Cannot Pip Up on Solo Q

I hate to beat a dead horse but #########? 8 out of the last 10 games in solo Q I’ve played someone has DC’d, the other two someone hook suicided. I’ve been stuck in gold ranks all month because I’ll get maybe one game that doesn’t start as a 3v1 basically. Of coarse the killer of the match is going hard with 3-4 Gen slowdowns, so it’s basically impossible to really do anything. Lately I’ve just been bringing totem finding builds because I know that’s the only way to really get points and hopefully pip. DC is so bad right now ugh.


  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,564

    Yea, pretty much unless you are in a good SWF or you are a juking looping god that makes Nurses cry, you're not going to get very high, especially not in Solo Q. Hell, you make it to gold you're doing better than me.

    "Oh, getting Iridescent I isn't about skill, it's just how much you play."

  • Cassiopeiae
    Cassiopeiae Member Posts: 263

    You can definetly get to Iri II at the very least in Solo Q.

  • BougieBlackChick
    BougieBlackChick Member Posts: 316

    I’ve always gotten to IRI 1 the last few months but this month I’ve been stuck at IRI 4 for over a week now.

    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve depipped due to survivors DCing and suiciding on hook.

    I’ve also had matches where because the killer was AFK the survs knocked out gens super fast. Because of this I got one gen done, no unhooks, cleansed three totems, opened chests and ESCAPED and still depip.

    It’s crappy that the pip system is affected by how others in the game choose to play or not play. Like I’m not saying gives us free pips but don’t take away pips we earned becuz someone else DCs or refuses to participate. Give us a safety pip

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    I only play solo and always get to Iri 1 within 2 weeks of reset and I get DC's etc and I cant deny I will yeet out of the odd match here and there when it is hopeless or just plain toxic (not condoning).

    I don't actively try to get to rank 1 either as who cares at this point right? But if I want the full BP on reset and want to rank up I use the same tactics:

    I will not start the first gen I spawn by, I will instead cross to where the killer likely spawned and do that gen as 9 times out of 10 the killer crossed map to where I was. I try to get my gen points in the bag early on so the next part of my mission is saves/heals and bringing something like We'll Make It not only gives you great opportunity for full heals, it really helps your team against most killers.

    Finally is chases (though sometimes you get them at times you don't choose of course) so bear in mind that getting a killer to chase you and instantly running towards areas of the map with no gens or middle buildings etc where they will drop chase = chase won. You can do this multiple times in a single match and if you already did a gen and 3/4 (or 2), got an unhook or 2 and 'won' a couple of chases you should be pipping up fairly easily.

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    SoloQ is very rough. You can get to Iri, but it takes forever with the way everyone is playing. Yesterday I needed one more pip to rank up, and instead two survivors dc’d at five gens. The killer still played as hard as possible against us two, with five gens that obviously weren’t going to get completed…was rather comical at that point.

    I really feel it’s way too easy to lose a pip and way too hard to get it back. I wonder why they don’t do something like, once you have a pip you can’t lose it? If anything just make it a little harder to gain another one…that way even though it still may take longer to rank up w bad matches, you won’t lose what you’ve already earned.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    While I do agree that you can have those days or nights where ranking up is near impossible, I won't say you can't pip up in solo que. Just gotta do a lot more work to compensate for those types of teammates.

    I was gold 1 last night and needed 2 pips to hit Iridescent.

    Won my first match & got out, pip. Immediately after, went against a Wesker who just tunneled & even face camped me, while teammates just unhooked me for points and ran off, no bodyblocks, no taking a hit, etc. Depipped.

    Next match, a Freddy on Swamp. 2 of my teammates were death hook and we had 1 gen left. Eventually, he started to catch me and I was soon death hook. Kid you not, the Meg & David who were on death hook weren't even trying to do a gen, they just walked around in the corners of the map too afraid to do anything. Thankfully the other person who hadn't been hooked (who was trying to help me repair the final gen) got it done and we all got out. +2 pipped into Iridescent, called it a night there lol.

    Being stuck in gold for a month...yea IDK bout that. I'd assume you're not playing well or efficiently. We all get those teammates that D/C, snowball the match or just kill themselves on hook, it sucks but you should still find some matches to +pip if you focus on a little bit of everything. Even in some matches where my teammates have D/C'd or killed themselves, I've surprised myself and pip'd.

    But yea, solo que is very bad. No disagreements there.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    ya for everyone of you there are 20 killers who use that as a sign to just wholesale slaughter.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    I am surprised noone has asked this but what is your build? I honestly don't think pipping in solo should be hard, escaping is a different story. Pipping with survivors generally follows something like the 2x2x2 rule. 2 good chases, 2 gens and 2 unhooks. 2 perks I think help out tremendously with solo are, Kindred and Distortion. Kindred because you can ensure unhooking is safer and that you dont waste time going for an unhook when someone else is already there. Distortion, one of the best survivor perks in general IMO, gives you information on the killers perks, and prevents you from being the target frequently. We'll make it can also help with your benevolence emblem. Bring a med kit unless multiple people are, in that case bring COH and a map that can track totems, less likely to get franklins. Information is your best friend in solo queue so aura reading perks will be the most helpful outside of your chase perk (possibly more helpful than your chase perk). Windows of Opp, Fogwise, Alert, Bond, and Empathy are great additions to know where your safe spots are, teammates are, and the killer is. If you make a build with 1 stealth perk, 1 assist perk, 1 chase perk, and 1 info perk you should do well. (example could be Distortion, Kindred, Lithe and Fogwise).

    Don't treat solo queue like SWF when it comes to your build. Meme builds are much harder to pull off and some great GREAT perks and items lose a lot of value in solo. Like Adrenaline is often very powerful because a teammate can trigger it while youre in chase. If you dont have a health state loss and are not in chase its actually a hinderance as it exhausts you. Toolboxes are weaker too because its hard to coordinate which gens you are doing to know which gen needs prioritizing. Deliverance, Prove thyself, Reassurance, Kinship, For the People, Botany Knowledge all work better with a team knowing you have them or helping you use them.

  • MisterMister
    MisterMister Member Posts: 278

    Maybe you guys didn’t read what I wrote but I don’t have build issues or efficiency issues it’s the disconnects and suicides on hook at 5 gens leading to a 3v1 in just about every single game that is the issue. As I stated in my OP, 10 out of 10 games was a DC or suicide on hook at 5 gens.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    The DC/hook-suicides are clearly messing the chances to pip.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,167

    I can't keep my sanity in solo queue. After 5 years I've reached a point where I will only play survivor with at least a couple of friends now.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    I did read it. Yes and I said some nights or days you will have those. It happens. 3 nights ago I played 5 matches and someone either D/C'd or killed themselves on hook at 5 or 4 gens, in all 5 of those matches, I did not live and I lost 3 pips. I ended up closing the game after that cause I just felt 'whats the point'. But to not move out of gold in 1 months time? Nah that's partially on you. I've also had matches where 1-2 people kill themselves on hook at 5/4 gens, just because of the killer they're facing and I still manage to +pip or at the very least, black pip.

    Ex. Faced a Spirit almost a week ago, 2 of my teammates got caught at the very beginning and both wanted to kill themselves on hook. Eventually they succeeded but me and the Vittorio who stayed in the match, decided to just try for points, we still did gens when the other was being chased, we still went and saved each other every time (thankfully Spirit was nice enough to not just sit at hook and actually let us save each other each hook state), and she didn't tunnel one of us, she took turns chasing both of us. In the end we still died, but I +pip'd. Pretty sure the Vitt did too.

    There are a lot of situations that you can still turn around and make something out of. Not always, but there are definitely a lot of surprising matches like I said that seemed like a depip but turned out to be a black pip or +pip.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    Assuming I get easy killers over and over while you only get difficult ones is another part of coping. I guess you don't want to admit that but that's alright (also since when is Spirit an 'easy' killer, sure not as strong as before but strong nonetheless). I go against Nurses, Blights and a range of others, with some of those players having thousands of hours in the game. But tell yourself whatever you want man. :)

    GL getting out of gold in the next season with your mindset.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    You got mad I pointed out you shouldn't be hard stuck in gold for a month, then started being condescending and rude. Nothing of substance to add again, anyways I'll see myself out. GL.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,148

    I get to iri 1 in solo pretty much every month, but getting from mid-golds to iri 1 takes as long as everything before.

    The disconnection issue is a huge part of why this is. Getting from ash-silver is strictly a matter of time, but I would say getting from mid-gold-iri 1 (especially iri 4 - iri 1) actually does require some skill, especially when a good portion of your games are essentially 3v1. You really have to buckle down and play opportunistically when you get near the end.

    And since those 3v1 games are essentially lost in terms of advancing in grade, you have to have some time to burn to get to iri 1. Unless you have a lucky run, it's not going to be an efficient run.

    At the very least I think it should be that no one can de-pip in a match with a DC, but you have to be careful not to give too much to people for a teammate DCing, because that could be abused.

  • MisterMister
    MisterMister Member Posts: 278

    Annoyed about someone speaking something they know nothing about is not the same as mad dude. You clearly have no idea what I’m talking about, or you DC/Hook Suicide all the time, or you’re probably just new to the game and have yet to play serious killers. Please though, see yourself out

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    No I recognize this but disconnects and people giving up doesn't mean you auto depip. You have the same actions that you need to complete. If youre in a 3v1 you can still unhook, do gens, chase, and heal. If you continue playing to the fullest you should be able to safety pip most of the time and focus on pipping when you have others who actually play.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I just find it funny how so many people have issues with DCs and rage quits being so common but people still support it and dont think it's an issue.

    These are the reasons solo Q can suck so much, not so much balance but the entitlement of survivors and them throwing most games

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188
    edited December 2022

    I'll bite since you wanted to assume some more. Lots of 'or or or' in there, good rational post man.

    Annoyance = someone disagrees with me, tells me to play better, can't take it so lash out with condescending and rude comments. Check!

    I know a lot about what I'm saying, you just don't like the fact I called you out for being stuck in gold for a month. I have over 2k hours in this game, been Iri1 for both killer and survivor in the past, and I'm Iri now. You can keep assuming and deflecting everything on to others though, you're good at that at least. And if you were so good and you only got strong killers like Nurse & Blight, yet you claim being hard stuck for a month in gold, your MMR would go down and you'd face 'easier' killers as you put it. Stop acting like you're the only one going against S tier killers, and S tier only. Especially in solo Q. You're not. Don't gotta lie bout it on the forums, ma dude.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    Basically I am trying to say a DC has minor effects on three of the four emblems but if instead of focusing on whats hindering you focus on what you can do you should still be able to pip with 1 person missing. Knowing what in the emblems does help. Totem finding will get you a little lightbringer but not really enough for what you want if you are dedicating perks to it since dull totems dont offer much in the ways of LB. That was why I was recommending a build change to max out what you can do with the 4 emblems.

    Lightbringer- Doing Gens, Being chased while gens are worked on, and Hex totems are the main ways to boost this.

    Benevolence- Healing and unhooking safely. A unsafe unhook essentially elimates everything.

    Survival- 5 minutes and 9 minutes for bronze and silver, escape for gold, never go down for iri

    Evader- Being in the killers terror radius or being chased.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    I try to sweat during gold but once I hit Iri 4 I just chill out and play whatever build I wanna play. if I pip up it's all good etc. De-pipping from being too efficient though is definitely bull and I've advocated about pipping once on a win. It also feels unfair to de-pip if killer is AFK and especially if they're playing with no terror radius, can't even do anything with that.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 451

    I don't quite understand why people care so much about ranking up. If it gave proper rewards I'd understand, but it just gives a bunch of BP.

    Plus, it's not like in other competitive games where your rank helps you get matched with similar skilled people. You're gonna get the exact same awful matches regardless of rank. So what is the point?

    I mean, I play half-casually (trying to win, but not trying to sweat) and I get to iri III each month. It's really not that difficult, it's just a matter of playing many matches and you'll eventually get there.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,564

    I play more than most streamers I know and I get camped or tunneled out 9/10 matches. When you lose pips after every match you get them, it doesn't matter how much you play. You're just lucky not to be the one camped/tunneled.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,564
    edited December 2022

    Yes, I rarely get out of bronze, and yes I actually have been playing a lot less since Wesker, now I usually only play with streamer friends, otherwise I play killer... where its POP POP POP POP POP. So now I just play Pig with a total end game build for the laughs of when I do manage to get a 3K/4K before the last gen is done, I can say they lost to a perkless Pig.