Killer/ Surv grade is it worth worrying about?

Meaning like do you get more points at the end or what does it give if anything? Just realized I had this for killer so far..
You get like 1 million blood points on the 13th of each month for IR1 on each side. Lesser grades reward less points.
It doesn't really mean anything. It's more of an indicator of how much you play power month. IR1 on killer is pretty easy, but solo survivor is much more difficult due to the amount of times you lose from people DCing, suicide on hook or just have a bad run of games.
I personally think they should just remove it from the game it serves no purpose and it actually makes people play more sweaty until they reach IR1 due to not wanting to depip. Game would probably be more chill in general if you didn't have a pointless rank system that nobody can see anyway. Just compensate with more blood points for matches to make up for the lost bonus on the 13th.
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Yes, it gives a good lump of BP on the 13th of each month. Just be warned - Killer is actually pretty easy to hit Iri 1 on, but survivor is...not.
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Nah not really.
It's nice but BP is pretty easy to earn so I wouldn't sweat over it.
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If you want the BP, go for it. Really up to the player whether they want to push for Iri 1 or not. It's not really a skill indicator, and you'll drive yourself nuts trying to hit Iri 1 on solo survivor. A lot of pipping on survivor involves doing various tasks out of context regardless of whether or not they are things you should be doing in order to escape the trial. The pip system on survivor often penalizes players who understand the role at a high level. Meanwhile you can pretty much pip by loading into the trial on killer.
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If you're new or still trying to unlock perks, it's worth goin as high as you can for the BP bonus. Other than that, it's nice but doesn't really matter. As long as you play the game you'll get somethin on the 13th of each month.
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I only do it for the BP though it is becoming increasingly more difficult as a solo survivor due to the sheer amount of tunnelling off hook and the inevitable DC's and giving up that usually result
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What does solo survivor mean? Is this just the regular survivor mode or is it another mode that you play solo that i've missed to see. If you are talking about normal survivor mode I concur. I'm tired of helping everyone and then toward the end I get battle axed and all the ones I just saved end up leaving me hanging on the hook and most of the time it's my first hook, and they run right through the exit. Then it leaves me thinking why in the jell-o did I even help these self-hearted people for.
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