Now that Fogwise exists, can inner focus lose its range requirement?

Here's 2 pictures to easily compare the perks:

For fogwise, you just have to hit a great skill check and you'll see the killers aura for 6 seconds

For inner focus, another survivors needs to be injured within 32 meters of you in order to see the killers aura for 5 seconds.

Why does the perk that allows you to just hit great skill checks give you better aura reading than one that requires your teammates to lose an entire health state?

This is a really good example of perk power creep, its even crazier that scratch marks on inner focus were ALSO attached to the 32 meter range, but that was removed in the meta change patch. I'm not sure why the range limit wasn't removed entirely, but now that fogwise exists it definitely should be.


  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,579

    At times, I question why Inner Focus is even a perk. Most of the time you are better off running Empathy if you want to tell if someone is in chase.

    But overall, I think the range requirement for Inner Focus is what really holds back the perk, other than on Midwich you will rarely get value from the perk purely from the range alone.

  • JimboSanders
    JimboSanders Member Posts: 42

    Exactly! I'm very confused why it had the ranger requirement in the first place because like you said, empathy just straight up does its job better lol. At least removing the range requirement would give it something.