture of them having given up as killer.
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Yeah, me too buddy, me too. xD
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Sounds like a personal problem, not the devs. Get better and stop crying.
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This + reading your other comments in this thread I would suggest anger management therapy and perhaps growing up
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How about them getting the idea that wasting someones time like that is childish? If people stop having boosted egos the game would be much more enjoyable. It's not like they only do it if you play toxic yourself
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We all know how often comments like these are, in fact, not meant as sarcasm/irony.
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It is though, the fact I have to say that is sad.
This is the problem with SBMM though. I might be the #1 wesker in the world for all you know, and I went up against the best team in the world.
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Put a rematch system in the game then.
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You’re the one getting tilted over survivors winning and provoking you and I’m the one that has to grow up?
Yeah, sure. hahahahah it’s just a game, push them out and get over it. Your ego is just as big as theirs.
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Uh, not you lmao my message was to op, sorry it was unclear, i refered to you with the "this" meaning i second what you said + added the rest
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Lmao the salt increases would be immensely entertaining.
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4 slowdowns and you couldnt even get 1 hook lol. Maybe switch to chase perks or work on your commitment issues.
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As I said, thats the problem with SBMM. I might be going against way better survivors than you, or I am way worse.
Also I could have got 1 hook but I gave up. They would have just 99 the gate, taken hits, and teabagged me.
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Since I don't understand English, I understood that this post was sarcastic, but I didn't understand for what reason and process it could be sarcastic... Which is the main argument?
plz unbreakable base kit + AFK killer screenshot + I have RTX4090
Hmmm... I don't get it.
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They would have had to do so back in 2016, it's way too late now with how this game was coded. Maybe in DBD2.
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SBMM and the survivors other players are facing are wholly irrelevant to this conversation. You're playing a strong killer with a strong build and you got 0 hooks. This is a skill issue.
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Bhvr give me more buffs waaaaaaaaannnnn 😭😭😭 🤣🤣