Whats your opinion on giving Solo info?

C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

I saw many Killers here say Solo's dont need info, its the skill they need. At the same time always complain Swf has all info they have.

In the end, what's your true opinion?

Whats your opinion on giving Solo info? 82 votes

Dont give Solo's info, with skill they will do fine. Means you lose to SWFs because they have skill, not info.
BlueberryFrys_DogVicRatlheadRavenousSix 4 votes
Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs
LaMupfelOnryosTapeRentalsMiriamGbrokedownpalaceRaptorrotasmaximo99acChordycepsmusstang62MrPenguinC3ToothTaigaSaitamfedoxygenMooksGlamourousLeviathanEmealPrettyFaceKatefakebunbunFilthyLegionMain 78 votes


  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    Yes, if Solos become much harder to beat with Info they have, kill rate would drop, mean Killers get buffed further.

    I dont understand why Killers are so scared to buff Solos.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    Any other option than "yes" is inconceivable to me.

    The information advantage gap between voice chat SWF and solo. This is an undeniable fact.

    And developers will never put any measures in SWF.

    In other words, to eliminate this gap, we will make solo as good as SWF in terms of information advantage.

    Then we can buff the killer enough to compete with SWF (and solos that gain information and are comparable to SWF).

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    Solo needs less info than most people think, mostly who is in chase, who goes for unhook is already greatly closing the gap.

    Some communication stickers, with status showing what's teammates are doing (Gen, Chase, Gate, Hext) is already enough, and its no way buff SWF.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    Infos: "hayy noice, i know now that my mates are usless thanks bhvr, i never note it :))" because the great mm works so well

    nah give infos (with icons) and make a matchmaking (matching with real skill) and not a mm like the bad emblem system, in that moment MMR is a hidden baby protaction if you have under hundred hours you have a protaction system

    or what Otz say "what is so difficult to give solo q more information or kindred base ?" or he recalled how long was the last solo q buff, yes it was 1 Perk (kindred) get buffed in 3 years xD, sad but its true hehe for real im done with that ######### its only SWF, Killer or nothing, but the sade part is

    play swf is boring against bad most killers are bad or to weak in comper to Nurse, Blight, Spirit, but if you play Killer you get solo survivor too they killing herself on the hook its boring too, or on the other side you have match against a 4 man swf they tryharding with broken items and you will ez lose if you dont play in that moment...right Nurse, Blight, Spirit

    Nurse, Blight, Spirit ?? oh im sorry that HIGH MMR matchmaking says the best killer are: Wesker, Dredge anddd Plague YesYes opop pls nerf

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    Yes, I think you are right. Solo requires information.

    But well, DbD was not designed for voice chat. It's like all 4 people will have an Obsession marker that will indicate that they are currently in a chase. There are some perks that are rendered meaningless by this (perks that can be countered largely by being SWF at this point, of course), so I'm hoping for a rework of those as well.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited December 2022
    Dont give Solo's info, with skill they will do fine. Means you lose to SWFs because they have skill, not info.

    Your reasoning is flawed. Swf can have an advantage from information and simultaneously not mean solos need more information. These are not mutually exclusive. The issue of solo queue is one of skill, that’s why they lose more, not an issue of balancing. I play solo queue almost entirely and when we lose it’s because me or my team played badly, not because we need more information.

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    Sure but buff lower end killers

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    You have to buff both solo survivor and killer, or every team would be like a SWF team. That is also needed to close the gap to SWF.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    So you mean put me in Swf and I win more

    • Because suddenly good?
    • Or because from the info I get?
  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    No way Solo can ever get equal to Swf, but close them to Swf will get the game easier to balance.

    How can you increase more Survivors' objective when a Solo teammate waste half a min to run to a hook, only to see a teammate unhooked and waste another half a min to run back to their Gen. While another team put that min into a Gen.

    Trapper definitely need it alot. Grass and trap spawn placement is top priorities.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited December 2022
    Dont give Solo's info, with skill they will do fine. Means you lose to SWFs because they have skill, not info.

    Because you significantly increase your teammate quality by bypassing the rng of solo queue and that you have more information. Just because swf gives more info and that’s part of what gives that advantage it doesn’t mean solo queue needs it. The game game is currently balanced for solo queue, not swf, so if we were to go give solo queue swf info then killers would need significant buffs simultaneously but no one really talks about that, they just want solo queue buffs. The problem is that even if we were going to hypothetically buff killers simultaneously the amount of changes that would need at bhvrs pace of work is literally yearsss. Ie it doesn’t seem quite feasible.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    I have no idea if the reason SWF is harder to beat is because of info or coordination.

    But SOLOQ should get that info 110%

  • Brandon48
    Brandon48 Member Posts: 136
    edited December 2022
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    I had an idea for a perk change that I’d appreciate for solo. ‘Better Together’ - instead of a yellow aura, have the gens aura start white then gradient to deeper yellow or red depending on the progress of the gen.

    It’s not a final fix but it’s like how Kindred helps with unhook info, this would give use something for gen progress. Would be at least a step in the right direction in closing the gap between swf comms and solo I reckon.

  • Brandon48
    Brandon48 Member Posts: 136
    edited December 2022
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    Sorry I meant ‘Situational Awareness’. The Nancy perk that highlights the gen you’re working on to other survivors.

    Post edited by Brandon48 on
  • Kirarozu
    Kirarozu Member Posts: 240

    Honestly, I think the ideal change would be to limit SWFs to duos. Nothing more than that. Allow 4 man for customs for the people who want to play competitively but keep regular matches limited to 2 man swfs.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited December 2022
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    I don't think its "many killers here" when at the time of posting this it's 2% lol. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with a select few.

    Here's hoping solo at least gets action icons soon.

  • VicRatlhead
    VicRatlhead Member Posts: 75
    Dont give Solo's info, with skill they will do fine. Means you lose to SWFs because they have skill, not info.

    Buffing solo over swf will discourage swf. Not all of us play with irl friends. We make friends with strangers for swf. If I'm better off or on par as a solo I'm not going to bother seeking out people. That's been one of the cool parts about DBD is the social aspect.

    Even worse I wont be recruiting friends. If we stop recruiting friends the game loses growth. It won't be good for the community or the long term health of the game.

    Not trying to simp or anything but the approach they're taking where they just tweak for the overall numbers is probably best. I watch my kid get 4ks all the time and he's young enough I probably shouldn't be letting him play a horror game lol. An occasional op swf doesn't ruin the game for me. I still feel like I win plenty of matches.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,271
    edited December 2022
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    I remember the times when survivors denied the advantages of comms and told everyone its just used to "chat".

    Yes, give survivors tools to move info from survivor A to B, but be careful which info you spoonfeed to A. Comms never did magically give the info to A like "free unconditional bond" would do. Also the elusive and never discussed Killer Compensation would need to be... adequate if we gave survivors UI icons ,plus Aura, plus comms, plus chat wheel (people who dont wanna use comms) and optionally a ping tool.

    But dont cry if every Killer ability needs to be buffed to the level and blight, thus invalidating yearlong complaints about nurse, lol

    Edit: SWF's also partially play differently because they know each other and actually care to help each other, creating a mindset or delusion that it'S suddenly a teamgame and they have to get people beside themselves out the escape line. still only escape score for yourself, not when others get out lol.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168
    edited December 2022
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    I feel if they're going to go down this route, all solo needs is:

    Busy - no specific info as to whether busy is repairing, saboing, blessing, cleansing, searching chests or rescuing is necessary. The only thing you need to know is if they're doing something.

    Idle - this would be if someone is just walking round and not engaging in anything.

    In chase - self explanatory.

    If someone is hooked, another is 'busy' and a third is 'in chase' but the fourth is 'idle' it would obviously be person 4 who should go for the save.

    That said, there are often the players who will leave a gen on the other side of the map where they person has been downed before they've even been picked up to go for the rescue... so how much status icons would be useful is really hard to say. The idle person could be on the other side of the map searching for a Hex whilst the person who is 'busy' seemingly doing something useful could be closest to the hook.

    I know a lot of people are against it, but I personally would prefer a HEAVILY modified version of Kindred as basekit. I think knowledge of proximity is the best knowledge out there. Being able to see who is closest to the hook within 'x' radius would be the most useful way of helping solo-q I feel. I would reduce the base kit to the radius the killer is shown within when the base perk is active - but for survivors. This way, the killer isn't revealed you can see who, if anyone, is close enough to the hook to be trying to rescue and not all survivors are revealed, thus keeping Kindred a viable perk if you want more info.

    Edit: Also don't know who thought putting white bars over white text was a good idea but I could barely read the options.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,176
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    I don't mind giving solos info, but I don't think that something like that would bring solos even close to SWF level. To be honest, I don't think it is possible to bring solo to SWF level unless giving survivors a voice chat.

    My solution would be to give SWFs actual debuffs based on the number of players on the party, but this community is not ready for this conversation.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,176
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    That is true. No matter which game you play, premade teams are always stronger, therefore they normally have some kind of restriction.

    DbD is just more problematic because the game works around denying information and SWF kinda just ignores that.

  • GensByDaylight
    GensByDaylight Member Posts: 528
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    Giving solos basekit information wouldn't help them that much, it would mostly discourage them by showing them that their teamates are hiding in bushes or lockers...

  • usesPython
    usesPython Member Posts: 121
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    With the caveat that more information = more escapes not always being true with bad survivors, since getting confirmation your team is being useless can incentivize DCing or suiciding on hook in games where they would have otherwise played it out if they didn't know what their team was doing.

  • WeaverReaver42
    WeaverReaver42 Member Posts: 213
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    as a killer main, I tried solo q and swfs because I wanted to hang out with friends and also see what it's like for survivors. The difference between the two is astounding. My preferred build goes from being insane because I can take people off the ground in record time to a roll of the dice because I have no way to let people consistently know I'm going for an unhook and a quick heal.

    My build should for all intents and purposes be good, but simply because I can't let other people know what I intend to do. it becomes a game where I have 3 chances to lose, and only with all 3 successes can I actually help my team. That doesn't even get into how camping negates my build simply because I have to either give up and go to gens or just sit around waiting for the person to die because the killer knows solo q players flock to a hooked survivor like flies (assuming they don't all just leave you on hook, which can also happen occasionally, but I don't see it often because I usually try and prevent that outcome.)

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 758
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    we need to give out as much information as possible for the solo, and after that buff the m1 of the killers very much

  • igotskiz
    igotskiz Member Posts: 18
    edited January 2023
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    And a good compromise for those who would think this would be going to far would be to have all SWFs identified in the lobbies. Overwatch originally showed Hero portraits linked together to identify people who were playing together and in what groups. It would identify anywhere from a whole 6 man team playing together to a duo, a trio and a solo player.

    You could add a bloodpoint bonus for playing against SWFs in higher group numbers and later possibly add a disconnect penalty in lobbies to keep Killers from dodging SWFs if it becomes an issue. Then give Killers built-in BBQ and Chili if they're playing against a 4 man to combat call-outs after getting a hook off.

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 758
    Admit SWFs are harder to beat because of info. Means Solo's should get info buff to close the gap with Swfs

    BP bonus is just useless