What's the point in making a killer as bad as the knight?
Like what's the point in making a killer weak, boring to play, boring to face. I hope next time y'all got a licensed good chapter for us or get some good ideas if you are doing an original cause this chapter was beyond dissapointing. "We made a new killer for DBD, but he is terrible. Enjoy the new killer".
It’s not exactly easy to balance a killer to be fun for both sides especially with a unique power like the knight’s. I’d rather a killer launch weak and be buffed than a killer being launched overpowered though
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I think I see where you're coming from. The whole update felt like filler.
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I mean...I can't imagine the devs during their brainstorm thought "You know what we need? A killer who is absolute trash!!!!".
I do think in The Knight's case, their ambition got the better of them. The power of The Knight is one of those powers that has the potential to be insanely overpowered but right now, his power is incredibly weak in fear of making him OP. BHVR errored on the side of caution on this one and The Knight is suffering badly for it.
Unfortunately BHVR is going to run on BHVR time and they'll eventually boost his powers. Probably. In 2023 or maybe 2024...
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Its not a matter of making him purposely weak, its making him purposely safe. If there's anything survivors hate, its "not having counterplay" to any given mechanic, because many of them think of the game as being a series of 1v1's vs the killer instead of a 1v4. Thus the knight was designed with almost every single aspect of his power leaving less surprises for the survivors than the killer himself, and the obvious anti-anti-loop strategy of just running away from the loop when he's setting up became the obvious and boring solution every time he stabs his sword down. He basically has the counterplays vs both spirit and artist while having none of their strengths, so he only ends up being good at using his power for LCD strats like camping hooks and 3 gens (which he ends up disproportionately good at, to both sides' frustrations.)
They were so unwilling to take risks with his power at the thought of it being oppressive in practice that it ended up being both boring and oppressive at specifically already oppressive scenarios.
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Fun is subjective, I love playing him, and don't mind versing. He's very far from a weak killer, not top tier, but far from bottom.
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He definetly has a couple of problems that can´t be just solved by twitching the numbers. For example, that he can´t see survivors while using his power (just like Spirit) but unlike Spirit, the survivors can see the glowing disco ball at all time. Same for the radius of the guards and how they first run to the position where they saw a survivor, instead of running directly for the survivor.
Things like the timing for insta dropping a guard at loops or the snail like speed of the guards could be solved by tweaking the numbers. But the devs will probably just change some numbers on the addons while leaving his basekit as lacking as it is.
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AI + fear of survivors complaining about "counterplay" means you can't do anything intelligent with his power. Just like POTD for Pyramid Head you can only use it effectively at certain scenarios, POTD is different in that its in animation locks, however the point still stands that you don't see PH shooting a wave out mid chase for no reason. That reason being it will likely miss/the survivor can dodge out of the way every time if they react in time.
In a similar vein, the knight cannot use his power mid-chase, he stuns himself, loses sight of survivors entirely, has a massive green orb showing the path of the guard + what path the killer is trying to create at all times, and lastly the delay of the guard + time to spawn = survivor can easily W away with time to spare. He IS good at camping resources but absolutely terrible at everything else.
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Knight will never be fixed, adaptative AI is really hard especially with pseudorandom generated maps, it requires a ton of work and time, something the devs dont have since they pump stuff every 3 months.
Nemesis zombies have been in the game for 18 months and they still get stuck on many objects, lose track of Survivors even when in clear sight and become idle when they shouldnt, Knight will suffer from this forever and low player count will make a fix low priority on the pipeline, bussiness mentality dictates "why put work on something nobody plays and buys cosmetics?".
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Give the Game some time, let bHVR take a look at his numbers over the next months.
You ought to know bHVR does not aim to release killers as op.
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They obviously do not intend to release weak killers.
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THIS. So much this.
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Lowest Common Denominator, aka things that are simple but effective like camping and tunneling, or rushing gens.