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how in hell do people find this game so horribly unbalanced?

dgbug Member Posts: 152

please, tell me. what do you find insanely unbalanced about this game? i just don't see it.


  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    I’ll use the term unbalanced for this both too strong and too weak

    Trapper’s entire existence is him being too weak, more than half of the survivor perks, more than half of the killer perks (these are my opinions on this part of it), Billy in his current state (add-on wise), Sadako is way too weak and her only real playstyle from what i’ve noticed from twitter atleast is her forcing condemnation, solo queue is abysmal, Michael has been sent to the void for as he is really weak but he also has add-ons that haven’t aged too well, Knight’s power looks weak, I haven’t seen enough out of it yet do I can’t say anything about that

    From what i’ve seen from the community, Nurse is OP, eruption has too much power behind it for specifically solo queue, I think thats about it I probably missed some since i’ve been playing way too much bloodborne recently

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    The maps are significantly unbalanced. That’s probably the most blatant imbalance in the game.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,853

    Without even being specific I would have to ask if you do not realise that an asymmetrical game is unbalanced by its very nature? Whether it is "insanely" unbalanced or not is a whole argument in itself (I would say it is not) but also a lot of the balance issues come down to RNG on certain maps where you can lose almost entirely based on RNG

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,896

    Unbalanced maps, perks, killers, items....

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Because matchmakimg im this game can be absolutely terrible.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Tbf an asymmetrical game is inherently unbalanced with none actually being able to strike it perfectly. That being said dbd isn’t too unbalanced with the only major outlier being maps

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Nurse. I think Nurse is unbalanced, when you combine her with perks who afflict the exposed status effect.

    Most other "unbalanced" things come down to context: Eruption is unbalanced for SoloQ player, Tombstone piece is unbalanced for anybody who never saw the Myers, camping is unbalanced when Bubba does it, Eary of Crows is unbalanced for Trapper, Garden of Joys mainbuilding is unbalanced for and M1 Killer...

    I think the term is used quiet broadly. However there are things that are too strong/too weak and as such nerfing and buffing is always a thing for a game that constantly evolves and adds new content. That is the nature of the game and nothing to rage about, however we should point out things we perceive as such to maybe get the devs attention or check or bias.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,209

    It's loosely balanced, rather than finely balanced. In the sense that, it's just as likely to get a 4K as a 0K, but you're not getting regular 2Ks. This is mostly down to RNG factors, and snowball effects.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    DbD is unbalanced

    As a assymetrical game with this much variety it has to be

    The real headscratcher is why people expect/want it to be not

    I can understand wanting to shave of the extreme outliners but too many people think a balanced game = a good game

    And sadly it isn't, a balanced game = a boring game cause you can predict what will happen

    In the current state of the game a game can swing completely in favor of a trapper with 2 lucky traps near basement despite him overall being regarded the weakest killer

    The more you bring everything to an equal level, the less surprises you'll get and that result in a stale game

    DbD is unbalanced, and thats why it has been such a succes

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,108

    I could name a million things. A favorite of mine to point out is hatch. But this time I'll settle for Pop. I thought 60-second Pop taking off 25% of a gen was fine. Then it was 45 seconds. Now it's still 45 seconds, except now it's 20% off of what's been done of the gen, not the whole gen. I can't see why this was needed, or who asked for it. It's literally a perk that rewards the killer for hooking as many people as he can, as opposed to camping or tunneling. "But it promoted camping and tunneling!" No... no.... What it did do in its prime was slow the game enough so that killers could go for chases. Now that it's essentially gone, alleged 90% of killers camp and tunnel. Who could have seen it coming?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,108

    It is one of the worst. Why else were Twins' or Nemesis' add-ons nerfed?

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481
    edited December 2022

    I personally don't think there's a general unbalance like "Survivors/Killers are OP!" though I do think there are some unbalanced situations where your hands are tied. Some perks are also debatable.

    Like what do I do here? LMAO. Do I have an option to do anything?

    Also why can't other killers just do this and get away with it? That's also an aspect to look at unbalance. The unbalance among the killers.

    Like... Okay... Traps.

    Then we have this LOL. She doesn't need to collect and setup sh*t just blink and kill all survivors.

  • dgbug
    dgbug Member Posts: 152

    solidarity is perfectly balanced... coh is too powerful but idk what you're on about

  • dgbug
    dgbug Member Posts: 152

    asymmetrical doesn't equal unbalanced. four 5 pound weights equal one 20 pound weight.

  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499

    No offense but how can you be this clueless? Just map rng itself can completely kill a match...

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,697

    Maps, perks are the top 2 unbalanced things in DBD.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I don't think as a whole DBD is wildly crazy unbalanced. I think there are certain aspects of the game are unbalanced and when you put these together it can seem like it's very unbalanced.

    Obviously maps and map RNG can be unbalanced at face value. Especially when you take into certain killers. Certain maps are heavily favored to one side of neutral based upon how it spawns. There's some Maps where certain killers can do well even if other killers don't, and then there's some that no killer is really that great on.

    The fact that map RNG can have such a massive outcome of a match yet you have very little control over it can make the game unbalanced. Yes you can technically win with any killer/survivor on any map, but the chances can decrease a tremendous amount just by spawning in on a certain map.

    Then add in the fact that killers/survivors know which maps to choose to give themselves an advantage. So the ability for survivors to pick say the Game map while you're trapper or clown already makes your chance of completely your object go down by a lot, which you can't control outside of burning an offering, which you can't do every match. Just like if it's a nut m scratched mirror Myers. Where do you think he's going to have a better chance at, Midwich? Or Eerie of Crows?

    So that's a major point that goes to making it feel unbalanced.

    You also have killer disparity. There's a lot of killers in this game now, and the gap between the best ones and worst ones is massive. Yes you can 4k with every killer with or without perks and add-ons. However the chances of doing well and doing well consistently goes up or down drastically depending on the killer.

    When you put together all the little things the game can seem very unbalanced.

    Let's say you decide to play sadako who you're okay with, not the best but still good, with some mid tier perks and some of her good addon's, not her best ones, but still decent. You load into a map and it's red forest and because matchmaking is what it is you're matched against a really good swf all running the best perks and items.

    You're probably gonna get stomped and it's going to feel bad.

    Now reverse the situation, you're sadako but you have her best addon's with a full slowdown build, and you choose Midwich for your offering. You're probably going to stomp that match.

    So it looks like it's balanced because in some matches you stomp the other team, others you get stomped. But in actuality there's a bunch of unbalanced things that occur each match that makes it more unbalanced for one side or the other.

    There's very few times where everything is balanced on both sides, where both sides have equal advantage and it solely comes down to skill. Why do you think there's so many rules and banned maps and perks and items in tournaments? Because there's so many things that are unbalanced that it's hard to gauge skill when you include those things.

  • Liam282
    Liam282 Member Posts: 219

    wait until you get into the higher levels and see the flaws. (Usually takes 5-10 hours)

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,238
    edited December 2022

    It's because there are so many broken things behavior still hasn't nerfed. Nurse, blight, eruption, facecamping, tunneling, etc to name a small number of them. If you want to bring the nuke as killer then you can. The average solo team has no counter to any of this provided the killer is competent. People constantly justify broken things being in the game due to a measly 4% of the survivor playerbase being four man SWF which is ridiculous IMO. The kill rate is 60+ percent at the highest MMR and that is NOT counting dcs. Nor does it show us kill rates for solo vs SWF. The escape rate is probably significantly LOWER than what they're showing when you consider how many people DC. Solo probably escapes 1/4 of the time at best. That's not a balanced game IMO. The only people who think the game is balanced are people who rarely play solo queue survivor. Any sane person who plays solo can quickly tell there are major balance issues with the game.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    It gets a lot trickier when all the 5 pound weights have four weights hanging on to them ranging from 1-10 pounds each and some of the 5 pounds weights can be removed halfway, the 20 pound weight is actually 15-30 pounds with four weight hanging to them ranging from 1-10 where sometimes some drop off and you're using a scale that will randomly add pounds to either side

    But that brings my point across really well, the above one is also way more interresting, there isn't much you can do with four 5 pounds and one 20 pounds and will get stale really fast

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104
    edited December 2022

    A better question would be: What actually is balanced in DbD? I can't think of anything.

    What's unbalanced? Starting spawns, maps, multiple categories of perks, killers, loop strengths, audio volumes of each survivor, the ungodly loudness of the bloodwebs, amount of cosmetics per survivor or killer, hitboxes... and I am sure I missed some.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481
    edited December 2022

    So you think perks like solidarity are solid balanced perks that don't get outperformed by other actually useful perks at our disposal?


    Also that wasn't what I demonstrated to you at all. I was pointing out the unbalance among the perks in the game may it be too powerful or outright useless...

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    RNG plays a heavier roll in who will win the game then the skill of the actual players. Plus MMR has proven to still through people of wildly different skill levels into the same match but now people try harder for no reason.

  • Droneinthrwind
    Droneinthrwind Member Posts: 102

    I mean, 500+ win streaks shouldn't exist on both sides if game was balanced no matter how good you are. At some point you should run into someone better than you, but people don't because mmr does almost nothing. You kill all survivors at 5 gens 100 time in a row and next game you can still get baby megs for some reason.

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542

    You have these things causing imbalance :

    Matchmaking will look further and further to find 5 players for a match, even if their skills are not the same.

    Players on the Survivor team can group up in 2/3/4 with different skill levels.

    There are 40 maps with slight differences between them.

    Some maps have 8 pallets, some have over 25.

    There are 30 different Killers each with their own unique power which synergise with certain perks, and require survivors to approach each of them differently. Each killer also has 20 add-ons which alter their power in certain ways.

    Survivors have items which allow them to see all the generators, allow them to finish generators faster, break hooks, heal themselves, blind the killer or cause the killer to drop a survivor.

    There are 219 different perks which change the gameplay of both Killers and Survivors.

  • dgbug
    dgbug Member Posts: 152
    1. yes that's how matchmaking works
    2. yes that's how swf works
    3. yes, there are different maps
    4. that's a wild overstatement. some maps have many more pallets than others, but that isn't a balance issue necessarily
    5. yes??? that's how the game works???
    6. again, that's a part of the game
    7. and this makes it unbalanced how?

    you just said a bunch of stuff that's true with the game. you didn't say how it's unbalanced /gen