Duckless Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

After thinking long and hard, watching streams from many of my favorite youtubers and twitch streamers, i sought a way to help fix the stupid stale game-play that is META v META. I have an idea that may fix this game in way that may help break the META v META stalemate.

Here is the idea.

-Each season every perk becomes slightly different or enters a new form:

Perks that would run the game become outmatched by many or simply have better stats. Like lets say, Eruption.

As Eruption would be normal, the next season, it gains different stats or even different conditions. such as 3 variants of each perk that is put as Active, Passive, or Condition. So the next season, eruption could work after 3 injuries, has a 40 second cool down, and leaves 15% progress(an example not a suggestion)

The next season, it could become an passive perk that staying near a generator will start regressing it, the closer the terror radius the more is lost when its unmanned(an example not a suggestion.)

The devs could create variants of every perk that will be randomized every season. Switching up the meta and allowing everybody to understand each and different combinations that are available. Keeping players interested and intrigued to find out different combinations and fun ways to play the game. I think that this could solve many problems even though the idea may not be as concrete, i think it can really help improve the game later.

Im open to ideas to turn this rough draft into a final draft and see if the devs can comment or help improve this idea or even make it reality. I genuinely think this can improve the game so much.

(I was also thinking that each of the 3 varients have a letter above or on the border that can show what variant it is.)


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I feel like there's already struggle to make good perks as is, let alone 3 variants of each...

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,483

    Or they could make a no perk mode plus a random perk mode where survivors and killer spawn in with four random perks. For everyone tired of the meta they can play these modes.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    Way to complicated.

    Here is how BHVR should do it: every two weeks they nerf the 5 top used survivor and killer perks, mostly by tweaking the numbers, and in the same update buff the 5 least played perks of both sides.

    Stick to the changes, unless you really messed up in a gamebreaking way, but otherwise let the player base figure out what to do with the new opportunity.

    Maybe add the rule that a perk can't be selected two times in a row and/or that buffed underused perks can't be nerfed next round if they just happen to become popular during this two weeks.

    Rinse. Repeat. Ad infinitum.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

  • xfireturtlex
    xfireturtlex Member Posts: 419

    They barely manage to do updates without breaking things now. This would massively increase workload and require new systems to be created to handle rotations. That's not really feasible. There's a lot more than changing a couple values when it comes to perks. That code is tangled with everything else (that's why they break stuff so often).

    It's good that people are trying to think outside the box....don't be discouraged. These ideas are just too complex for BHVR to pull off in their current state. When you're coming up with ideas try to consider how much work would need to be done and how to accomplish it within budget restrictions. DBD has been successful, but BHVR is still an indie studio with limited resources.

  • CheesyBabyBoi
    CheesyBabyBoi Member Posts: 236

    This would be exceptionally hard to do, but it does sound really fun for a different type of gamemode, like everyone is given random perks and bonuses at the beginning of the game and have to deal with managing all the new stuff for every game, sounds fun and goofy

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,228

    Basically what you are suggesting is equivalent to turning off 2/3rds of the perks every season. You say slightly different but your examples are pretty significantly different.

    Even beyond that there are a couple of problems

    1: Even with different perks every season all that would change is new metas would emerge each season. It would likely at most take a week to form.

    2: While BHVR gets a lot of grief, sometimes deserved, balancing a game like this is legitimately very hard. Creating variations of perks which are randomly drawn would would significantly increase the difficulty of doing this.

    3: You create the problem that the game would swing balance wise between survivors and killers based on how the perks come out.


    A big part of the problem is there is only so many things that can actually be done in a game like this. To shake up the meta both sides need balanced to make the strongest perks weaker and the weaker perks stronger.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    They get a lot of grief because the meta stays the same for too long. Especially the 5 year long survivor meta.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    I think an immediate fix would be to nerf Dead Hard and Eruption into the ground right off.

    Next is more controversial but hear me out... remove DC penalties entirely and replace survivors who have left with a bot. If someone wants to play like a scumbag then people will just leave and they will be left to play against bots.

    This is a way the community can self correct without BHVR continually trying things that clearly are not working. People will learn that if you are going to hard camp and tunnel off hook people will just go next and you will never have a normal non-bot match if you can't play 'nice'.

    The people who leave for any reason will always do so, if they don't DC they will just yeet out on first hook. But during this penalty off period I have played with survivors in solo who stuck out the most horrible matches right to the end despite the fact they could just DC.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,699

    That's not really going to be an option, since some perks are very unhealthy for the game.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,699

    Boil Over springs to mind, as does Monstrous Shrine. Probably Flip-Flop and Breakout as well.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    Well, these are fine if they are inserted in the right build.

    I am talking about actual bad perks. Half the perks in the game are barely used and almost useless.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    There will always be a meta. Doesn´t matter if other perks are "stronger" or better for a certain situation. A streamer will speak about how this or that build is perfect and everyone will use it.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,706

    You'll never remove meta v meta. Both sides will always have perks that are better than other options and will see the most play.

  • NITRAS42
    NITRAS42 Member Posts: 170

    I think the core problem is game design. The killers main goal is to kill survivors before the gens all pop. The Survivors goal is to pop the gens before they die.

    The best perks all make the gens go faster or slower. Be nice if there was a way for survivors to win (like do all the bones, which causes another objective to activate to power the gates. . . . I don’t know. Something.