Changing obsessions is an unnecessary headache

This new idea that DS can change the obsession is really random, I don't think anyone was asking for it, and just seems like a headache. Unless the new killer/survivor and their perks can somehow make this change worthwhile, don't see why the change should be carried out.

Here's a rundown of all Obsession-related perks and how they could be affected by the DS change:


  • you can lose your obsession status, making the perk significantly less useful


  • the only perk that probably gains a net benefit in usefulness
  • since the obsession can change in the match, means it might be easier/u have more opportunities to gain tokens


  • probably takes the biggest negative hit from this change
  • if the obsession changes, the debuffs are removed and all the effort u (presumably) put into eliminating the obsession relatively early on in the game has been wasted


  • a good strategy for killers using rancor was to ignore the obsession (dont chase or hook) throughout the course of the match, since you can instadown and mori after the last gen
  • if the obsession were to change, u might end up only being able to mori a survivor who youve already hooked once or twice, which is a lot less impactful as the killer and means you've wasted your time chasing/hooking that survivor since you just ended up instadowning and mori-ing them at the end


  • there is some merit to the argument that the DS change buffs remember me but i'd say the negatives outweigh the positives
  • yes, if the obsession changes, you have more opportunities to gain stacks (but remember stacks cap out at 6)
  • prior to this change, a good killer with remember me would probably aim to have the obsession killed by the time the last gen is done
  • however, if there is a new obsession, that survivor is no longer affected by the debuff which nullifies all the work you put in to gain your stacks and eliminate the original obsession prior to the gates being powered


  • this perk is already hard to manage in game and this change makes it a complete mindf**k
  • a viable strategy with this perk was to ignore the obsession till the very end (as suggested by the name)
  • if the obsession can change, you need to suddenly change which survivor you need to avoid, which can devalue the time and effort youve already spent chasing and hooking that new obsession
  • another strategy was to gain as many stacks as you could quickly, and then eliminate the obsession, keeping your 4 stacks (or 6 or 8, if use an instadown or mori) for the rest of the game
  • however if the obsession can change, then the stacks you've already spent your time to preserve, are once again vulnerable to being lost

Given what exists in the game right now, I see this aspect of DS as negatively impacting both survivors and killers while providing little to no positive benefit. It also has no impact on DS itself and seems like a completely unnecessary complication for all parties. Don't see why it should be introduced unless something down the line will make it worthwhile...


  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    It should probably just stay one obsession so these perk wont be broke and require a rework cause we know how long it takes  devs on reworks
  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953
    Technically, Rancor is kind of a buff. If you were to kill your obsession, then the benefits of Rancor draw down to simply only seeing survivors when gens are done. But now, if you were to kill your obsession, say because they were being annoying and or idiotic, you still get a chance to have Rancor take place if another survivor has DS.
  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    It's funny that one obsession perk gets ''nerfed'' at the cost of changing rest of the obsession perks.

  • Casm
    Casm Member Posts: 61

    I agree with most of what's being said here. It doesn't make much sense why the obsession needs to change. The only benefit I can see from the survivor's perspective is if a game starts with no obsession, the killer is not going to know if anyone is running DS until after it's been used. Otherwise, it seems to be a pretty meaningless change that as the OP stated, nobody has asked for.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765
    I completely agree. This DS change wasn’t a nerf. It was an extreme buff.

    Adding a caveat doesn’t stop it from being able to reward a survivor for losing a chase. But making it so that it essentially wipes almost every obsession perk a killer can have up to four times a game just cranked up it power dozens of times over.

    If it wasn’t OP before, it sure as hell is now.
  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 356
    edited February 2019
    100% agreed. I guess they did this so survivors with DS don’t start the match as the obsession but if the killer already has an obsession perk then who cares? Someone has to be the obsession so this won’t mayter. If the killer doesn’t have an k obsession perk then sure let the obsession start/show up after the DS but having it switch around is stupid and should be removed. Fiesta DS used = obsession with no killer obsession perk. Otherwise, business as usual. I like DL and this nerf is ridiculous and uncalled for considering how hard it is to make DL useful as it is! Now it will be near useless. 
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Tarvesh said:
    I completely agree. This DS change wasn’t a nerf. It was an extreme buff.

    Adding a caveat doesn’t stop it from being able to reward a survivor for losing a chase. But making it so that it essentially wipes almost every obsession perk a killer can have up to four times a game just cranked up it power dozens of times over.

    If it wasn’t OP before, it sure as hell is now.

    I don't know how anyone thinks it's a buff. Have you never faced DS in a match? Most end up leaving the survivor on the ground 'cause they don't want to mess with it or they juggle if they can manage it. A lot will even avoid chasing after a survivor as it's a free escape. With a caveat, it's no longer free. Certain circumstances have to play out for you to be able to use it now. That's like saying Unbreakable is OP 'cause it gives you a free up, but the killer left the person on the ground. They could have not and that perk would be useless. It also counters an annoying aspect of the game, especially in solo play. Being that person who's tunneled off hook because either people can't do good saves or the killer assumes you're in a SWF and wants to punish that sucks. Having something that counters being downed after being unhooked in bad places is great. You don't need to tunnel the survivor. If you don't wait around the survivor, you won't see DS at all. If you wait around the survivor, you'll only see it if you decide to take out the easier target, rather than the one who did the save. It's like some people don't know what "OP" and "buff" means.

    Changing the obsession will be weird, though. I say it's not needed.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    @Tarvesh said:
    I completely agree. This DS change wasn’t a nerf. It was an extreme buff.

    Adding a caveat doesn’t stop it from being able to reward a survivor for losing a chase. But making it so that it essentially wipes almost every obsession perk a killer can have up to four times a game just cranked up it power dozens of times over.

    If it wasn’t OP before, it sure as hell is now.

    I don't know how anyone thinks it's a buff. Have you never faced DS in a match? Most end up leaving the survivor on the ground 'cause they don't want to mess with it or they juggle if they can manage it. A lot will even avoid chasing after a survivor as it's a free escape. With a caveat, it's no longer free. Certain circumstances have to play out for you to be able to use it now. That's like saying Unbreakable is OP 'cause it gives you a free up, but the killer left the person on the ground. They could have not and that perk would be useless. It also counters an annoying aspect of the game, especially in solo play. Being that person who's tunneled off hook because either people can't do good saves or the killer assumes you're in a SWF and wants to punish that sucks. Having something that counters being downed after being unhooked in bad places is great. You don't need to tunnel the survivor. If you don't wait around the survivor, you won't see DS at all. If you wait around the survivor, you'll only see it if you decide to take out the easier target, rather than the one who did the save. It's like some people don't know what "OP" and "buff" means.

    Changing the obsession will be weird, though. I say it's not needed.

    It’s almost like you can’t correlate adding DS  and a multi-perk reset ability being combined together makes it OP/buff.

    Comprehension is hard, I know. It’s ok.
  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132

    I originally was upset about this because they completely cucked Dying Light with this new rework, all the stalking with myers and a tombstone just for it to be reverted once they D/S you, AND they get a buff to their altruism speed?

    However, i would like to say if you are running a mori, you can literally kill the survivor using DS before they get a chance to use it on you, so technically you can proc dying light easier in that regard, and then proceed to slug the remaining 3 survivors to keep your Dying Light active

    I am more disappointed with how this will affect Remember Me, as anybody that D/S you late game will be able to over ride the stacks you hunted for all game.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Just make it so that if the obsession is dead or doesn't exist then you won't become the obsession

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Tarvesh said:
    fluffybunny said:

    @Tarvesh said:

    I completely agree. This DS change wasn’t a nerf. It was an extreme buff.

    Adding a caveat doesn’t stop it from being able to reward a survivor for losing a chase. But making it so that it essentially wipes almost every obsession perk a killer can have up to four times a game just cranked up it power dozens of times over.

    If it wasn’t OP before, it sure as hell is now.

    I don't know how anyone thinks it's a buff. Have you never faced DS in a match? Most end up leaving the survivor on the ground 'cause they don't want to mess with it or they juggle if they can manage it. A lot will even avoid chasing after a survivor as it's a free escape. With a caveat, it's no longer free. Certain circumstances have to play out for you to be able to use it now. That's like saying Unbreakable is OP 'cause it gives you a free up, but the killer left the person on the ground. They could have not and that perk would be useless. It also counters an annoying aspect of the game, especially in solo play. Being that person who's tunneled off hook because either people can't do good saves or the killer assumes you're in a SWF and wants to punish that sucks. Having something that counters being downed after being unhooked in bad places is great. You don't need to tunnel the survivor. If you don't wait around the survivor, you won't see DS at all. If you wait around the survivor, you'll only see it if you decide to take out the easier target, rather than the one who did the save. It's like some people don't know what "OP" and "buff" means.

    Changing the obsession will be weird, though. I say it's not needed.

    It’s almost like you can’t correlate adding DS  and a multi-perk reset ability being combined together makes it OP/buff.

    Comprehension is hard, I know. It’s ok.

    Did you even bother to read what I said? Comprehension is hard, but apparently reading is harder.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    Object of Obsession now only seems to work if you're the obsession, and otherwise not at all. It's a wasted slot. This is like the Exhaustion change all over again.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238
    As long as being the obsession by itself isnt something undesireable, swapping obsession status feels like a bad mechanism.

    Honestly being the obsession should've never been "aww yes, instant DS, wohoo!"
    It might need a massive rework for all obsession perks, but i think obsession should be a hard debuff without any perks involved, and much more dangerous with perk.

    Think dyinglight and rancor by default (ofc the perks need reworks then) and maybe some %-penalties to actions etc.

    Survivors shouldn't like being the Obsession.
  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    Dying light got the hardest nerf out of everything
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    They should get rid of this feature honestly.

  • touchpadgamer
    touchpadgamer Member Posts: 24

    That's true but largely based on your luck on whether another survivor is running DS. It's not something u can plan for. I never use Rancor and plan to kill my obsession before the last gen and if i end up killing them mid-match, thats on me and I choose to do that with the knowledge that I might be wasting my time.
    Like sure, you can technically use Rancor 4 times now but you couldnt really consider that a buff since its not something u can plan for, force to happen, etc. It's just comes down to luck and circumstances. I'd be shocked if I ever got the opportunity to Rancor-mori more than one survivor

    The benefit you talk about doesn't stem from the changing-obsession part of the perk. The killer would not know if anyone is running DS, EVEN IF DS didnt change the obsession.

    The benefit u describe is from the overall change from the perk, not the changing-obsession part of the perk. You could remove the part about the obsession-changing and what u say about being able to mori a survivor before they get the chance to use DS will still be true.

    OoO will still work if ur not the obsession, just at a shorter range. But its dumb that the obsession status can be stolen from you midgame, compromising a perk that you expected to be able to use a certain way

    I really hope the devs see this and realize this obsession-changing aspect of the rework adds little to no benefit, while creating massive headaches elsewhere. I dont see any reason why they couldnt just remove the line "Successfully stunning the killer will result in you becoming the obsession" and leave the rest of the rework as is.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Very good summary. It comes down to a lot of killer perks being nerfed due to this new game mechanic.

    Let's see if the devs are sticking to the concept of changing obsessions.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Ok Rancor Nerf???? What am I seeing?


    I don't see the possibility of being able to rancor more then one survivor at the end of the match as a bad thing.

    Those that get 4 man SWFs all running DS.... Getting hook swarmed at the end?... Might cost that group a few survivors in the end.

    Might be interesting to see how it plays out.