Trying to leave from being healed

It should be easier to break off from being healed than face smashing the keyboard/controller. Too many instances where the other survivor doesn't see the killer and 3s of me bashing the keyboard just to break off and start running. There has been countless times where I just get downed right then because I have to fight other survivors to let go of me. Why isn't this easier to break from being healed? I don't even care for the notification of a broken skill check. I'll take the notification over 3s watching the killer come closer and closer. I'm already exposed at that point.


  • Laurie268
    Laurie268 Member Posts: 582

    Hold shift (the sprint button) and they will instantly stop healing you. You can also hold it when you’re down on the ground to stop teammates from farming you infront of the killer

  • illumina
    illumina Member Posts: 73

    Didn't know it shift works that way. Good to know. I'll have to pay attention to it. I swear shift is almost always pushed for me if I'm los of killer.

  • xfireturtlex
    xfireturtlex Member Posts: 419

    There's an option you can toggle in settings that breaks any action if you run. Turn that on.