Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

How many cheaters have you played against today?

How many hackers have you seen in your games today?

Auto Dead hards? Speed hacks? Minimap? Gen speed increase?


  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I haven't seen a cheater since June, when I started playing.

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913
    edited December 2022

    I had one game today where I honestly wasn't sure. They might just have been godlike survivors, but they got the flashlight save EVERY time. They waited it out when I tried to bait out their Dead Hard and got their extra health state at just the right moment EVERY single time.

    I admit I wasn't playing my best, mostly because I should have stopped rationalizing to myself that "oh, they definitely won't be following me THIS time. That'd be one time too many. There's just no need to check around for the bastard with the flashlight or face a wall."

    I didn't see that they were overtly cheating, but I started wondering during the next game when the next squad was trying all the same tactics and failing, and I stomped them.

    I've only had one instance in my 2+ entire career obsessively playing the game where the cheating has actually been obvious. I guess it's more common at extremely high MMR where most cheaters will eventually end up for obvious reasons.

    That doesn't apply to the mobile game, mind. Every other game has a Meg running around at 200% speed on Android.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,951


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    True, I imagine !

    Mine was an infinite instablind flashlight that went through walls and insta heals. They were only in low mmr to test their hacks before a wicked day of wicked deeds I guess.

    They did try to get my friends and I to harass the killer as well, but when we turned on them (trying to help the killer get them) they DC'd and we all farmed and had a slug race. Poor killer had been blind half the game before that.

  • Gamall
    Gamall Member Posts: 487

    Yesterday 1, but 0 in the previous 6-7 months

  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426

    One out three match has at least one suspcious player/cheater

    So far the most seen cheat is auto dead hard, but also teleport is pretty common or gen repair speed increase ( without perks or anything else )

  • i dont know what is cheat or bug.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,009

    rarely any

  • xcamilorexta2
    xcamilorexta2 Member Posts: 1

    1 a trapper that got looped the entire game and for some reason when the exit gate were open and he hit 1 survivor, all of us went down giving him the win since nobody had Unbreakable.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited December 2022

    Blatant cheaters are very rare these days. However the subtle cheaters are much harder to actually prove, you end up second guessing everything. The amount of super sus auto deadhards though is very high. Like literally on their back for 10+ seconds of them holding it and then to still time it on an instant m1, not a lunge mind you, that’s like .25 second reaction timing…super questionable.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,886

    I haven't seen a blatant cheater in ages, but there are quite a few auto DH'ers out there. Most of the time it's just really suspicious (like when a player who otherwise sucks somehow times multiple dead hards perfectly, even when baited), but I have caught a few dead to rights by swinging from the other side of a pallet or window, which will trigger it.

    I've also had instances where survs were close together and I was clearly trying to hit one, but another close by DH's.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177
    edited December 2022

    0 today, though I very rarely get cheaters for whatever reason

    I have yet to play a game where someone didn't DC right away though so that's been super fun...

    (granted that's only 3 games but that feels like 3 games too many)

    edit 4 games

    edit Ae you fing with me? 5

  • PrincessCalla
    PrincessCalla Member Posts: 139

    So far, 4. It's getting ridiculous and so obvious. Such a shame to see them run rampant in this game, I report and block, but it seems like for every one I report, more show up.

    They think they are sneaky and make it hard to tell, but it's not that hard. Makes me want to stop playing, which is's just really disheartening.

  • PrincessCalla
    PrincessCalla Member Posts: 139

    Just encountered a huntress who could magically throw through walls, I am 100% sure and caught it on video. My BF was watching and kept saying "How is that possible?" It's not fair that I have to take a DC penalty when playing against cheaters, or I am forced to sit there and play a match with these fools.

    Yes, I could leave via hook, I usually do, but this is ridiculous.

  • o7o
    o7o Member Posts: 335

    Haven't come across an obvious cheater in months but during Christmas break, 5, subtly. Tried their hardest to make it look like they were playing legit then "slip" when it was convenient for them.

    • Default P43 Nancy with a random name conveniently hiding scratch marks in front of me when both of us are about to break LoS around a tile whilst still running and outrunning me on a 50/50 with BL and even moonsaw Bubba.
    • Mikaela vaulting through my Bamboozle, somehow faster than me, boots me offline when I down them on their 2nd hook at EGC
    • Default Steve insta-healing to full in front of me while downed and no one near him healing
    • 1st Plague with a random name/private profile running a Than/gen slowdown build, aimbotting through the middle temple of Eyrie seconds after hooking a teammate on the other side of it, 1 shotting with Vile, and zipping around tiles abnormally fast to slug for pressure then goes back to playing normally
    • 2nd Plague running a gen slowdown build with suspiciously faster than normal base movement speed, running backwards alongside tiles flicking (which I found hilarious)

    Also watched Otz live go against a Bubba on Lery's that was playing legit and normal until towards the end and just let out the speed hacks to slug around basement/lab area. Within the same week over the course of Christmas, this is how many I've encountered.

  • Unimatrix00
    Unimatrix00 Member Posts: 459

    I'm honestly not sure. It seems like every 5 matches I come across a survivor who seems to be able to move faster than they should be able to. Like, what's the maximum time it should take to catch up to a survivor?

  • ProGamerMD
    ProGamerMD Member Posts: 26

    I hadn't seen any cheaters for awhile, but it seems they are coming back now. I just started seeing them again within the last week.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,636

    Just 1 today. My last one was 3 months ago, though.

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    1 and the day is not that old, but lately very rarely an obvious one.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    At least 1: prestige 50 Laurie with less than 100 hours from *that* country who somehow out speeded agi/starstruck while being perfectly in range

    Did i report? Only in game. Do i care? Nah, improve your report system bhvr

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Probably 9-10 cheating killers. I always blame cheaters when I lose. Only played one killer game today and two survivor cheaters escaped and the legit players I killed so that was a 2-0 for me.

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    today i seen: flashlight save accross the map, instant killed on first hook, standing on hook, instant gens, jumping over the closed gate and super run speed

    i thought these things shouldn't be possible anymore because of internal server checks and such.