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Do you think Knight buffs are enough?

faithfulknight Member Posts: 65
edited January 2023 in General Discussions

What's your opinion?


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    He will need more changes than these.

  • Moxie
    Moxie Member Posts: 806

    Still don't understand why they don't make his power like Pinhead. Being able to at least "place" a location while moving.

    Hell, even Nurse can move while using her B L I N K power....

  • James4125
    James4125 Member Posts: 266

    Not even close. All the power is in the survivors hands with Knight. They know what he's doing, when he's doing it, and where he's doing it and then they have the flag to completely undo it anyway. (and unless I'm mistaken they didn't remove the entirely unnecessary buffs survivors get from the flag)

    Bare minimum for Knight to even be raised out of rock bottom tier is the AI to immediately start chase and attempt to actually cut the survivors off instead of playing follow the leader. Even with both those things he'd still be pretty pathetic.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I'm having a blast with Knight, so any improvements are welcome imo.

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    They're as much enough as Nurse nerfs are.

  • トゥーリ
    トゥーリ Member Posts: 4

    The adjustments proposed by the PTB are far from the adjustments to take advantage of Knight's performance.

    The performance of the guard is low against the limit that only one guard can be summoned.

    A means to speed up the start of tracking has been presented, but the problem is that the original time is too long.

    Using an add-on to extend the tracking time by 4 seconds does not reach the assassin by 1.1 meters.

    Of course, there are more problems to solve than those.

    Just being able to switch guards at will will dramatically improve and make you feel more comfortable.

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 522

    he obviously needs more buffs, and the change of green addons as they are useless

  • CriticalWeasel
    CriticalWeasel Member Posts: 378

    My Idea for Knight buffs is Guards gain 5% increased movement speed once they put down their banner and survivors can only see the orb if it's within 6 meters.

  • some_guy1
    some_guy1 Member Posts: 694

    the shrinking orb, faster hunt start from long patrol lengths are amazing changes

    the 5% regression from order is also a nice change

    the haste feels a bit underwhelming, it's a 5% haste for a maximum of 6 seconds, in my opinion it should a 10% haste(might need to adjust the lightweight greaves though)

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Really cool that they buffed a speficic playstyle they had in mind for him !

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Still got to give it some time, but so far the buffs seem ok. Not sure how well they'll help Knight, but it's at least something to test the waters.

    ARTRA Member Posts: 938

    I would like at least:

    - Summon guards in your spot not 1 meter in front of you, or at least some QoL change to sommon easier without do a 360 no scope before summoning.

    - Reduce sound of guards WooOoshing.

    - Add 2 extra metters to base guard radious, reduce 2 meters from addon.

  • Gamall
    Gamall Member Posts: 487

    Worst dedigned killer ever, it should not even have been conceived this trash

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I will have to disagree with the majority here. I have been playing him quite a bit on the ptb, and I do believe some of the teams I went against were pretty good as well. In my opinion, these buffs are pretty impactful. Right now in the live game, most of the time his best option is always to just trap the loop he is at, but with these buffs, he now has more options, and therefore is able to deal with more different situations better.

    I think he is actually pretty decently strong now. The fact that you can't see his green orb after 10 meters anymore is probably his biggest buff, because now he is actually able to counterplay holding w. This makes him so much more interesting as well, because even though you still want to hold w as survivor against him, he can now still pose a threat against you, because you can't see his green orb anymore. That's the actual interesting gameplay of the Knight, becuse it's the interactive part of his power. As a survivor, you want to predict where the Knight will place his guard, and as the Knight, you want to predict where the survivor is running to.

    So perhaps this buff will even make him a bit more fun to go against, though his loop trapping playstyle still being effective means there will still be situations where you just hold w and hope for another loop.

    Personally, I wish they'd buff his path creation playstyle a bit more, and nerfed his loop trapping playstyle a bit. The haste effect and the duration of it after creating a longer path should be increased for example. The detection range of the Carnifex and Assasin could probably also need a 1 or 2 meter increase, with the maps of the realm addon being nerfed as compensation. And then he should get a small, 0,75 or 1 second delay after activating his power before he can deactivate again, unless he performs an order action. This way survivors can counterplay simply trapping a loop more effectively.

    Of course these are just impressions form the ptb.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    I think they are a start of putting in a decent spot. But 5% haste for a few seconds for doing long paths is a little weak compensation for the time committed that is doing long paths. You're still better of dropping the guard in place most of the time.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    In his current state the knight should never recieve any real buffs. He is incredibly unfun to play and to play against. He excels at 2 things and its forcing survivors to just hold W away from loops and holding 3 gens, neither of which are good gameplay.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    The reason he is so unfun to go against his ability to just trap loops quickly, forcing survivors to run away from a loop, hoping they can reach another loop. That part of him is not being buffed in any way however.

    Ideally, they would nerf that part of his power, and buff his path creation playstyle even more than on the ptb, but these buffs are a great start and won't make him less fun to go against. He might even become a bit more fun to go against with his more fun playstyle being encouraged more, but to really make him a fun killer to verse, they would also have to nerf his loop trapping playstyle.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 701

    The worst feeling playing Knight is when the guard spots someone, then moves through them to where they were when it spotted them, then proceed to follow their footsteps instead of taking the smartest pathing to reach them.

    Even if when you placed the path directly on a survivor, the guard intercepted and hit them; it would still only be like Spirit with slight differences.

    He moves faster but power is slower, more clunky, has to rotate through the different guards, and has a visual indication of where they will spawn. I presume it’s so safe to stop the guard getting a hit and then the Knight getting a hit right after, but that could be addressed by giving the Knight a slight slowdown if in the guards circle when it scores a hit.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    I said any real buffs. The buffs on the PTB will do absolutely nothing

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,951
    edited January 2023

    It feels a lot to me like bHVR wants us to do long complicated paths and really mindgame survivors. Yet the moment we deploy it the Survivor runs to the other side of the map. The haste isnt going to encouraging me to do long paths unless it can ensure me.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    It's really not enough. Long patrols just don't work because the survivor will just hold W away from you and you lose way too much distance. The minor haste buff doesn't address that well enough and you're still better off just dropping a guard in a loop to force the survivor to the next one.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,608

    Probably not. The guards having a broken pathfinding is a critical problem.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,410

    Delete guards,.

    Give him a horse.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    The Buffs are nice, I had some fun testing them out against the Bots on the PTB. Will see more once it hits live (I dont play Killer on the PTB). But overall, Knight needs a complete power-rework. He is probably one of the most hated Killers, regardless if someone is playing him or playing against him.

    And personally, I am still disappointed, since I wanted a Knight-Killer for years, and when it arrived, it was just #########.

    I honestly thought/hoped for some Mobility-ability of the Knight-Killer I wanted for years. And I thought, with Maurice disappearing from his Map that it will be used as the Knights Horse and give him some form of mobility.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Honestly, I think more than a haste buff, what he really needed is a much longer default path and path creation speed (to actually make long paths that can intercept someone rather than this weird slow catch-up) as well as some sort of control tweak so you don't keep bonking into doorways trying to do that.

    Also, another look at the minimum range to activate his power. "You can't start it because there's a wall here"; "you can't task your guard onto this gen/door/pallet because you're too close to it, back up"†

    † I mean this is the Carnifex's entire second thing after the long chase but I have to lose time backing out of the way to get into the sweet spot to do it quickly?

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 705

    A killer’s power shouldn’t buff survivors, period. And the fact that the Knight’s power does isn’t even the biggest problem with him, just the dumbest.

    He’s DOA and small tweaks won’t fix that.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 705

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I actually think he's okay to good after testing him a lot.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    I just think the buffs are kind of a poor way of incentivising the playstyle they want; the guards chasing slightly less stupidly would also help with setting up longer paths..

    (Mostly, I don't want buffs, I just want QoL fixes for activation jank)

  • faithfulknight
    faithfulknight Member Posts: 65

    Jailer was stuck in a gen last time I played him in PTB.