Both sides

Seems like rn the game sucks for alot of people on both sides. Gen slowdown perks, slugging, and solo q seem to piss many survivors off and the same amount of things go for the killer side.

I have no solution just an observation . Re work maps plz.


  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251
  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 564

    Bestie, nobody uses Hyperfocus and Quick Gambit, what are you talking about, do you even play this game?

    Can you see that Hyperfocus is only good at perfectly putting several things together at once, which is not the case in normal games? 

    Writing that Hyperfocus is OP is like writing that Potential Energy can instantly fix a generator as 4 people take it.

    It can, but it never happens.

    Quick Gambit is similarly mega situational, the effect is temporary, and using this perk is very risky - you bring down a killer where people do generators.


    Overcharge, CoB, Eruption is straight up high value with zero risk, and on killers like Wesker, Blight or Nurse is almost uncounterable.

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 564

    To have value from Hyperfocus you have to bring toolbox to have a lot of skillchecks and you have to hit only great skillchecks.

    If Hyperfocus is OP, then why only 1-2% of people use that "meta perk"? Because it's highly situational and you have to fullfill a lot of conditions to have barely any value from it.

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 750

    Yes, the killers got 2 nerfed C tier perks while the survivors got a stronger version of the S tier perk and at the same time added hyperfocus which, together with the toolbox, allows you to make a gene in 40 seconds solo

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 564

    Same with Quick Gambit - if this perk is strong then why <1% of players are using it?


    On the other hand:

    Eruption - over 20%

    CoB - over 15%

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 564

    With Hyperfocus you literally have to disrupt a survivor once and till the end of the match this perk will give no value, as the toolbox can be used once.

    Unless one has built to last and/or stake out, but then if you disrupt the survivor it will waste a lot of time to get the tokens back on stake out and renew the toolbox, and can't equip DH or other perks.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    I dunno, I see a couple of hyperfocuses and stakeouts every time I play for an evening. Not even SWF, they just seem to crop up.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    BHVR has completly ZERO knowledge about their game and their playerbase.

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 564

    If the survivors do not have a toolbox for Hyperfocus then this perk gives virtually nothing at all.

    The toolbox makes skillchecks pop more often, without it you can do a large part of the generator without any skillcheck.

    I also like this combination myself sometimes, because it's cool in terms of the placebo that skillcheck is great, but I don't know if it makes the game the way some people portray it, that someone can do a solo generator in 45 seconds.

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 564

    Please send me a video from the regular match where you do the generator in 40 seconds with Hyperfocus.

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 750

    and do not forget that if the killer spent more than 4 seconds to extinguish the totem, then the survivor won more time than he put the totem, (extinguishing animation takes 2 seconds)

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 564

    Personally I hate boon totems, but ok, survivors have 1 (one) perk, which can be understood as OP by some, as it allows unlimited healing.

    Admittedly, it's often overlooked that in order to have value with COH you have to:

    - Take the time to find a totem

    - Take the time to boon the totem

    - Take the time to heal yourself.

    - If you are far from the boon, you still have to take the time to get to the totem.

    In my personal opinion, a Bond is much stronger, because then you just have to find another survivor to heal you.

    But ok, let the survivors have an "OP" COH.

    And the killers, as I mentioned above, have infinite Eruption uses for the whole match after one generator kick, have regression perks that overlap each other (CoB + Overcharge), Call of Brine includes practically a whole other perk in addition to regression - Surveillance, besides that we have Jolt or a Pain Res + DMS combination, and besides that the killers got an extra 10 seconds to do generators.

    I can go for a deal that COH, Hyperfocus (<2% usage) or Quick Gambit (<1% usage) would get a nerf, but the killers would have all bullcrap combos I wrote above nerfed, if this makes games "balanced".

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 564

    Also that build is funny because the killer has to knock someone out with an Eruption and the whole value of this build drops to zero because you won't use the same toolbox a second time, then you won't have a lot of skillchecks and then you won't have "Hyperfocus value".

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 564

    I can record similar custom game with 4 SWF bringing Potential Energy and insta-finishing the gen.

    Would that prove that Potential Energy is OP? I don't think so and I'll leave room here for you to think about how custom games differ from regular matches.

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 750

    you can do the same if your partner has Prove yourself

    well, if you only have hyperfocus and last build, you can make a generator for a measly 50. 2 generators in 100 seconds (shift w chase takes 30 seconds minimum)

     a group of 3 can make 6 generators in just 100 seconds killer OP please let's nerf the pig

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 564

    Yes, If the killer didn't harass you for approx 1 minute you can do one (!) gen fast as solo.

    It's not 2 generators in 100 seconds because you need entire toolbox to have Hyperfocus value.

    Also if you have prove killer may just equip Discordance and harass you when you are doing gen, again, making this build useless.

  • MyelinXCVIII
    MyelinXCVIII Member Posts: 163

    Wait, you can see survivor perks before the game starts now?

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 564

    Is it my fault that the killer in his build doesn't have perks for aura reading because apart from 4 perks for generator regression, nothing else can be stuffed in there?

    Also a lot of killers run lethal rn so they can approximate where are survivors going to do gen.

    Also I don't know why are you asking that as Prove is very common perk and running Discordance is pretty good idea (~10% of killers run this perk).

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 750

    I will just ignore you, I see no reason to communicate with a person who believes that a 40+% reduction in time is not much,

    just imagine if the killer moved with a base speed of 6+ this is the same

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573
  • MyelinXCVIII
    MyelinXCVIII Member Posts: 163

    Survivors need an easier way to share information to bring solo more in-line with SWF (which we're getting, so that's awesome).

    Many, many maps need reworking including some that have already been reworked once (looking at you, Gideon. You're meant to be a converted slaughter house, not a pallet factory). This is honestly taking too long but at least it is being worked on.

    Some gen regression *and* gen progression perks are too strong. We don't need to mention Eruption any more than it has been already- we all know it's overtuned. Call of Brine outclasses Surveillance in almost every way, overcharge would be fine without it stacking with the previously mentioned perks. Prove Thyself has always been incredibly strong for how little effort you need to put in to get value out of it, at least Overzealous and Hyperfocus have some risk to them. Potential Energy can be good but every time I see it used, it hurts the survivors a lot more than it helps them (kinda like Self Care).

    Honestly though, changing the meta probably won't make the game more fun, at least long term. People will always try to optimise the fun out of DbD.

    Matchmaking though, that really needs to be looked at. Every game I've played since coming back to the fog has either been stomp or get stomped on with no matches where I felt it could go either way.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Surveillance has the advantage of working with other regression sources. Jolt, Ruin (if you can keep it up at all), Pain Res, etc. It does have a distinct edge over CoB if you don't want to keep kicking ######### all game.

  • MyelinXCVIII
    MyelinXCVIII Member Posts: 163

    Totally agreed, it's just in the current meta that it serves no purpose. Kind of crazy how kicking gens went from being a total waste of time to the go-to strategy.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,948

    Yeah. Killers are absolute monsters because of these buffs. Can't you see how dangerous the average M1 killer is right now? Me neither.

    STBFL is a super good perk but the 10% shorter cooldown on its own does very little. Combined it's quite strong but I've yet to see how this would be a problem.

    Eruption is a stupidly strong and tedious perk, I'll give you that. It's also horrible that all these gen regression perks have such great synergy with each other. However, Overcharge and CoB are, on their own, not problematic. It's the synergy once again that makes these perks so strong. Considering BHVR nerfed BBQ without compensation it really is not surprising that you see so many people running these perks. Slowdown is guaranteed value, everything else is not.

    Survivors got 1 perk included in their base kit and that definitely shows. Also OTR got reworked to its current state. Those 2 things definitely help against tunneling. The DS nerf was not a good idea but it had the same problem as OTR has right now. Some survivors can't accept not being tunneled and throw theirselves at the killer to bodyblock for their team mate before complaining that the killer tunnels them. DH got nerfed considerably and it's still by a huge margin the strongest perk in the game. That shows how ridiculous it used to be. You can't press E for distance anymore but actually pulling it off now is even stronger than before. The killer now has to hit you 3 times, which gives you 2 speed boosts and 2 weapon cooldowns for the killer. There are quite a few people out there that have perfected their craft and will only DH when they see the killer actually swing, so often enough you can't even wait it out.

    Playing killer feels better than before 6.1.0 but seeing as you're pretty much forced to use some kind of slowdown, if you don't want to get stomped is not all that fun. The amount of green items combined with perks to increase action speed further you see as a killer really makes you see how much 10 seconds on a gen help, which is not at all.

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 564

    How many times do I have to write that in order to have any value from Hyperfocus the survivor must have the toolbox with them, because without it this perk has no value?

    And since he has to have a toolbox does that mean it's a one-time highspeed generator action that can be aborted if within those ~50 seconds to make a generator the killer interferes with the survivor by any means (via hatchet, Deadlock, flying bird or simply knocks someone out with Eruption)?

    Writing that Hyperfocus is OP is just silly, that's like writing that Devour Hope is OP because it allows you to insta-kill someone.


    But it works rarely and a lot of things have to be fulfilled to have real value from this perk, and for most games it has no value.

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 564

    It's apparent that you don't play as a survivor at all, since you give as an argument a artificial video taken in a custom game to prove that a perk is powerful.

    In normal games such instances don't exist, and they certainly aren't constant enough to have their effects in every game, this is especially evident by the fact that hardly anyone (I'll remind you ~1% of the community) uses Hyperfocus at all.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,106

    - Take the time to find a totem

    Nope. Players skilled enough to actually make use of COH also know where the totems will spawn in a map. This is largely a nonissue.

    - Take the time to boon the totem

    Same amount of time as destroying it (unless aalready hexed) with outcomes that can easily save more time than spent to make it

    - Take the time to heal yourself.

    Again, faster that Self Care, a perk who's sole ability is to let you, and only you, self heal. You also forget it works on healing others

    - If you are far from the boon, you still have to take the time to get to the totem.

    Again, usually a non-issue since it's a rather large range (that ignores verticality too), and is often set up near where the action is but just out of the killer's patrol route..

  • TheMruczek
    TheMruczek Member Posts: 193

    Yea playing Killer is like the most pleasant and fun thing you can do in DbD.

  • JakeCannon
    JakeCannon Member Posts: 542

    Map size, bugs for many killers, CoH w/4 medkits, prove thyself w/toolboxes, flashlights etc. Is call of brine and eruption annoying too ? Yes . I think they should all be re worked.