I was 100% right about Nurse and you all were 100% wrong!

I "told" people that Nurse was bs and she was bottom tier but no one listened and I got heavily criticized for having her at bottom 3 at F- on my tier list. This was 4 months ago!

Now fairly recently the kill rate data was released and what do you know? Nurse had the worst kills overall! Yeah because I told people always win against Nurse and I constantly escape with her. People either ignored this or went on about the same old tired line;

"You went against low mmr bla bla she breaks the rules of the game bla bla lol!" (You cant win with this community and its mentality is rigid!)

Nurse is terrible end of story like i've been saying for the past several months! You all will run out of sight eventually and forcing her to guess during the match and depending on her add-ons this takes even longer with recovery!

She has a slow walk and recovery is worse than Pyramid Head M2! She can only teleport twice with a cool down (!) but people thought this killer was strong and top 3 lmao!

This is why I think for myself and dont listen to people!
