When you see a ttv in lobby
What do you do, if anything?
I typically load them up on twitch to see if they're streaming, if they are then I mute and minimize it so that after the match I can rewatch it to see it from their perspective and where I messed up.
I don't look at their loadouts, stream snipe or any of that manner whatsoever. However I've come to find that basically every single streamer basically accuses you of stream sniping them ie cheating and thinks it's "weird" that anyone would see if their streaming and then mute/minimize to watch the match after.
So as a follow up, do you think this is weird that someone would do this? Do you do this a lot?
I was under the impression that most people do this to rewatch their matches and see what they had to say afterwards. It seems really improbable to me that many people would literally bring up their stream on a second monitor to watch and listen to them play and talk all while simultaneously listening to and playing their own match. That just seems silly/impractical and way rarer then I find other streamers seem to act like it happens.
I check Twitch and get disappointed because they're never streaming.
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Nothing. The most I ever do is check hours on a Steam profile.
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Do the dirtiest build I have and slap a mori on top of it.
Then I tunnel and camp. I don't care if anyone escapes, but this guy will die 100%
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If I see a TTV or a YT I'll leave the lobby. They tend to be some of the worst people. Especially when they don't get their way.
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I get their stream narrowed down... then play the game... then say GG at the end of the match
Chat with them if need be
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So you’re the type of killers I run into constantly. This happens so often and I swear it’s cause I’m streaming 😂😂
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I watch the vod and see if they insulted me or not I remember impressing a nurse streamer because I used a syringe at the perfect moment
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i get ready for a tbag at every loop
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As killer I don't care at all, I treat them like anyone else, don't watch the vod.
As survivor I dodge the lobby. Virtually all TTV teammates I get are small streamers with a handful of viewers, some of them are variety streamers and only rarely play DbD and are thus not really good at it, some just started the game just a week ago and are still trying to learn it. Yet almost every time I stay in lobby I regret it instantly once I see a Black Ward or Mori offering flying in and the killer will be sweating to tunnel the TTV out of the game as fast as possible, and at that point I just want to throw myself at the killer and kill myself because there's no point in playing a 3 vs 1 at 4 gens with mediocre players.
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It's a good indication that I'm playing vs. A swf which I appreciate a great deal. Informs my subsequent gameplay.
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I check twitch and generally, if they're streaming I'll dodge.
I've never had a bad experience with them, but I play to relax and I don't want to wonder if they're making fun of me. Maybe all that "salty ttv rages on [x] !!" fearmongering on youtube is getting to me.
I can't really help it if the streamer is the killer and I'm survivor, so those match I do have to play out, and if the killer is live and played fair I'll go on the stream to say gg and maybe watch a couple of their games after I'm done playing. If they seem chill and like they wouldn't make fun of my mistakes, I'll rewatch our game to see how it looked from their perspective.
That's actually how I met a guy I play with sometimes. He's such a nice dude ! Immediately offered to play together despite seeing how bad I was.
His rewatch was interesting, because during the game, from our point of view, it looked like he'd proxied a lot my hooked friend ; but from his, he'd seen a glimpse of my other friend crouching nearby while carrying and was looking for her (even though she was now long gone). At the time my hooked friend cried "he's proxying ! that's so uncool of him !" along with some expletives, the streamer spoke a very confused "where the hell did this Nea go ??".
That was definitely a lesson in perspective for us !
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This is awesome. I’m a smallish / newer streamer. I play primarily killer while streaming. I met a super good team, and afterwards one of them came into the stream to say wassup. They now watch every stream start to finish and we run SWF daily. My favorite part of streaming is the wholesome interaction is sometimes brings in between the people that come in to share hateful comments.
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I'll usually check out the video after the match. Can be really neat to see the game from a different perspective.
As killer seeing a bunch of TTV means its probably a SWF and so I have to be more aggressive in my game play.
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On the off chance that they're streaming I'll jump in after the match to say gg or whatever. If I can only mori one person I WILL prioritize the streamer.
I've actually made some pretty fun online friends from this recently.
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That's so cool ! I love that for you. =D
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I drop in post-game to say GG WP GL Next.
Then I usually get yelled at, which is fair, most of the time.
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Camp and tunnel them out with a mori. Along with some BM on the hook for good measure
Ideally they die first hook and don't get to play at all, to encourage as many viewers to leave the stream as possible
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As a survivor, I'll stay in lobby and usually afterwards, check and see if they were streaming. One made me laugh because it showed him just getting hooked and you see me doing gens in the distance and he freaks out because I wasn't right there to unhook him.
As killer. Nope, I'm dodging. I don't need that in my life. Respectfully.
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I just assume they're fake. Usually I'm right.
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Cause most of my experiences with TTVs have been bad; or it is just them talking smack in the VOD. Lots of cheating accusations as well because mr strimmer can't handle the fact they got beat and need an excuse for the viewers.
Plus they are trying to get fame and money by beating me in a video game, why would I make it easy?
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Sniping was definitely a thing back when most people didn't make their Steam profiles private and Twitch wasn't inundated with the amount of DBD streamers it has now. You don't need to have their stream running all the time- just see where they spawn and that's good enough, although I have known people to have the match running on another monitor. This has been bragged about ad nauseam within certain groups I used to belong to as well as on various forums. Do I think it's weird? Nope. Funny, yep.
I think bigger streamers have problems. The small time streamers probably don't, but it wouldn't surprise me either if there were a few snipes here and there even with them-- enough to make them accuse more people than they should.
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I don't do anything unless they're stacked. If there are 3-4 of them I usually dodge, because they probably have some shenanigans planned.
Other than that, it's just business as usual.
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I hide people's name and in case check profiles only at the end of the match exactly because of performance anxiety in case of a ttv
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You're going to have to put a little bit of effort in to convince me you're an actual human being who actually holds these views for these actual reasons.
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I just started streaming a couple of weeks ago. I don't have TTV in my name or my YouTube handle. With the way some people here say they treat streamers, I'm not sure how much I will want to reveal to my counterparts in the game that I am streaming. Judgments, too, about people trying to make money streaming. I don't know if I'll make money streaming, but it would be nice. I'm on disability in North America; I don't get much. Certainly not enough to get a newer computer or anything like that. So, I thought I would try streaming out, but I should have known better with this community.
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Most streamers make money by being entertaining, many aren't necessarily good at the game. I wouldn't take it as such a personally adversarial thing.
And why even go back and watched vods? In thousands of hours of DBD I have faced gd knows how many TTVs and never once gone back and watched the VOD (I tried once after a particularly funny end to a match, but they hadn't been streaming).
Don't watch VODs, disable post game chat, profit. Or at least have a better time.
Personally, when I am watching a surv stream and see the killer tunnel the streamer, I assume it's because they are a streamer, and tbh, that seem kinda sad and insecure. It seems either attention seeking or like someone desperate not to be beaten in front of an audience.
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Dodge, I don't want to be shown in a stream.
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Put on a mori for the viewers
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I like to rewatch my killer-game from this streamers perspective
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I don’t do anything until after the match when I check them out and say GGS.
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I check after the match and if they were streaming and VODs are available I'll watch from their perspective, it's cool to watch my own gameplay from another player's perspective and the clear majority of the time they're either just normal or chill anyway in my experience.
Before that? I just click ready, they're just a player like anyone else.
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Weird to be so bent out of shape.
I guess maybe you have issues you need to work through
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90% of the time, I just get on with the game as normal. Occasionally, if I see a bunch of flashlights with them, I'll slap on lightborn, expecting shenanigans. If they play cool, and are down to meme around I will happily oblige and have some fun. If they are trying to be the next Ayrun, it usually ends badly for them.
I'll only dodge if I'm trying something new and expect a learning curve. I'd like to keep my trial and error limited in it's scope of entertainment for other people as much as possible. I never go to their channels anymore because they are almost never streaming at the time or are using a name different from their channel name.
The reality is most of the time they are just normal players. No reason to freak out or get jittery. Never had one verbally attack me after a match (but to be fair, I haven't had a negative chat interaction in six months).
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prepare the Mori
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Dodge. It doesn't matter that I'm probably streaming my own perspective (I don't have TTV in my username or anything... or actually speak, so), the 'I might be streaming you to even more people and being as insulting as possible' potential tends to put me off before the game even starts. I'll just not deal with it and queue up again instead.
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I'll watch the VOD after if I was playing killer mostly just to see if there was any obvious mistakes I made and see if I can learn anything by watching another perspective, I rarely care about watching for the actual streamer because 90% of the time it's just random insults and salt. My favorite was an artist game where they were streaming with a friend and the friend got downed and they told me to kill myself repeatedly and the streamer was like "don't say that I'm streaming" suggesting if they weren't that would have been perfectly fine to say, that actually did get a laugh out of me.
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Play hardest as I can, I want the attention for my channel you should check it out
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Check if they're streaming
See that they're not streaming
be sad :(
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I used to dodge TTVs but now I encounter one almost every hour. I usually check the videos based on how they played. I will comment if they are a good player in their chat. Seeing the killer end game is TTV I will usually visit their channel to rewatch the game, and see how well I played according to their view unless the game was truly awful.
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Nothing, I don't really check the names, I alt tab until match starts. I didn't even know what it meant until a friend told me not too long ago.
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I never open someone’s stream until the match is over unless we’re teammates.
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I ask if he is streaming
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Check if they are streaming or not.
If they are, they are going to T-bags and escape.
If they aren't, I'm going to 4k.
Not a 100% rule, but pretty accurate anyways. Still, it's a really nice change of pace when I encounter a wholesome TTV, I vividly remember rewatching a game from her view and appreciating the fact that she noticed I did everything to avoid tunneling even when the Claudette was flaunting her BT in my face.
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I file a lawsuit to sue them for royalties for making money off of my gameplay
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How are you not embarrassed to admit that.
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do streamers have to ask other players for permission if they don't hide the names?
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I check the next day hoping they streamed it. Love watching my games re run. Its pretty useful seeing what the opposition says and does regarding your playstyle, whether that be positive or negative.
8/10 they ain't recording though 😒
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That’s such a specific throwback wth
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Shout out to the OGs if you know you know