Tombstone Snowmen EVIL INCARNATE

As if this achievement wasn't hard enough already with the lockers, you cannot kill them in snowmen either, that's really nice, you have to wait until January to do this achievement or get survivors who aren't Grinch
The snowmen are effectively just mobile lockers.
But also survivors don't want to just be straight up killed by the killer so you can't really call survivors "grinches" for not letting themselves be killed by you for an achievement.
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Yes!!!! Thanks for letting me know this. 🙌🏼
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Ghostface also becomes weaker against snowmen. If you are stalking someone and you have them 99'd or stalking in general they can just sit in a snowman, you either hit them and they get the sprint burst and you lose all stalk progression or you leave them and get nothing.
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Exactly this, yeah I'm sorry for the Grinch part, I ran my whole life from this achievement, I should have done it back in 2016, I decided to do it today and then I saw them going in snowmen and then it hit me hard, the realization... that they're now mobile lockers too lol, it was very sad
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Yeah exactly, I also did this post because after me and the survivors wasted like 40 minutes in that game, they say in the end chat ,, So sad, no achievement for you and you wasted all this time ''
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Or do as when you grab them out of lockers and just drop and pick them up till the jump of your shoulder.
Sure it takes a bit longer but it can be done.
If they don't wiggle then go to an area where there are none or barely any lockers 😉
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I'm not sure how a counter to an add-on would be considered an exploit...
Sure it sucks if you're going for the achievement but acting like the survivor is somehow cheating by doing something in game to avoid getting killed is strange
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Most killer powers can't hurt people in lockers and addons only boost the killers' power. The addon doesn't need to stay that it can't mori survivors in lockers, because it should be obvious.
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So what your idea is running those 2 addons should have no counter whatsoever, which then means you will get 2 kills and the last 2 dc and you still dont get the achievement.
The counterplay of using a locker or hanging onto a gen to force a grab is the only thing keeping those add ons from being busted. I could maybe see it if the person was on death hook, but people going for that achievement rarely get that many hooks because of how long it takes to get to tier 3
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Mikey has been in the game since 2016 and locker dodging being killed by him has existed since then
So two possibilities
A. BHVR hasn't noticed this exploit despite the killer being in the game for most of DBDs life and despite what seems to be a new thread every other day of people complaining about survivors not "letting the killer" get their achievement
B. This is an intended mechanic
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You're telling people to learn to play the game, because they countered your addons that allows you to instant kill survivors ignoring most normal gameplay.
I'm sorry, but you are the one who needs to "learn to play". You're crutching hard on these addons and want the devs to make it impossible for you to mess up.
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How are they being dumb? You are the one acting immature and belligerent.
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Ok so Myers shows up in double iridescent infinite tier 3 kill mode, what is your suggested counterplay?
Right now there are 2 options get killed or force a grab so he has to hook you. I'd love to hear your magical 3rd option
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Myers has the ability to just straight up murder people and there should be no counterplay at all?
Just because there is an achievement involved?
Where on the addon does it say "With this addon you can murder all the survivors and there is nothing they can do?"
Achievements are supposed to be earned not handed out like participation trophies.
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You see, this is a harmful achievement somehow, it makes us fight on the Tombstone topic, anyway, the thing is that there are also people who dc mid mori, and you don't get it, and I think that's really stupid, but yes, the one who designed this achievement was more evil than Michael himself
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There's nothing wrong with the achievement. The achievement is even easier now than it was when the achievement came out due to perks like Corrupt and Deadlock helping extend the game longer so you can mori everyone before the last gen is done. Also no early hatch + key escape to mess you up either. If you want to play for an achievement, understand that no one else in the game has to let you get the achievement.
The tombstone addons are simply just not healthy addons for the game and they deserved an overhaul.
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- Myers can stalk other people (or worse be fed) and then come and tombstone you without ever having stalked you.
- Tier 3 Myers vaults faster so he can't just be looped like any other M1 killer.
- Myers still gets a hook if a survivor jumps in a locker.
It's not an exploit and is working as intended.
I earned the Evil Incarnate achievement the hard way back in the day. It took me about 5 games and I did it without complaint.
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Except it isn't an exploit. Its a counter to an add-on. A very powerful add-on. And a reasonable counter to it.
Annoying & more difficult to deal with? Yea of course. But thats it.
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Please find a source and share it here that confirms your view of how the addon is intended to be used or anything that confirms that getting into a locker to counter a tombstone is an exploit.
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Let's just calm down, the post was about those snowmen, I almost had the achievement if it wasn't for them, I did exactly what someone said up here to do, I had 3 stacks of PWYF, and got someone in the corner, but guess what, they got much faster to a snowmen than to a locker, so that's why I couldn't do it
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Ah yes cause not wanting to be moried without even being hooked once or being chased = grinch
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So you didn't know about the generator thing that allowed people to get grabbed by Michael and not get moried like lockers and you're out here calling people dumb? Got it
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Honestly, the best chance you'll get at achieving that tombstone achievement are against newer players or players seriously outpositioned due to poor foresight and planning. Anyone who's played against it before and has a brain would plan their encounters with a Tombstone Myers around locker areas or staying on gens, blowing them up to prevent progress (though the lockers are better) as looping is just too damn risky. It's not fair to call it an exploit or want it to be reportable. It wouldn't be fair to make it to where there's absolutely no counter to an insanely strong addon. Asking for there to be no counter is basically asking to make Myers impossible to win against or play against. There'd be DC's every game because every Myers would run the addon.
The fact lockers are a counter and staying on a gen is the only thing not making survivors DC and the only thing that gives the addon balance. Without a counter, you're asking for an automatic win without effort and it's selfish. Sure it sucks to be struggling on the Evil Incarnate challenge or getting value if you just want to use the addon but you aren't owed or entitled to those kills. You still have to play the game, you still have to work for those kills.
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It's perfectly reasonable and understandable someone wants to play a game they queued up for.
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
Interesting theory because all games end with the survivors finishing gens and escaping right, and yeah there are all those infinite loops with no deadzones to speak of so you can always just loop him forever without making a mistake.
Or since not everyone can play perfectly and resources are finite, the fact that you can plan far enough ahead to get into a locker or onto a gen to force a grab, instead of letting Myers outright kill you even though you may not have been hooked yet in the match, is poor play and an exploit.
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To get back to the topic at hand, I do agree that it does kind of suck but I guess I don't think it's all that big of a deal. Worst case if it keeps costing you your achievement, yeah, just wait until January to try for it again. The achievement isn't going anywhere, it'll still be there in 21 Days once the special event ends.
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Oh God you guys stay play stupid just to argue. You were hot debating with someone about how stupid it is to do a gen near a killer while actively ignoring the fact that doin a gen cancels the mori animation. You have no clue what you're talking about and have the balls to sit here and argue like your life depends on it
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Just fyi, achievements are supposed to be that, achievements. :)
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That is not an exploit whatsoever no matter how annoying you find it.
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The Licker comparison was more apt for their first iteration, where the snowmen ate a hit before popping the survivor out.
Now that you can Injure them through the snowman, it’s more like camouflage.
Its a wholly unique set piece. (And I like that it’s useable by both sides)
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I recently swapped from PS4 to PS5 and I’ve been re earning all the trophies and I’m nearly done. The Evil Incarnate one is awful to do because of the easy counter to it. I don’t blame survivors for it though. It’s the only counter, either hop in a locker or get tombstoned.
The bad thing is that it was one of the first ones I would’ve earned on PS5 because I tombstoned all four survivors but it didn’t count because of the bug with the sacrifice emblem so I was not happy about that.
But it’s whatever. I earned it on the PS4 and I’m pretty content with that. I’m basically just banking on them reworking Myers and tombstone and making it base-kit with some tweaks to work like Sadako and Pyramid Head and them changing the achievement. Probably won’t happen though :/
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That’s ridiculous that achievements don’t save to your account, it isn’t like you’re switching gaming platforms.
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If you haven't managed to get the achievement since 2016, what's another month?
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It's the same for Xbox and the PlayStations, they consider them different titles so no achievements/trophys transfer. We can still run the old gen version of the game where our progress still is, but who wishes to do that?
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I don’t even care about getting achievements but I still think it’s ridiculous to have to start over on them.
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Nope on Xbox its the same title and version its Just Playstation that does that.
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Yeah, it was pretty annoying to get all the adepts again especially for killers I’m not decent with. The only one I have left is Knight. Most of the miscellaneous trophies weren’t bad but some of them I got just because of the fact that the killer or survivor farmed with me, like the Left for Dead trophy.
People who swap to new gen consoles do not have trophies transferred, the only ones that popped when opening the game for the first time was the ones for prestige levels. All of your progress and cosmetics switch over but not trophies so that was a bummer. I do think all games should be like the RE 2 and 3 remake and carry over trophy progression from last gen to new gen because it is a hassle to earn a lot of them all over again especially the Myers and Huntress ones :/
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No. Then the add-on would have no direct counter to it - which would be super unhealthy for the game.
Your complaints should be directed at BHVR for making a really bad challenge for Myers, rather than complaining that survivors counter-play a scummy add-on that eliminates them from the game immediately.
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They don't sound dumb. You're just being entitled about an add-on/achievement.
You are not entitled to an instant mori of any survivor regardless of hook-state. The add-on has clear counterplay which ALLOWS the survivor to participate in the match longer and gives them the chance to still escape from the game.
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Removing the only counterplay to Toomstone Myers would mean all killers running him would just use the add-on for a busted easy game. And suddenly he becomes played in half of all matches if not more, kinda like Wesker is now.
Against solos most likely they all die before anyone realistically could escape, every match. So they'd quickly grow to despise Myers after Myers running that.
Against comms or survs paying attention they might get the gens done before two or more die, maybe, but also grow to despise lots of Myers running that.
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I don't understand how people are fighting over this?
I mean you win some and you loose some.
Just keep trying and you will get it eventually trust me.
Now i don't want to be cocky or anything, but I've done that achievement 4 or 5 times, so it is not impossible.
A good map to do it on for me was the game map, but you can do it on any map