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Are you ready for the new endgame?

Raccoon Member Posts: 7,692
The DS/BT escape meta is going to be pretty funzo.

Unhook - BT (hit + chase + hit) - unavoidable DS (chase + hit) seems pretty reasonable during the endgame.


  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    I wish they would have included an endgame rework in the upcoming ptb, but it seems like it's not coming. I really can't wait anymore, I want a new balanced rework for both sides 
  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited February 2019

    This is what I can't wait for....

    10 One gen left....
    20 Find and hook the obsession...
    30 Last gen pops...
    40 Killer returns to hook to secure kill...
    50 Teammate rescues hooked survivor...
    60 Killer hits down rescuer during unhooking process...
    70 Killer chases unhooked obsession, gets rancored.
    80 Killer returns, picks up rescuer and hooks them.

    End of match.

    Screw your BT.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Oh God, Imagine DS, BT and Adrenaline :scream:

    I Suppose you could counter with Noed, Rancor and Enduring tho.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,692

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    Raccoon said:

    I hate the hall pass rework too and I’m a survivor that never even really used ds. I hate it Bc it promotes slugging. We both have issues , you hate the ability to work around it, I hate the ability to work around it. Let’s hate it together. 
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    Can't wait for the Ebony Mori meta either. I won't really be a part of that myself buuuuuuttttt

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited February 2019

    @fcc2014 said:
    LOL! Good Luck with that more like 4 at the door doing this....

    Probably... But.. That scenario will come up more often then you think. Maybe not all 4.. but I wouldn't be surprised if a few SWF groups get nailed by it.

  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570

    Imagine having to deal with Borrowed Time.

    This post was made by the Wraith gang.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Unnamed_Freak said:
    Imagine having to deal with Borrowed Time.

    This post was made by the Wraith gang.

    Got my insidious packed up.

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    Good on you for adapting to changes so quick. At least I get my BBQ stacks.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    @Shad03 said:

    @Unnamed_Freak said:
    Imagine having to deal with Borrowed Time.

    This post was made by the Wraith gang.

    Got my insidious packed up.


  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    fcc2014 said:

    @TheBean said:
    This is what I can't wait for....

    10 One gen left....
    20 Find and hook the obsession...
    30 Last gen pops...
    40 Killer returns to hook to secure kill...
    50 Teammate rescues hooked survivor...
    60 Killer hits down rescuer during unhooking process...
    70 Killer chases unhooked obsession, gets rancored.
    80 Killer returns, picks up rescuer and hooks them.

    End of match.

    Screw your BT.

    LOL! Good Luck with that more like 4 at the door doing this....

    Spoiler alert!
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @TAG said:

    @Shad03 said:

    @Unnamed_Freak said:
    Imagine having to deal with Borrowed Time.

    This post was made by the Wraith gang.

    Got my insidious packed up.


    I'll guard the Shack pallet, someone grab a Trapper to trap the window. And someone needs to guard the other door. Bubba has the stairs.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Oh god stop bitching the devs said they're going to rework it.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    I'm sure the next killer will have a perk for this situation.
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited February 2019
    Don’t tell, I was looking forward to the week of go live to watch them all come back saying DS is even more OP now revert the change reeeeeeeeee

    However unlucky if your with me as I run neither so your dying on the hook or dying on the hook 
  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,692
    edited February 2019
    This rework is very poor on several levels. 

    "I hate seeing the Obsession marker, but at least i know when instant DS is is the unknown DS users that really suck."

    Devs - Hold my drink!
    *makes it harder to secure midgame kills in an already fast meta, while setting up guaranteed endgame escapes if the killer is already doing poorly/survivors are coordinated enough to save their DS to compliment their endgame BT saves, all the while denying killer access to knowing whether DS is in play and neutering most Obsession perks on both sides*
    **returns and slams drink**

    I guess this is the start of the Enduring meta :D
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Raccoon said:
    This rework is very poor on several levels. 

    "I hate seeing the Obsession marker, but at least i know when instant DS is is the unknown DS users that really suck."

    it was much better the other way with you knowing who had it and the others needed to struggle. They could have just made it so the obsession had it and no one else if you have 2,3,or 4 in one game it is luck of the draw who has it and the other 3 are playing minus a perk.

    Devs - Hold my drink!
    makes it harder to secure midgame kills in an already fast meta, while setting up guaranteed endgame escapes if the killer is already doing poorly/survivors are coordinated enough to save their DS to compliment their endgame BT saves, all the while denying killer access to knowing whether DS is in play and neutering most Obsession perks on both sides
    returns and slams drink

    I love how Dying Light seems to have not been considered.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,692
    Dying Light is already so niche that I'm pleasantly surprised when I face it.

    Free escape + returning to normal action speed = sensible, haha. 
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Raccoon said:
    Dying Light is already so niche that I'm pleasantly surprised when I face it.

    Free escape + returning to normal action speed = sensible, haha. 

    So broken it isn't even real. All those Freddy Mains who have been waiting patiently, I'm really concerned for his "rework".

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    You forgot adrenawin too. Why they made it so the perk is on hold while on the hook, I'll never know. Imagine if Bloodwarden was put on hold if you hooked someone before a gate opened and activated as soon as a gate opened. There would be rioting in the streets.

    When I first started playing I thought that's what it did, I was so disappointed and confused.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Raccoon said:
    This rework is very poor on several levels. 

    "I hate seeing the Obsession marker, but at least i know when instant DS is is the unknown DS users that really suck."

    it was much better the other way with you knowing who had it and the others needed to struggle. They could have just made it so the obsession had it and no one else if you have 2,3,or 4 in one game it is luck of the draw who has it and the other 3 are playing minus a perk.

    Devs - Hold my drink!
    makes it harder to secure midgame kills in an already fast meta, while setting up guaranteed endgame escapes if the killer is already doing poorly/survivors are coordinated enough to save their DS to compliment their endgame BT saves, all the while denying killer access to knowing whether DS is in play and neutering most Obsession perks on both sides
    returns and slams drink

    I love how Dying Light seems to have not been considered.

    They have a new Q&A where they mention it but they don't actually say anything about it, it was disappopinting, they said they're excited to see how it goes but so far no plans to change it.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    One of the positives of maining Wraith. :)

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Just played a game now...

    - Had 2 survivors dead, 2 alive
    - Chasing Nea
    - Last gen pops
    - Get Nea down, hook her.
    - Assume other has opened exit gate, so nothing left to do but camp this one out
    - She kobes
    - Knock down, put on hook

    Now with this new DS there is no way I would have been able to do that and she would have been free to get to the exit gate. There isn't even a notification that anyone has DS.

    I think in general the direction of the perk is good but it needs a solution for endgame. This is still going to be an OP perk with no counter play. They could crawl out in those 60 seconds easily.

    Needing bloodwarden+enduring just to counter DS is not realistic. Plus theres no guarentee bloodwarden would even still be up by the time they get there. If they have Deliverance they can sit on the hook until just before the second stage.

    In fact Deliverance itself is buffed now because now it doesn't matter if you're broken because you still have the crutch perk to fall back on.
  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @TheBean said:
    This is what I can't wait for....

    10 One gen left....
    20 Find and hook the obsession...
    30 Last gen pops...
    40 Killer returns to hook to secure kill...
    50 Teammate rescues hooked survivor...
    60 Killer hits down rescuer during unhooking process...
    70 Killer chases unhooked obsession, gets rancored.
    80 Killer returns, picks up rescuer and hooks them.

    End of match.

    Screw your BT.

    You seriously believe the devs are gonna let you rancor kill more than one guy??? Lmao. I don't think you typed your post with a straight face.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @The_Crusader said:

    In fact Deliverance itself is buffed now because now it doesn't matter if you're broken because you still have the crutch perk to fall back on.


  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @fcc2014 said:
    LOL! Good Luck with that more like 4 at the door doing this....

    Looks like they most probably will ...

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    Looking at all this mess I think it would've been better just to insta-drop/stun all non-obsession DS, so no more wasting time until they struggled out. That is such a gamebreaker now.

    Or as @fcc2014 says, have all non-obsession lose a perk slot. That would be the downside of equipping DS, the risk of not being able to use it. You want to make it sure? Equip 2 or 3 obsession perks yourself

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Condorloco_26 said:
    Looking at all this mess I think it would've been better just to insta-drop/stun all non-obsession DS, so no more wasting time until they struggled out. That is such a gamebreaker now.

    Or as @fcc2014 says, have all non-obsession lose a perk slot. That would be the downside of equipping DS, the risk of not being able to use it. You want to make it sure? Equip 2 or 3 obsession perks yourself

    We will see once people have all these "free" escapes at the end of the game. People like @The_Crusader is starting to catch on to what i was getting at. @Master and I both believe this wasn't a nerf at all. My personal opinion BHVR ######### this up ROYALLY!

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @fcc2014 said:

    We will see once people have all these "free" escapes at the end of the game. People like @The_Crusader is starting to catch on to what i was getting at. @Master and I both believe this wasn't a nerf at all. My personal opinion BHVR [BAD WORD] this up ROYALLY!

    Yeah I also think it was a buff to DS and a nerf to NOED at the same time...

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    fcc2014 said:

    @Condorloco_26 said:
    Looking at all this mess I think it would've been better just to insta-drop/stun all non-obsession DS, so no more wasting time until they struggled out. That is such a gamebreaker now.

    Or as @fcc2014 says, have all non-obsession lose a perk slot. That would be the downside of equipping DS, the risk of not being able to use it. You want to make it sure? Equip 2 or 3 obsession perks yourself

    We will see once people have all these "free" escapes at the end of the game. People like @The_Crusader is starting to catch on to what i was getting at. @Master and I both believe this wasn't a nerf at all. My personal opinion BHVR [BAD WORD] this up ROYALLY!

    Well I gave an example of one of my experiences as killer last night

    - Had 2 sacrificed, 2 alive
    - Last gen done while I'm in a chase, put Nea on hook after
    - Assume as this point the other player had opened a door and is coming back for the unhook so might as well camp this last kill
    - Nea kobes, I knock her down and put her back on the hook

    And I realized that under the new system she would have been better off. It would have been an instant DS, or 60 seconds is more than enough to crawl to an exit gate.

    You either pick them up and take the stun or you leave them slugged for a minute hoping it wears off in time as you count the seconds in your head. The fact that there is no telltale sign is a real problem. I think killers need a notification the same way surviors get an "exposed" timer on their screen.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    fcc2014 said:

    @Condorloco_26 said:
    Looking at all this mess I think it would've been better just to insta-drop/stun all non-obsession DS, so no more wasting time until they struggled out. That is such a gamebreaker now.

    Or as @fcc2014 says, have all non-obsession lose a perk slot. That would be the downside of equipping DS, the risk of not being able to use it. You want to make it sure? Equip 2 or 3 obsession perks yourself

    We will see once people have all these "free" escapes at the end of the game. People like @The_Crusader is starting to catch on to what i was getting at. @Master and I both believe this wasn't a nerf at all. My personal opinion BHVR [BAD WORD] this up ROYALLY!

    Well I gave an example of one of my experiences as killer last night

    - Had 2 sacrificed, 2 alive
    - Last gen done while I'm in a chase, put Nea on hook after
    - Assume as this point the other player had opened a door and is coming back for the unhook so might as well camp this last kill
    - Nea kobes, I knock her down and put her back on the hook

    And I realized that under the new system she would have been better off. It would have been an instant DS, or 60 seconds is more than enough to crawl to an exit gate.

    You either pick them up and take the stun or you leave them slugged for a minute hoping it wears off in time as you count the seconds in your head. The fact that there is no telltale sign is a real problem. I think killers need a notification the same way surviors get an "exposed" timer on their screen.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    fcc2014 said:

    @Condorloco_26 said:
    Looking at all this mess I think it would've been better just to insta-drop/stun all non-obsession DS, so no more wasting time until they struggled out. That is such a gamebreaker now.

    Or as @fcc2014 says, have all non-obsession lose a perk slot. That would be the downside of equipping DS, the risk of not being able to use it. You want to make it sure? Equip 2 or 3 obsession perks yourself

    We will see once people have all these "free" escapes at the end of the game. People like @The_Crusader is starting to catch on to what i was getting at. @Master and I both believe this wasn't a nerf at all. My personal opinion BHVR [BAD WORD] this up ROYALLY!

    As long as the stun time isas short as proposed, then you can pick enduring to counter it at least. 

    I really hate the idea of being forced to pick perks nut if that'd thw price to pay for ds, then I will gladly do that 
  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @Condorloco_26 said:
    You seriously believe the devs are gonna let you rancor kill more than one guy??? Lmao. I don't think you typed your post with a straight face.

    What are you saying.. It says so in their QA... The obsession can change and as a result, you can have the chance to mori more then one survivor at the end with rancor.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    Honestly , no.
    it sounds like a nightmare for either side that comes underprepared for that match, because they don’t want to hop aboard the toxic train, and  give into a new meta Bc they want to play with perks they like. 

    But both sides will get frustrated from getting ran over one way or another and cave. basically being sheep hearded into a play style to counter counters. Probz gonna fill the forums with disaster end is near posts.
  • nikstorm
    nikstorm Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2019

    Ebony Mori saving them up by the dozens now

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714
    TheBean said:

    @Condorloco_26 said:
    You seriously believe the devs are gonna let you rancor kill more than one guy??? Lmao. I don't think you typed your post with a straight face.

    What are you saying.. It says so in their QA... The obsession can change and as a result, you can have the chance to mori more then one survivor at the end with rancor.

    You're completely right, it will be theoretically possible at least.
  • Akuma
    Akuma Member Posts: 407

    Yea i remeber
    when the devs buffed urban evasion and everyone said: new crouch meta
    oh wait didnt happen nvm

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    You forgot adrenawin too. Why they made it so the perk is on hold while on the hook, I'll never know. Imagine if Bloodwarden was put on hold if you hooked someone before a gate opened and activated as soon as a gate opened. There would be rioting in the streets.

    i approve of that BW change, that ######### as a survivor always catches me off guard and I LOVE IT.

    but i hope the ptb, people actually attempt to have real games with the new DS. I am curious to see how it will play out.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,692
  • Oooooof
    Oooooof Member Posts: 109

    just don't tunnel? lol

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,692
    Oooooof said:

    just don't tunnel? lol

    Not tunneling (eating DS) early game literally leads to the OP endgame scenario.

    Unless you mean not to tunnel endgame:
    "Go, my friend, the doors are open! Enjoy your free escape!"

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    fcc2014 said:

    @Condorloco_26 said:
    Looking at all this mess I think it would've been better just to insta-drop/stun all non-obsession DS, so no more wasting time until they struggled out. That is such a gamebreaker now.

    Or as @fcc2014 says, have all non-obsession lose a perk slot. That would be the downside of equipping DS, the risk of not being able to use it. You want to make it sure? Equip 2 or 3 obsession perks yourself

    We will see once people have all these "free" escapes at the end of the game. People like @The_Crusader is starting to catch on to what i was getting at. @Master and I both believe this wasn't a nerf at all. My personal opinion BHVR [BAD WORD] this up ROYALLY!

    Well I gave an example of one of my experiences as killer last night

    - Had 2 sacrificed, 2 alive
    - Last gen done while I'm in a chase, put Nea on hook after
    - Assume as this point the other player had opened a door and is coming back for the unhook so might as well camp this last kill
    - Nea kobes, I knock her down and put her back on the hook

    And I realized that under the new system she would have been better off. It would have been an instant DS, or 60 seconds is more than enough to crawl to an exit gate.

    You either pick them up and take the stun or you leave them slugged for a minute hoping it wears off in time as you count the seconds in your head. The fact that there is no telltale sign is a real problem. I think killers need a notification the same way surviors get an "exposed" timer on their screen.
    Would 60 seconds have been enought time?  There's admittedly some level of assumption on my part, but I imagine that if the other Survivor is able to try and open an Exit Gate, it's because they were far enough from you that you wouldn't be able to both camp the hook and defend the Gate.  That to me sounds like the Gate would be far enough that the Survivor who kobe'd and was downed would not be able to crawl to the Exit in 60 seconds.  The exception would be if they were close-ish to the open Hatch and knew where it was.