The Absolute Sweaty Lag Of It All

I’m used to sweaty matches where I can only assume there is a gunman holding the Killer’s family hostage until they get their precious 4K.
But what I don’t understand is why some killers are playing like absolute (insert the best F word here) ###holes when loading into a game that has the known lag issue?
Everybody in the match is experiencing it. Why are you slugging, tbagging, facecamping, and even properly trying to play properly through the match?
I don’t expect a DC, but either just straight up hook us all and let us be on our way, or let us do the gens so we can be out of your way. I’m even up for farming some points if you can sit through the lag just to make the match worth it.
Heaven forbit the Killer not ask you how they should play before the match starts.
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Seriously. 😂
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Come on. Nobody can defend the way some of these people are choosing to act with the lag. This isn’t normal circumstances for anybody. It’s disgusting how most are being. When the survivors all run to you to say just hook us, so we can move on and we are slugged and forced to wait while we bleed out.
People need to think about the fact there are real live people on the other side of the characters they see in front of them and grow up.
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Some people definitely need to grow up - That's for sure
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This is about the lag situation the UK servers are dealing with. It's really bad, and DC penalties are still on as far as I'm aware so it's better to just get hooked and move on.
I think OP is saying please don't slug, let us just try to get out of laggy games as quick as possible.
Video for reference:
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Then OP should say that instead of screaming 'STOP BEING A TRYHARD!'
'The game is laggy, just kill Survivors and move on' is more polite than "STOP BEING A TRYHARD!'
Because that second one sounds like the same old screech of Survivors angry Killers won't 'think about OUR fun!' and demanding they 'stop using 'sweaty' perks/killers/tactics'.
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Ok that’s pretty f*cked.😂
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Yeah I know, but we're pretty frustrated right now on our servers so I get him 😂
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It's an absolute embarrassment that servers have been left like this for 5 days now in the UK. If we have to join a server in Spain or something then great. Switch the London server off! I get the office is closed but the past couple of years with all the working from home that's gone on, surely a short term fix can be performed?
The twitter account can tweet nonsense out every day, but a proper statement on the main page, not a two line reply buried in a thread somewhere that hardly anyone can see, isn't hard to do. If it can't be fixed until next week at least put out a message saying so.
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Agreed, we've all paid for this game and it's unplayable for a full week because the entire team is off. It's odd they don't have a contingency plan for stuff like this.
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It's such a bad way to manage the office: take a week or two off and cross your fingers nothing happens while it is shut.
At least, at the very least, have one person check on things once a day to catch any technical issues.
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It's a joke again today. Games are either the worst lag you've ever seen, no lag but half the team DC's the second someone gets downed at 5 gens, or you play the Knight and three gens spawn on top of each other in an open part of Shelter Woods and the game lasts the full hour as they don't move from that corner of the map, don't chase and send their guards out to the gen they are furthest away from (about 10 second walk). Fun times 😆
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This is what happens when a game has no real competition. The developers can ignore bugs and player experience issues for as long as they want and people will still play. You can bet that if a bunch of players were leaving the game due to these issues that the devs would be working right now to fix them.
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All of this
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apparently this double quote thing can’t be deleted but I agree with both comments lol
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It is honestly baffling that an always online game doesn't have the ability to have someone just... do basic server admin for overtime or holiday pay or something. Is 'the game is barely playable to the point people aren't playing in some regions' not enough???
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It is disgusting. I got a new PC for xmas specifically to play DBD and after 2 days, I can't play the damn thing. I'm missing the bloodrush and bonechill event cos of it.
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Unfortunately, BHVR simply don’t care enough to fix this problem. They’ve decided that their vacation time is more important than your player experience. Apparently there are enough players willing to put up with the trash server performance because the player count on Steam really has not dropped much, if at all, during the past week.
History shows that the only thing that really gets BHVR to respond with any sense of urgency is significant drop in player count. People need to stop playing the game if they want to see any real action from the devs.
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I understand the need to have holiday time - everyone deserves some uninterrupted time away from the office. Its just sods law that this has happened at a time when everyone gets time off. However, many People go back to work in between Christmas and New Year and with the nature of the game you'd expect small on call team for the non essential days, at least.