Event's not worth playing as survivor

Too many sweaty tryhard killers, event is not fun with these competitive cringelords running around
Tunneling and camping at 4-5 gens, so lame zzzz...
Event's not fun with genrushing survivors who tryhard with map offerings.
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I'm solo, I never do that, too many sweaty killers ruining this event for solo q players
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Too many sweaty survivors
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I feel like they need to make a separate game mode when it comes to events. You want to play normal/sweaty games can play the normal game mode, otherwise there's a separate event mode that isn't the normal game that you can earn event stuff in. This way players that want to goof off and have fun have the event and those that don't have the normal game mode.
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It's been mentioned a few times about maybe having competitive vs casual modes, but others have mentioned that alot of the time sweaty players will take advantage of easy kills/escapes. So chances of sweaty players sticking to competitive mode is slim. Most will still come over to casual because they don't want to play against people with their same energy
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I’ve had nothing but try hard gen rush survivors all day. Lots of eryie and cold wind offerings with BNP’s.
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By event mode I mean an entirely different mode that is specific to the event, remove aspects that could make it sweaty. Like a 10 minute hide and go seek where survivors need to hop in and out of as many snowmen as possible while killers need to pop them - be like whack a mole. Something goofy for players to just chill out.
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Anyway here's some quality advice for both of you
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Noooo not logical advice that makes sense....my eyes burn.....
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Competitive mode would likely disable things like Challenge and Daily Ritual contribution, so people aren't sabotaging games trying to do those. It would also come with certain OP add-ons and items disabled, and potentially some form of ban system to prevent OP killers from flat out wiping the floor with you, also map offerings would have to be disabled.
It would exist purely for the try-hard leaderboard, but no one who actually enjoys the game would be playing it.
Ultimately, if you're experiences ONLY try-hards, whatever role you play, then your MMR is probably too high. You shouldn't have grinded it out guys, it's not a reward or a status symbol.
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I wish most people understand this, especially Killers just try everything for 4K steaks and wonder why they vs Survivors who try everything for escape streak.
Then pull the "you're probably not at High MMR" card everytime.
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i disagree, i actually fun and even had killers giving me hatch
my killers on the other hand....well let's just say people are not having fun they are just gen rushing and to my advantage actually since they always tend to 3 gen themselves
and i have tampered timer so, they just tend to kill themselves and i get the satisfaction of a pop
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Or killers using snowmen to camp more effectively
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I have not really seen anything out of the ordinary, in fact if anything it has been less sweaty. Experiences may differ of course...
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It happen in both sides.
Survivors barely use the snowmen this year because they don't grant an extra hit like last year.
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Just play the game normally. It's not like you have to escape or deposit something in order to get items. Complaining about not being allowed to live on past events have now given us a very generic holiday event. It's just the normal game with a holiday tome.
Complain about sweaty killers/survivors during event. Complain about them between events. Complain about them during bloodhunts and blood rushes. Seems like you just want to play an easier game.
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every time I try to “do my part” and play more relaxed with a mid-low tier killer and not “try-hard”, I get 2 hooks before all the gens are done and t-bagged at the exit gate.
but at least YOU had fun!!
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I mean, yeah. Sure, it was BS with some Killer-Powers, but why should anyone make themselves an easy target when you lose a Health State anyway?
The only time I did it was to get the Archive-Challenge done. And even this has the risk of Killers NOT hitting the Snowmen to deny this Archive-Challenge.
IMO the Snowmen not working like last year made the event really lackluster already.
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If there's a snowman near the hook, and you haven't seen the killer for a while, it's probably a camper.
It was completely broken. The simple fact that you could use them, mid chase, to gain an extra health state was bogus.
Snowmen are excellent for stealth. Seeing savvy survivors already using them as extra lockers.
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You couldn't use them midchase because if you got hit mid animation, it would still injure you. Killers could also pick killers that could completely negate the snowmen
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I feel like it's worth trying at least. Sweaty players pretty much take advantage of playstyle differences already in the one game mode we have. You can be an absolute sweatlord on killer or a 4 stack and win the overwhelming majority of your games by trying harder than your opponent.
The downside would be, like you mentioned, that those players tend to not have the same energy when they actually run into players trying as hard as they are. And I've seen it from both ends. 4 slowdown hard tunneling killers having absolute meltdowns against a smart 4 stack, and a sweaty 4 stack baby raging against a killer who regularly scrims against much sweatier players than them. A certain portion of the tryhard community is only doing it for the power trip, not from a competitive mindset.
And queue times have to be considered, although I think a ranking system could cause the game to actually grow, because a certain portion of online gamers don't touch the game due to the lack of a ranked ladder (at least I suspect). It might be a short term queue time issue but a long term non-issue.
Overall I don't see it changing much in the regular casual queue. We have tryhards there already, and we would theoretically still have the super loose MMR system that enables them in the first place. We'd just suck a certain portion of more competitive minded players on either side into the ranked queue.
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Too many sweaty killers
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Did you mean to quote me? I was suggesting a separate event game mode unrelated to the main game queue.
Post edited by bm33 on0 -
This event isn’t giving survivors and advantage. . . Like last year.
It is fine. I’m looking forward to the dredge cosmetics.
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sweating players don't want competition, they want to stomp others so they feel better about themselves so they 100% fill the casual match queues.
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If the event is not to your liking as survivor, then just play killer.
If the event is not to your liking as killer, then just play survivor.
If the event is not to your liking on both sides, then just wait till its over.
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How childish can you be? If a killer or survivor plays to win they are sweaty tryhards? Go play Tetris or Pac Man. Online games is not for everyone.
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Except refraining completely from playing a game because of an issue that has been happening since the first event ever isn't a solution. Issues of people being horrible have been reported since the beginning and BHVR should react on it - instead of spending their time to re-design the forums into a more messy format.
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You realize that those are not the same people, yes?
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It's still resources going into something.
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Yes, and a lot of people enjoy events. People being "horrible" is subjective. I´ve seen one side complain when the other was memeing the event. People completely ignoring the snowmans, even when they are surounded by 3 or 4. But i´ve also seen people enjoy the event by mindlessly jumping everyone into a snowman and just joking around.
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Too many sweaty survivors!Flashlight blind you when in snowman trying to hi5.Messaging if I enjoyed being gen rushed.Survivors are hypocritical,entitled crybabies that pitch a fit and dc if the killer looks in their direction.