The Knight - Terrible killer behaviour
Playing the Knight for a while seems to have killed the "play nice" rule I used to have, even when I use another killer.
On another hand, most of the teams I've versed last week are playing nasty (or stupidly aggressive). One guy complained I tunnelled one of them ... except they all played Meg with anonymised names. Geniuses, really.
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Nothing more pathetic that seeing knight go back and forth in front of a hook with a guard patrolling the same area.
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Camping isn't illegal, tunneling either, devs can't fix so they just embrace the fact that its "ok". How many attempts did we got to have a matchaking system?!? 3? 4? lol
When you're against 4 guys with 5k hours on comps its ok. On a tournament its something to be expected. The killer needs to remove one as soon as possible.
Against baby survivors its not ok. Do you understand that? Good. You have done a better job then the devs then.
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Doing a better job than the devs aint really hard.
however there we go, "dont do it then, you can do it then and then but in that situation its unfair." which varies so much to whoever you ask, i make it easy for myself and just decide to dont follow a rulebook that is designed for me loosing and handing the opponents free wins.
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This amuses me! (PLAYSTYLE UNPOPULAR =/= Widely used playstyle)
Killer has some good powers, the issue is how they are implemented is buggy as hell right now.
What I'd rather see is that Assassin gets to hide his trail, and Carniflex gets bonus regression when he stomps a gen.
Then we'd see more than just, well, baiting silly survivors and such.
Best and most promissing sort of play a knight w/ GUARDS gets is he 'GUARDS AN AREA' if this means you get stuck on the hook. sure..
But also, this complaint is most prevailant because.. Why the HELL WOULD I NOT USE MY POWER when I'm walking away from a hook? Seriously. The thing patrols the area as I do other things so it slows down survivors even further.
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The Knight actually sucks at camping,if you get the unhook,the guard is disabled.
yeah,truly the best killer in the game 🙄
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Do you honestly think if his power was “better” in chase people would “stop” camping?
Thats hilarious.
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Getting ppl do dc won't give you points either. Same goes for survivors. If they don't get heals or unhooks they won't get many bloodpoints or peeps. Look at booster loobys, even trying to find every totem and using prove thyself its hard not to derank.
Same goes for survivors. Only 3 gens and no hooks? Open a few chests, do totems. Get some boldness points in looping the killer and feed him a few pallets. Gen rush its as boring as proxy camp.
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all of that doesnt matter in the DC meta we are in rn. the newest, hottest playstyle. Noone gets points. Finally both sides can equally see where they gonna be because obviously devs dont want to work for real improvements and just go for the less time intensive thing they could go, even if that means ruining all players experiences.
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Is it?
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Quit playing the Killer you want to play in the only wAy possible to have a chance because survivor fun is more important than your fun!!!!
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Let me just translate this:
"Dont play the Killer to its strength so I can have easier wins, bcs me and my Friends dont like to put in the effort. We want to play M1 Simulator. Thank you"
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He is bad and that picture shows all the reasons why he's bad.....every Knight I have seen has got only 1 Kill.... Survivors can easily avoid the guards because they can see the detection radius and they can see the green orb as it flys around so they just leave the area immediately.