Anti loop is boring.

the most exciting thing about DBD is looping. So when it's taken away it's boring.
For the survivors maybe but I find "DBD: Scooby Doo Edition" is dumb as hell
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And playing a basic m1 killer against a good looper isn't fun.
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ok, no anti loop but you lose half of all pallets and all Double L walls.
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Because Killers find it fun to run around objects for minutes.
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Not all anti-loop is boring.
Killers like Wesker, Oni and Blight have exciting anti-loop to play against.
Killers like Clown and Knight have boring anti-loop.
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This. Not all anti loop is boring. Anti loop like clown, knight, artist, is extremely boring.
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Yay, lets run around this stack of crates 20 times as the killer gradually gets closer, then drop the pallet right before they can hit me and repeat at the next stack of crates. Such fun!
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yes i like those- but the others are just soo boring id rather not play lol
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hard disagree, going against good loopers is the most fun part of even playing a m1 killer
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Looping is boring... just saying
So running around whatever one finds is fun?
Mindgames are way more fun... defending Gens is way more fun... hitting survivors, downing them and hooking them is way more fun
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mind games are part of looping
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Outa curiosity, where's the mind game of running around a truck?
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many mind games in looping, shacks and loops where you cant always see the killer. do you even play XD
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Yeah but M1 killers on safe loops feel the same. BHVR should stop making "hold W" killers and improve the looping experience making it more fair and fun on both sides.
Killers should never have to deal with pallets that make u instantly lose the chase unless u break them and survivors should never be in a position where they'll get hit no matter what they do.
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Are mindgames fun or are they boring???
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We specifically asked you a question and yet to hear an answer. For the sake of clarity: What mind game is there running around a truck.
If you want we'll add: What mind game is there running around a truck you both can see over and see each other.
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So just a generic complaint, you have no alternatives or suggestions or ... anything but a gripe?
Thanks, I'll know to just not read any future posts from you.
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Because without anti-loop, the gens go too fast. If survivors just hold w, and don't even use loops or pallets, it'll take a killer, without using their power, about 58 seconds to down that survivor, and hook them. That is using 0 pallets, 0 loops, 0 windows, nothing, just shift+w.
Without anti-loop, the gens simply go too fast. As it stands now, the most optimal way to play survivor, is to play as safe as possible, just predrop every pallet. Every pallet kick, buys you 20 seconds before the killer can hit you. All you need to do is hold shift+w, drop 2-3 pallets, and the killer just lost 3 gens. Repeat one more time, and the killer loses.
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Most killers have some form of anti loop, it's just does it deny all game play. It's why me and other people in this thread think of Blight, Wesker and Oni as peak killer. They have Anti-loop that does not guarantee a loop is dead, they have mobility and they have just as much control in chase as a survivor. The issue with any m1 killer is that, it's up to the survivor to go to down and make a mistake which does not work in this game and is boring for both party's unless you like baby mode.
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Also guys looping may have been running around in a circle back in the day, but the term definitely includes all parts of chase now.
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Most anti loop killers can be dealt with easy and yes, pyramid head IS overrated.
Yes, anti loop is unfun, is more fun to loop the m1 killer in a braindead way, hard counterplay is too boring and unfun
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So then use the word 'chase' instead.
There's no such thing as 'anti-chase' powers.
Edit: I retract that statement, anti-chase certainly does exist and it's probably the next best thing to anti-loop. It's Ghostface and Tier III Myers. Stalk 'em and down 'em without a chase.
Post edited by Seraphor on0 -
Not really. Your definition of looping is not running tiles which most people are referring to when they talk about anti loop, such as long walls and short walls.
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Heyyyy another buzzword thread.
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I think "anti-loop" (or "anti-chase" idc) is too broad a term. - As someone pointed out there are fun killers who are considered "anti-loop" (/"anti-chase") and those who are considered boring.
In my eyes the differentiation is a simple one, if the solution to a killer's power related to chase is "leave: hold w to somewhere else and give the killer a tour of the map" that's incredibly boring. If dodging is an option it becomes a lot of fun; which hits can a killer get? What is the timing to dodge? The whole how often can you run around certain objects before the killer gets in reach thing becomes more or less irrelevant (does not mean pallets and vaults and loop strength becomes irrelevant - just that it's not holding-w-to-run-in-circles).
Frankly, I'm not skilled enough as surv to consistently dodge a lot of killers (in part because they hardly ever show up 😅- how well can you learn how to dodge, say Demo, when you see him 1-2 times per 100 matches?) --- but I do play a fair bit of Nemo and just love figuring out which kinds of hits you can get; where you can hit over something and where you can't, how far exactly you can drag the whip to still get a hit that's sure to make the surv tempted to call bs ---- and it's even more fun if the surv knows just as much and a chase around a tile goes from shift-w to a peek-a-boo mindgame. And if they don't and go for pre-dropping pallets I just play good old pallet-shredder-Nemo and hold W just as much as they do. Which is less fun - but not infuriating either. Though I can see how a regular M1 killer that doesn't have a chase-build or other strong add-ons equipped would get annoyed by it rather quickly.
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So what do you call it when people run around a small loop with a pallet 20+ times until they drop the pallet in your face and move to the next one?
And don't tell me people don't do that. They do.
Am I not allowed to use powers to shut those loops down? Should I just accept that I'm either committing to a 2 minute+ chase and eat several pallet stuns? Or that this survivor is essentially untouchable as they perpetually remain equidistant to me on the other side of the loop?
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I wouldn’t consider blight, oni, or wesker to be antiloop. They’re all just very mobile.
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I'd say Wesker, Blight and Demo are all similarly minor-anti-loop, because on loops with long straight walls then can cut them off easily. Thing is, on the smaller loops their powers are actually useless, as survivors can turn the corner before the killer can line up a lunge.
Oni on the other hand takes time to ramp up to speed. That's not really used at loops as much as it is for map traversal.
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You don’t play killer much, do you? You think it’s fun playing killer with no anti-loop power and eating pallets while three gens get done before your first hook?
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Question that's always been on my mind: How does one make a killer that is strong, fun for both sides, and not heavily reliant on anti-loop?
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They can't something needs to help Killers... plus they tried
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There's plenty past threads for that mate. For us we say look at Wesker as sans a few map, he's pretty well balanced, but opinions vary greatly.
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I don't enjoy running around the same object multiple times by people who can loop perfectly, it was fun when people were new to it cause you could mess them up easily, but now it's really difficult to mindgame perfectly, so no being looped just isn't fun anymore. Beforehand I would have said it was my favorite part of chasing, but now I just find it ridiculously boring, especially if the survivors are gunning out generators, then it turns into a stress test, lol. Anti-loop killers are popular for a reason.
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In my opinion, there is no way to make a killer that is fun for everyone, because survivors like easy killers, and killers want to feel like their actions have meaningful impacts on the game there is no way to add both because you will just get scenarios where you make a killer that is easy to bully or you have to play in a certain way that is unfun to get greater impact from them. Sadako and wraith maybe can be used as an example. I mean I know people that hate rework hillbilly and hillbilly is one of the more fun killers to face as a survivor. They usually say it's because they have an instant down and go super fast lol.
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guess whats also boring, not having anti loop on a killer
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Give them a chainsaw.
If you juke a billy or bubba it can be fun as survivor. If you get a saw down with billy or bubba it can be fun as killer. When a Billy curves around a loop and gets you, or the bubba chainsaws around the loop backwards and gets you, you gotta respect the skill in that. Oni, Demo and Pig are similar in that regard. Any Pig that gets me with a dash at a loop outplayed me and I respect that.
I'd add Spirit and Blight but it depends on what add-ons they run as they are significantly easier and have busted addons.
Knight, Artist, Nurse, Pyramidhead, Nemesis, Trapper and Hag don't get the same respect from me at the typical pallet loop and I don't consider them as fun to face.
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Looping is boring. Especially with slow killers. Everyone who was looped around the same rock as huntress hears this musik in the background
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Not if you play as killer that isn
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If opinions may vary greatly, then Wesker isn't exactly the answer, is he?
Sounds like the game is fundamentally flawed then, no?
Do you think the Killers you mentioned as they currently are can be described as strong, fun for both sides, and not heavily reliant on anti-loop?
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Being looped for 3-4 gens in my first chase because I'm not using anti-loop is boring.
Sorry but, unless chases or gens speeds dramatically change, Killers need to end those chases ASAP. Not make the chase as fun as possible for Survivors before they twerk out the exit gates.
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You want a answer that fits everyone. Your literally asking for an impossible answer. No need for snarky for getting the second best thing.
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I'm not, though. I'm not asking for literally everyone to be happy. I'm asking for someone where both sides are generally content with the Killer and consider that Killer fun (along with the other things I mentioned) You said yourself that the opinions vary greatly. How does that fit the bill?
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Sorry, we're used to hearing snarky. Because everyones gona have a different opinion on whats balanced and getting both sides content with something is like punching rocks. You may eventually get there but its gona be a long and painful process.
We threw wesker there cause many (that we've seen) have said he's fun to play while having enough counter play to not be super expressive baring the usual "throw 4 gen slowdown" plays and the most common complaint (again, that we've seen) is that ALOT of people play him to the point of annoyance. Also we did say thats what we think.
If you want more generalized then base-kit blight is also generally agreed to be well made for both.
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So you're smiling when chasing somebody around a god loop where there is physically nothing you can do to catch them and their escape is granted for free? I don't think so, my guy. Tbh there are too many "nothing you can do" scenarios cropping up in this game for M1 killers.
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Not to be an ass, but that is quite literally a self-inflicted issue.
You actively choose to play an M1 killer, with no perks or addons to assist in looping - which is a legitimate mechanic of the game.
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This makes sense. Wesker, Oni and Blight aren't complete anti-loop, you can still loop them but you have to play around and respect their powers to engage in a chase.
Trickster, Clown, Knight or Artist are very boring because they are Press W killers. You can't engage with their powers or really play around it, you just have to run away/dodge. Realistically, all these killers have the exact same power in different fonts.
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M1 killers are part of the game. They shouldn't be so weak against a good survivor that chases take half the game or more. Instead of fixing maps and strong loops as a whole, BHVR decided to just add killers that do well against loops.
It's either we have anti-looping killers, or BHVR just gets rid of safe pallets and loops.
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Why is it such an ultimatum? There are literally perks and addons that aid in that. Perks and Addons are the balance and medium between the two worlds.
I never said M1 killers shouldn't exist, but if you actively choose to play a killer like that, and not equip something that will help you in chase - knowing fully well that it is your weakness.. That is literally entirely on you, as the player.
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What do you mean by "anti-loop" Like what counts as that for you? I think stuff like artist/knight are extremely boring but i would call those type of killer powers more loop denial than anti-loop.
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Hot take: We're not here to have fun. Killers are canonically out to suck the hope out of you with repeated torture and murder. If your victims are having fun, then you're failing in your mission. You want survivors so demoralized that they don't even try to run.