Flash banged
Hello all,
As some of you may not know I am pretty new to this game. I normally play as the killer as I enjoy it more so than playing a survivor.
The issue I just can't seem to over come is players with torches. When I knock down a survivor someone shines the torch, which is fine however the delay in picking up a survivor is so slow another survivor gets plenty of time to shine their torch, resulting in me dropping said survivor. Before you say it, I really do appreciate that the game is balanced for both players. I just have not found a way to deal with the above. I no you can move side to side to avoid said torches, but during the pick up there is no option, you end up getting blinded during the animation. I was wondering if any player more experienced could give me advice.
I will add there are better players out there than me, I am as a "Newbie" Looking for some advice if any can be offered.
Flashlights are actually pretty easy to deal with.
The main counter to them is to simply look at a wall while picking a Survivor up, which doesnt allow them to get an angle to blind you. If this isnt the case and the downed Survivor is out in the open, listen for any huffs and puffs or look for scratchmarks that are made from a different Survivor than the one you just downed. This way you can scare them off, potentially even get a hit if theyre in a bad position, and then do a 180 turn to face the opposite direction of where they came from and pick up the Survivor safely. Make sure the Survivor isnt following you tho, as they might have enough time to run in front of you to get a save.
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When I was much newer, I used Lightborn to prevent being blinded by flashlights. Then when I was more skilled, I could take it off my build and deal with flashlights as they come, much like Shroompy suggests avoiding flashlight blinds.
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Keep track of who has a torch in the pre game lobby, some matches may have none at all where as some all 4 survivors may have torches
for in game advice, try predict where survivors with torches may be, also depending on the killer you are playing there are things you can do to fake a pickup such as starting to place a trap on a downed survivor because it looks like the pick up animation, to bait the survivor with the torch out of hiding and into your view.
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Hello guys,
Apologise for the late replay.
Thank you so much for your replies it really has helped.
I really do appreciate you taking the time to reply to my post thank you all.