Tips for Billy

Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

So yesterday I started my journey on becoming a Billy main because you never see him and we need more Billy. I enjoy going zoom but honestly I just feel like I'm playing a bad version of Blight or Oni. The mobility is nice but I'm unsure how often I should be going for chainsaw hits or if I'm just going for curves that just arn''t realistic. Feathering the chainsaw seems so much harder compared to how it used to be so I'm not sure if that's an outdated tactic or still possible.

His addons seem really unique but largely useless (looking at you pighouse gloves) and I'm not sure how much m1ing is acceptable to be a good Billy. So if anyone can give me any tips at all so I can figure out if I'm going in the right direction would be appreciated.

So far I'm making due with aura reading and long range saw hits or just using the saw as a general zoning tool to keep survivors in the area I want but my ability to get curves has been pretty terrible.


  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    Props to you for picking up poor Billy. He was my favorite killer before he got needlessly nerfed into oblivion (one of those famous BHVR changes that nobody was asking for but they did anyway). He would have been totally fine with just a nerf to his insta-saw addons. You’re right his add-ons are largely useless (turning and silent chainsaw are pretty much the only ones I use). But anyway, that’s in the past and I really don’t expect that the devs will admit their mistake and revert him back to the way he used to be. You can probably tell I’m still bitter about this 😊

    I only play him when there is a daily challenge, so I can’t offer a whole lot of helpful advice. I like to run endurance and spirit fury on him because that will help you get through pallets which are one of his main weaknesses. After a pallet insta-break is the best time to go for a chainsaw down. Other than that, his power is really mostly useful for mobility around the map (unless of course you’re on an indoor map and then you might as well not play the match at all 😉)

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516

    Don't run add-ons that alter his timing or speed as you learn him -- if you go for any add-ons, go for things like Steel Toe Boots or Junkyard Air Filter.

    Don't worry about winning the game, just play for saws. I rarely ever use a basic attack. Sometimes survivors will not heal knowing you only saw, do what you want there, but practice is practice.

    Perks - Go for Lethal, BBQ, Nowhere to Hide, Awakened Awareness, Shadowborn. Shadowborn is something that just makes him easier to play. All you want to do is find people, don't worry about the gens.

    If you want to watch someone play him well, UncleStanBana is on twitch and youtube. I am sure there are others, but he is the one I found that is consistent.

    ( This is for mouse and keyboard ) Remap your look left and right keys to Q and E. Increase your controller sensitivity to 100%. (This is explained in a video below.)

    Curving just comes down to knowing the tile. There are plenty of tiles you can curve without engravings.

    Back-reving, the survivor is just out in the open and you are right behind them, just be patient. Keep the survivor in front of you while you watch the meter. You'll get more consistent the more you do it.

    These will point you in the right direction, they both hold up.


    How to Curve with Billy on PC & Controller | DBD Billy Curving Guide 2023 - YouTube

    He is my absolute favorite character in the game, there is a skill to him that isn't widely seen, and it just feels good getting a nice curve on someone. Survivors are usually happy to go against a curving Billy too, really no reason to pass him up. It'll be a challenge, but definitely commit to it. There are only a handful of killers I can have fun with, and he is at the top for me.

  • Snowflake_Syndrome
    Snowflake_Syndrome Member Posts: 239

    Same reason why you choose to main Billy I choose Yoichi since seeing them is rare.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,586

    Congrats on picking up Billy!

    The first and most crucial thing you need to learn is 99ing / feathering your chainsaw. You can either do that in a private game or just load into a normal match and focus on feathering. Practice until you can do it with your eyes closed. Don't practice til you do it right, practice til you can't do it wrong! As long as you're learning there is no such thing as using your chainsaw too much. You will lose a lot of matches but keep in mind that Billy is probably the hardest (or maybe 2nd hardest) killer in this game. You will fail countless times and you will lose a part of your soul as well as your sanity but eventually you will get the hang of this killer. Be stubborn and just try, try, try again. I also recommend learning collisions. There are some spots where you definitely don't want to use your chainsaw (mainly bushes) because they have weird collisions.

    For perks you probably want to use as much aura reading as possible and also Shadowborn (it helps with orienting at loops). I recommend Lethal Pursuer, BBQ, Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage, Shadowborn.

    I also recommend watching: (a Billy guide by Sofareks) (some more tips and tricks for Billy by Sofareks) (a curving guide by UncleStanbana)

    The most important part in learning this killer is to be patient. You can get the hang of Nurse after a few hours (at least that's my experience) but the depths of Billy are more nuanced. You will overcurve, undercurve, miss, bump, face inexplicable things and lose your mind over a lot of things. But with each failed attempt you get a tiny bit better. Each failed curve is an opportunity to reflect on what went wrong. Take the time to try and curve certain loops even when it might cost you the game. You will learn and you will eventually build the muscle memory and knowledge to curve in unconventional ways and even combine that with mind games. Even the best Hillbillies sometimes find new strats and mind games. There is no way to rush this. Just keep at it. If you feel burnt out take a break from Billy and come back later.

    Best of luck!

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    As others have said, Shadowborn is a good recommendation. I struggled with Billy after they changed his FoV, but Shadowborn helps a lot with it. Sure, you will be running a Perk which does "nothing", but I can assure you, Shadowborn on Billy is important.

    For other Perks, currently I am using BBQ, Lethal Pursuer, Shadowborn obviously and Enduring. Enduring is new, before I used Infectious Fright.

    Add On-wise I go for Engravings and Junkyard Air Filter (the brown Add On which increases the Overheat-Limit, it is the best Add On against Overheat, better than the other Filters which have higher rarity).

    When it comes to M1s, go for it if you think you wont get a Chainsaw. Sometimes you really cannot use it that much, especially when some weird collision is at a Loop (e.g. bushes or tiny branches which stick out), because you will get stuck on them. Dont be a M1lly, but dont try to go for Chainsaws which you will just not get. If you dont care about winning tho, just go for them, maybe you will not hit many Chainsaws, but at least you improve.

    In general, if you dont tunnel or camp as Billy, you will have quite relaxed games and Endgame Chats from my experience. Billy is a Killer most dont really mind to go against, even if he is strong. If you tunnel or camp however, it seems like people are extra annoyed because when they go against a Billy (who is rare) and they play like #########, it is not really enjoyable.