I was 100% right about Nurse and you all were 100% wrong!

I "told" people that Nurse was bs and she was bottom tier but no one listened and I got heavily criticized for having her at bottom 3 at F- on my tier list. This was 4 months ago!
Now fairly recently the kill rate data was released and what do you know? Nurse had the worst kills overall! Yeah because I told people always win against Nurse and I constantly escape with her. People either ignored this or went on about the same old tired line;
"You went against low mmr bla bla she breaks the rules of the game bla bla lol!" (You cant win with this community and its mentality is rigid!)
Nurse is terrible end of story like i've been saying for the past several months! You all will run out of sight eventually and forcing her to guess during the match and depending on her add-ons this takes even longer with recovery!
She has a slow walk and recovery is worse than Pyramid Head M2! She can only teleport twice with a cool down (!) but people thought this killer was strong and top 3 lmao!
This is why I think for myself and dont listen to people!
The devs said the kill rate stats are more complicated than people think and you shouldnt draw too many conclusions from them. One thing to consider is that DCs don't count in the stats, and Nurse gets a lot of DCs. I'd wager more than other killers. So those are potential kills that are null and void. Also, she has a high learning curve. Those who try her, do badly, and then abandon her, will be bringing her kill rates down. And I'd wager alot of people try her since she has a reputation for being a strong killer.
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Nurse has the highest pickrate at high MMR while maintaining a steady 60% killrate. It's only at low MMR that she has the lowest killrate, and still her killrate is close to 50% so even bad Nurse are still winning half of their matches, you'd have to be insane to call that F-tier
Sorry to say, you think you're doing a smart satirical post but all you're doing is really show that you didn't read the stats well
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She’s average unless you do the blinky blink strategy which is definitely effective but not healthy for her kit imo. I’d rather buff her walking abilities and nerf that strategy
Also kill rates mean next to nothing. If we’re to go off of them Billy is the best killer in the game and Nea is the worst
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Lol people don't understand that this is a copy pasta.
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Is this the nurse version of the sadako post a few weeks back? 😂
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Yep. That's why i stole the first comment from that post and "tweaked" it 🤣
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People taking time to actually type a legit response kills me 🤣
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It's pretty freakin hilarious 🤣 love it!
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trash take
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People laugh at this post, but when they find out that in reality the Trickster is a thousand times more powerful than the nurse ... the return to reality will be so complicated ...
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All you are doing is showing that you haven't seen this same post being made unironically about sadako and the kill rates about 2 weeks ago.
This is just a remodeled copy pasta and nothing to take seriously. The headline alone makes it obvious to frequent forum users.
Edit: Look it's even back on the front page:
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This doesn't translate the way you think it does when you look at the top 5% MMR kill rates. The sadako post was a bit overblown but I think the sentiment that she's heavily underrated is correct for the most part.
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This has actually a pretty easy solution. If people stop disconnecting against her and play normally, her kill rate will adjust and the devs can react accordingly.
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I know you're trying to ridicule this post, yes. But the difference you are missing is that Sadako's killrate is a genuine statistical aberration, it shows that there's something we're missing. In contrast, the Nurse stats are perfectly where we'd expect them to be, provided we read the numbers correctly. A joke post does not mean nothing serious, in this case you are trying to make it look like the stats are contradictory even though they aren't, and the "Nurse is weak according to stats" thing is a common fallacy we've seen commonly on this forum after BHVR published the stats.
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DBD community when satire: