Bonus Blood Points on either Sides is gone?

Why? where is my 100% bloodpoints. i much prefer double bp than this Christmas event that gives nothing
wheres 100% bloodpoints when playing as survivor?
I switch to NA and EU none have this, why is it out, farming and grinding is already so tedious...I'm losing incentive to play
Sounds like you feel entitled to bonus points as a survivor.
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bonus on killer is fine too, i just want that bonus
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If I'm going to kneecap myself by playing Solo Q I should be entitled to financial compensation.
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Matchmaking incentives are disabled because the most recent hotfix broke them.
And because it's the holidays the next patch probably won't be for like a month.
It is extremely disappointing, i feel that way about most of DBD recently.
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Bloodpoint only offers to solo queues really? i haven't play with friends in a while. don't friends in SWF get it too?
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It was a joke.
Everybody does, but I'm not even going to consider playing Solo without 100% bonus
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good, maybe its gonna shut people who use it as an argument to say that one side is less played when the queue times are equal lol
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DBD playerbase is so toxic i swear
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you can say that again
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If a role is needed, throw BP at them for all I care.
Not sure why you're so needlessly aggressive, but it's not about that at all. It's more about - faster queue times are better for everyone, and if one side needs folks, it's also better for everyone to encourage people to play that side.
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Every survivor pretty much is. You're signing up to have a terrible time, you might as well get compensated for it atleast lol.
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Survivor queue takes 10s, killer Q takes me 5 minutes.
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I agree with this opinion if things continue as they are now... Permanent BP buff to solo queue.
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I play whichever side has the incentive... but many of us were not getting any extra BP
OP maybe they kill switched incentives as they have been bugged and you aren't getting them more often than not?
EDIT: okay I just noticed that Tweet... that explains it then
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Ok welp they are back now. I am pleasantly surprised it got fixed without a patch.
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Because the playing fields are leveled.
There are enough killers for every 4 survivors, so there is no meed for any bonuses.
Just to be clear, it was sarcasm 😉