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The way eruption is carrying killers in solo q is actually insane
I would consider myself high mmr survivor based on the type of killers I face and sweaty teamates I get (sometimes of course this won't be the case and I will get your average self care Claudette and Bill who will run from the opposite side of the map to farm me) and the amount of times this perk straight up changed the outcome of the match is actually unbelievable and those were matches where everyone was doing good so the killer was not some noob and my teamates had a brain
it's basically at the most tense point of the match 1/2 gens left some people are on death hook, we have someone running the killer with limited pallets left and the rest of us are being smart by staying injured and just pushing those last 1/2 gens that are at 80-90% and then bam - the killer gets the down and 25 seconds no one can do #########
as everyone here with experience in this game knows, every second in the match is crucial, especially near the end where everyone must play perfectly if it's a close call.
This perk needs to change, it's way too powerful, it should be either just 10% off the gen or just the status effect, but both is borderline oppressive
I think most people can agree the way the perk is currently designed is too much.
28 -
Can we stop saying “high MMR” like it means anything? The cap is so low basically everyone has reached it
But you are right about eruption. It’s unfairly strong against solo queue
35 -
You can basically copy & paste this text onto almost every meta Surv Perk or Red Addon.
Adrenaline/Unbreakable/Syringes/BNPs/Dead Hard/etc./etc.
Like how often do those perks/items carry the most average survivors through matches they shouldnt have won?
You cannot glue yourself to that one strong perk that killers have until it gets butchered (like corruption/ruin/noed/etc) while merely every surv meta perk is carrying their mistakes.
Devs have to lift soloQ communication until it is en par with swf.
Otherwise there will never be balance in this game.
Right now the game is so disgustingly surv sided and SWF is utterly broken. And still, survs get upset about one perk they cannot counter by just brain afking...
(small tip, dont 3 gen yourself and dont do a kicked gen if someone is in chase if the killer has erruption :) )
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29 -
oh here is the regular I will counter your arguments with my arguments about the other side
adrenaline - the survivors have to finish the gens to do even get value from this 1 time use perk and it still does not guarantee it will achieve anything unless you can coordinate some cool adrenaline play - which you cannot in solo q
unbreakable - are you serious? It's the killer's mistake he slugged someone, the killer made a risky choice, and if there's unbreakable in play
it's on them
dead hard - nerfed
old ds - nerfed
off the record - nerfed, does not work end game
bnps and syringe are powerful yes but not in the same extent eruption is, unless you once again have 4 man team with 4 bnps which you won't have in your average solo q match
yes because I am able to control if 3 gen happens or no in solo :) and if the killer has gen-kicking perks there are high chances that at the point of the match where we are at 1 gen or 2 gens left all gens have been kicked :)
I personally have nothing against old killer meta with ruin undying as they are easily countered, even pr/dms has a counter when you are on your own, but Eurption is overtuned far more than those older killer meta perks
19 -
The game really isn't that Survivor-sided anymore.
The game tends to side towards whoever wants to play meaner.
49 -
you are absolutely right I hate using the term, I just thought it's the easiest way to point out how I am not playing with your average crouch in the corner waiting for hatch survivors, but that I do get good teammates in solo and yet even tho everyone played really well with the handicap of not having coordination, not knowing everyone's perks and etc and even with that and the fact that we were about to pop all gens with 4 of us still alive (a miracle in solo) against a good killer there's that one eruption moment that causes us to lose
5 -
Why did you let a 3 gen happen ?
4 -
IF 3 gen happens it's because I am playing solo q (literally I am talking about solo q - its in the thread title) and you cannot coordinate what everyone else is doing, your teammates have no idea what gens is everyone else on if everyone spreads out and they have no idea where or where not to run the killer because they do not know where everyone else is
12 -
Cause you don't control all 4 survivors yourself. It's a multiplayer game.💀
20 -
I'll be honest, the second I hear "I'm high mmr" or some variation of it, I stop caring. MMR doesn't matter and is barely any measure of skill. The matchmaking cap is so low that it basically has the same meaning that "I'm a rank 1" use to have.
3 -
I explained why I used the term 4 posts above, it's literally just to point out how I am not playing with some rank 20 pre-drop everything Megs who do not even know what Eruption is, like I could have just written I get good teamates and eurption is still OP and it would not change anything. Ty for not reading the rest of the post I guess
6 -
Mad at eruption
Post edited by BoxGhost on12 -
Just like the old *cough - cough* Dead hard.
2 -
Eruption is still weaker than Pop used to be.
Pop was the perk that carried killers and losing that was a huge deathblow to gen defense.
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The killer can only chase 1 survivor at the same time, soloQ or not it’s a skill issue if you let a 3gen happen.
Skill issue. Play Clairvoyance.
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People defending current Eruption unironically. Hilarious
26 -
Not everybody has to play the game 8 hours a day.🤡
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You don’t have to. It’s a party game, break a totem with Clairvoyance and tada you can prevent any 3gen.
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Deja Vu would do that better than Clairvoyance, methinks. It doesn’t require a totem
7 -
Now how's that going to prevent the 3 randoms I get matched with to do whatever gen they wanna do?
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It doesn’t matter what they are doing. You can repair gens yourself. Usually doing the right 1 or 2 can prevent that.
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"It doesn’t matter what they are doing."
18 -
Because they're too afraid it'll be taken away from them.😞
16 -
Agreed. Personally It doesn't carry me at all because I just don't like taking time to kick gens, and give survivors any more distance than I have to. If I'm going for any slowdown, it's gonna be perks like Jolt, SH: Pain Resonance, Dead Mans Switch, Deadlock, Thrilling Tremors, or at worst Hex: Ruin because I favor automatic gen regression and blocking over the manual versions. True PGTW, Call Of Brine, Overcharge, Oppression, and Eruption are more powerful slowdowns, but they all depend upon wasting time kicking gens when you should be moving from chase to chase asap. Equipping those perks incentivizes you to waste time, whereas going with automatic gen regressors incentivizes you to down and hook survivors as much as possible since they're triggered by doing so.
Eruption to me is just a waste of time, sure it can cause a decent amount of regression, and prevent survivors from doing their primary objective for 25 seconds, but when I compare that progression loss to a good Jolt+SH:PR+DMS combo, of which I can get multiple times in more rapid succession, and triggering them means that I'm winning by gaining hooks and downs... There's no contest as to which is the more efficient choice.
I know some people are gonna say "Eruption is just 1 perk, and you have to use 3 to come close to competing with it" and to them I agree, but if automatic slowdown was as strong as manual, then there'd be no point in ever going manual. The trade off for automatic is that it does less, but is far more consistent, mostly unpreventable, and is triggered by your performance. Most of the manual ones however have the potential to do more, but their trade off is that you waste time kicking gens rather than chasing/downing survivors, and worst of all, they also can mostly be countered by a survivor simply tapping a gen.
The only reason survivors are butt hurt over Eruption is because they can't counter when it triggers by getting off the gen beforehand unless they have a perk like Empathy to see who is getting chased and how close they are to being downed. However, they often forget that Eruption is a 2 part "Setup and Trigger" perk that requires the killer to first waste time kicking gens, and then once prepped, chase and down a survivor. They don't realize how often a killer with Eruption will waste time kicking said gens only to enter a chase that takes longer than 25 seconds to get the down to trigger it, at which point, typically, at least 1 affected gen gets completed, thusly making the time the killer took to kick it in the first place completely worthless. This is exactly why I don't use it, and believe the only killers that can actually get any use from it are the ones that either have high mobility or can insta down frequently, because those killers make up for the time they lose kicking gens by being more efficient at downing survivors quickly. To me though that seems like an awful lot of effort when those same killers could instead just use their mobility or insta downs to trigger multiple automatic slowdown perks, and not have to spend any time dropping potential chases by kicking gens.
If I equip slowdown, it's typically 2 perks at most since the majority of my builds are made around chase, tracking, or downing advantage vs slowdown, because I've adapted my style around "Kill Rushing" in order to combat "Gen Rushing", and it's working out pretty great for me. Either that or complete meme builds designed to waste survivors time or distract them from the gens with perks like Franklin's Demise, Hex: Plaything, Deathbound, Overwhelming Presence, Hex: Third Seal, Hex: Huntress Lullaby or Healing slowdowns, because they're both fun to use and annoying as hell to the survivors. They may not be as effective at getting wins for me as a slowdown or chase build would, but the amount of salt I receive in the post game chat is priceless, and gives me a good laugh every time they complain about perks they could have easily ignored and just gen rushed through instead of falling for the distraction. Seriously, I'll never get tired of survivors Running back for a dropped item only to find it in one of my Trails of Torment, and purposely become tormented just to get it back before it's charges drain... sigh, so much fun!
Overall, Eruption can be very costly to the survivors gen progress and time if its pulled off before any of the affected gens get completed, but honestly the amount of time it wastes for the killer and loss of potential chases is hardly worth the investment to me when I could be using that time to chase, use up pallets, and down survivors instead. In the end, I feel my way of doing things is just more efficient, and Eruption or manual slowdown perks like it, are too much of a time wasting distraction to be useful in the mid to high SBMM games, so I just pass them up when making my builds.
Automatic Slowdown Perks>Manual Slowdown perks because you are incentivized to gain slowdown by chasing and downing survivors instead of wasting time and potential chases kicking gens. While not as potent in damage to gen progress, It's better to be rewarded with slowdown automatically, and more frequently for doing your job as a killer efficiently, than it is to be distracted by a perk that costs you chase time with the promise that you'll get value from it as long as the survivors don't stop the slowdown by tapping the gen, or in Eruptions case, finish the affected gen before you can get a down to activate it. Survivors don't like Eruption because it wastes their time when it triggers, and they can't always predict when it's gonna activate on them, but they also don't realize how rarely it triggers on all intended gens before they're completed while the killer is chasing a teammate. Eruption and Manual Slowdown perks are inefficient time wasters for killers that gen rushing survivors can take advantage of more often than the killers. Just my opinion.
Post edited by TWiXT on3 -
You'd be surprised at how many delusional people are on this forum. There are people who will defend this perk until they are blue in the face. "just never go down" or "just use your telepathic abilities to perfectly predict when your teammates are going down ez". Even trolls on Steam have more rational takes about this game than some of the people on this forum. I think the defense of this perk is as simple as people knowing how broken it is and not wanting to see it get nerfed. It's like people who defended old dead hard as being fine.
19 -
10% for eruption without incapacitated would make the perk near useless. (Against swf especially who are not phased by it)
Assuming that 10% takes from total repair and not from current progress done, it would mean it causes 9s of repair undone.
The full power of the perk on a single gen that had a survivor on it is 9s of progress loss plus 6.25s of additional loss from regressing for 25s. That is 15.25s of progress removed with a guarantee that repair wont restart for 25s.
If nobody was on the gen then the progress loss is only 9s and regression wont start.
Wanting the second option only would make the perk no longer useful in builds. It's purpose is to disrupt current repair and prevent it for a while.
If you balance a perk for soloq would make it non viable against swf.
Some middle ground would work like 10% progress loss as it is present in both scenarios , since it regresses in the first one and not in the second one take half of that which would be 3% of regression , and half the block from 25s to 12.5s.
New eruption would be :
All kicked gens lose 13% percent of progress and are blocked for 12.5s regardless if anyone was working on them.
3 -
So the solution is add comms but tgen people cry of others may be childish.
1 -
In this thread: the very killers being talked about trying to defend the OP perk giving them wins they maybe didn't deserve.
17 -
Thats because it doesn't matter I've seen otz get put in marches with survivors that bad. Like I said the MMR doesn't matter when it heavily prioritizes queue times like the current system does. Frankly you probably don't get good teammates as often as you think.
1 -
Like don't get me wrong solo queue sucks right now and has for years but you including the bit about mmr means nothing and only tells me you think it works like most mmr systems which it doesn't when over half the playerbase gets put in games with people over the matchmaking cap. Also we know all this due to data miners and what bhvr has told us themselves so I'm not guessing.
0 -
This ^
2 -
I do not think it works I literally wrote that sometimes I get bad teamates, but I would say on average I get good killers and good teamates, and the point was just to explain how OP this perk is even against good players, when i get bas teamates killer can win perkless it doesn't matter
1 -
not you writing an entire chapter of war and peace there to defend this perk against solo players just to sneak in equip empathy to counter it as if empathy shows you the killer aura as well
these people never play solo q I swear
8 -
Man reading this thread makes me wonder if survivors actually like playing against me despite the awful comments I have received, simply because I do not bring busted eruption. Eruption needs a nerf.
0 -
How do you know when they're about to down someone?
11 -
I'd disagree that the perk is borderline oppressive - it's outright oppressive.
When it's stacked with perks that give 400% regression combined, it becomes borderline impossible to get anything done. By the time the gens have unblocked, you've gone off and unhooked someone, healed or done a chase etc they can be down to almost nothing from 99% in tens of seconds. If this were an odd one off then fine but the fact it can happen multiple times in a match is just far too much. Its a bit of a perfect storm.
9 -
Just get to the point where you don't even debate or acknowledge the few people who actually defend this perk. They don't care about balance, they care about losing a perk they run in 95% of their builds because they know how overtuned and strong it is. They are not unbiased, they either don't play solo and/or are killer 'mains'. Everyone with a brain and experience in solo que can see that Eruption is not healthy for the game as solo que is the majority. Anyone disputes that, just roll your eyes & move on. No point talking to a wall.
8 -
Apparently BHVR feels like solo queue is just fine. They’ve done nothing to address the major issues that survivor players have been discussing on the forums for a long time, such as status indicators to provide teammates with additional information (which SWF have built in) or adjusting killer perks that punish solo queue but are much weaker against SWF.
When I play survivor, I play mostly solo q. I have some good matches occasionally, but there are a lot of miserable ones too. It’s really sad that BHVR could very easily implement a few fixes to improve the solo q experience, but they seem to have no interest in doing so. It has become harder and harder to motivate myself to play the game anymore.
2 -
After seeing what you can do with pinhead with the knight's perks, I've realized bhvr either don't care or are purposefully making playing against killers unbearable in solo q.
Either way I won't waste a minute and a half of my life playing gen simulator only for the killer to use broken perks to literally rob me of my time.
I'd rather play truck simulator.
5 -
yeah I guess you are right, it's funny how they will ignore this and then whine about survivor perks, hypocrisy at its best
it's also funny how people are straight-up ignoring the fact that I am talking about solo q (literally in the thread title), in swf this perk and most of the killers are a joke to deal with since you know exactly what everyone else is doing (another topic completely)
but in solo where you have 4 people alive (and you are facing a good killer who knows what they are doing) and 4-3 gens done which is a miracle by itself (which means even with lack of coordination and communication everyone managed to play well for the team to be doing this well) and then just by the sheer fact that solo q does not have comms one down can completely destroy momentum that was a struggle to reach to begin with feels like a slap in the face
6 -
"Pay atention to what gens they kick and stay close to the gen" what? 95% of times you cannot see the chase while repairing the kicked gen.
Empathy does not show you when a teammate goes down.
14 -
Sorry everytime I try type I get huge spaces and when I try fix it it gets worse..
0 -
A new video came out where streamer/youtuber Hens333 forced a 3 gen on dead dog against a SWF. Eruption is so strong that he forced the game to go on until the time limit expired and all of the survivors instantly died. Is this being possible really something that is good for the game? It's definitely a video the devs should consider looking at if they don't understand why these perks are not fun to go against. It creates this long attrition battle at the end of a game where no one wants to concede.
12 -
I hate Eruption for 4 reasons and not because it is a strong perk.
- The Incapacitated status effect as a feature of a perk is an awful implementation. The other instances of Incapacitation are caused by killer powers (Victor, Slinger and Huntress' Weighted Head) and in those cases it makes perfect sense since you got shot by something.
- It has truly atrocious counterplay without comms. An injured survivor can go down in the next instant or they can loop the killer for a minute you just never know. The killer just always gets too much value vs SoloQs unless they somehow manage to finish the gen before that player goes down.
- It affects generators that have full regressed to 0%. If the gen is at 0% then the regression perk has done it's job. It shouldn't be able to kick you in the nuts 80 seconds after you started working on a dead gen as a cherry on top.
- 25 seconds is just too long. In an ADHD world it's long enough for a person to alt-tab out and forget they're even in a game of DbD.
14 -
Absolutely agreed. Like when I run Dead Hard, the killer starts chasing me so I start zig zagging around to confuse them and get them to miss, they get up behind me so I press my E button and they just...wait? Cool, no perk for me and now I'm exhausted on the ground.
Same with Circle of Healing. I spend the first 5 minutes of every match finding a totem to bless but by the time I get it up, 2 people are already hooked and no gens are done?? Wow, such an OP perk.
So then I switch to killer and bring Eruption and I kick a gen, spend the next 2 minutes chasing a person and guess what? That gen I kicked got completed! I even was playing Blight with Alch Ring/Iri Blight Tag but the survivors kept not being in the way of my rushes so those add ons aren't even good.
Even the dreaded Starstruck/Agi Nurse build is useless because apparently you have to down someone just to get value?? Like, what am I, the Ninja of Dead by Daylight here? Nurse is literally slower than a survivor and I need a whole down just to be able to get value from these perks?
Then people in these forums come in and just post the most outrageous claims. SMH my head
4 -
"this perk was nerfed at some point" =/= "this perk is perfectly balanced"
"it's the survivor's mistake he got downed, the survivor made a risky choice, and if eruption is in play it's on them"
1 -
I personally think yes eruption should be nerfed, but its so funny before this update the killer slowdown was easy af to counter, ruin/undying had no right staying on more than 40 seconds against people who were semi-decent, and dms/painres literally gave out a warning to counter it, people literally had a meta that you could counter easily but complained so much that bhvr did the bhvr thing and replaced it with an abomination of a meta that is virtually uncounterable.
1 -
Now honestly, if you spent 2 minutes chasing a person with a iri tag/alc ring Blight that is not proof that eruption is balanced, it is proof that you are underperforming with one of the strongest killers.
Most blights can end chases in less than a minute.
5 -
Really mods? You couldn't just edit my post? I'm using a samsung flip 4 so I contest.