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Killers: Why Do You Dodge Lobbies

Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,713

Killer players who dodge lobbies; which of the following would be the main reason for you to dodge a lobby?

Killers: Why Do You Dodge Lobbies 88 votes

Survivor Prestige Level
NOEDaddyThat_One_FriendVeinslayAcelynnBenKotelettphantomAkshay78BatraidynRighter8GrunbarCaptainOkitaHunterN44AmorokJoo_olenmiinaaustindangerpowers 14 votes
Which Survivors Players Choose
WalterBlackWampiritarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsolidestcross63 4 votes
Items Present
BlueberryHPhoenixGlamourousLeviathanDBD78BenOfMilamPega6benkiAnnieherePSPtheblimpAurellexni6_DddtpGensByDaylightgenipreys 15 votes
Lobby Contains A Content Creator
OnryosTapeRentalsSomeissuesMrPenguinlilsweetrollKirarozuTsukahFridayNightPizzaHugTheHagtliffKroseSnowhtiKolramiilittlepawKiryn 14 votes
PluTheRockstarKnightSkeletalEliteFeryGENmusstang62oxygenEmeal[Deleted User]DonleovUndershotFobboAdjathaDarthRevan21milkybandit69PhasmamainThr_ustViktor1256kingcarl2012Viktor1853EvilSerje 41 votes


  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,189

    I never dodge a Lobby, let them come.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    I don't dodge lobbies.

  • CBT137
    CBT137 Member Posts: 138

    How are you supposed to get better if you dodge? I would never dodge, although if I see a prestige 100 legacy Dwight I defo dodge, 99% of the time they are hackers

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,709
    edited November 2022

    I'll sometimes dodge if I see someone I played against previously. Playing against the same killer who just destroyed your team just 1 or 2 matches after you played them could be frustrating so I let them get someone else for variety's sake.

    Either that or I just forgot to equip a tome challenge.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012
    Survivor Prestige Level

    if i see one more person with high than 50 and are on steam its an instant dodge

    im trying to play the game not torture myself

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Some suspicious nicknames, like insults, racist phrases, etc. I check profile and if there are "fun" comments or profile is "unappealing" I can drop lobby. Because 90% that person would be complete unfun for both me and other survivors.

    As survivor the same rule plus if someone start BM-ing or arguing in chat.

  • Jeff_Jay
    Jeff_Jay Member Posts: 21

    It is a mix between items and prestige lvl.

  • Righter8
    Righter8 Member Posts: 10
    Survivor Prestige Level

    I play for fun. Not to be the best. Every time i play against a swf or group with high prestige levels, it turns into a unfun borderline tortured game. If the game went well and I had fun, I will let the Survivors alone once the gates open so they can escape. If one survivor is still up or is down and i find the hatch i show them to it. Im a killer, not a monster.

    But when i get in matches with swf, and it’s obvious when that happens, its basically me running around trying to make any progress while they run circles around me, sometimes literally, while using 16 coordinated perks and addons. Best case scenario, i might get 12,000 points and will lose some green addons and offerings.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    Items Present

    Mainly if I see 3+ medkits or toolboxes. The games already extremely unbalanced enough without all that, I just want a fair as possible match. Also I’ll dodge if they look like a 3+ swf as same as above, the game isn’t balanced for that and I just want a fair as possible match. If the devs won’t balance the game properly then killers are left lobby filtering to try and balance it as much as they can themselves. If the game was balanced I wouldn’t dodge anything.

  • Thr_ust
    Thr_ust Member Posts: 481
    edited November 2022

    Meant to hit the item one. But yeah I used to play more but between work and school I only maybe play a match or two of killer a day (if any). And I’m not gonna play that match against a team with 3-4 medkits regardless of if they’re a swf. I’m trying to enjoy the free time I have.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Where's the "All Of The Above" option?

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 785

    I don't lol

    I would if I could see it's a SWF, that's annoying to play against

  • TrustyJoat
    TrustyJoat Member Posts: 8

    If I load into a lobby with 3 people already sitting there, I leave. I don't want to deal with an obvious 3-man SWF.

  • LooeDbD
    LooeDbD Member Posts: 163

    I never dodge, all i care about is chases and i rarely kick gens like ever.

  • UpdatedCake
    UpdatedCake Member Posts: 34

    I dodge only when I see bully squad in lobby without flashlights, because don't want another 30 min game hostage just because it's fun for them. When I see bully squad with flashlights, they are actually easy to beat, I just take Lightborn and have 2-4 DCs in first 2 minutes. Also 2 or more survivors with prestige more than 70 are kinda red flag. Either strong SWF or just randoms sitting on this game for days without a break. I want to have fun, not to watch entire game how every chase is the same => hit => hug the wall pixel on pixel => 2 gens pop => second hit => flashlight/flashbang/body blocking => another chase => hit => hug the wall pixel on pixel => 2 gens pop... Really boring and frustrating playstyle.

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    I dodge when their cosmetic choices have a 'sweaty' vibe.

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517

    I will usually only dodge when someone uses a map offering, since that can sometimes be like bringing a gun to a fistfight. And by dodge, I mean "Oh no... my game crashed while loading in. What a shame I won't get to play on eyrie of crows..."

  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911
    Items Present

    I'll occasionally dodge teams of four medkits if I'm playing some gutter-tier killer for a daily. Otherwise, I just slap on Franklin's and call it day.

    I rarely dodge prestige 100 survivors if I'm having a bad day, but really only if there are multiple of them and I'm very salty.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
    edited December 2022

    i really only dodge lobbies if someone's profile or name looks sketchy

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809
    Which Survivors Players Choose

    I dodge Ashes and Bills, because I hate that they're so obnoxiously loud when not even injured. And i get called a cheater later when they try to be sneaky when their breath sounds like a motor engine.

    I dodge Mikaelas as both killer and survivor. It's not because of the boons. I find Mikaela players stereotypically useless. They're never doing anything in the match, hiding in the corners of the map. They stall the game stupidly long, i'd rather dodge and get anyone else.

    I sometimes dodge the newest survivor at the current time too, because 99% of the time they try for adept, and I would feel bad killing them

  • Donleov
    Donleov Member Posts: 117

    People that I know are toxic

  • Batraidyn
    Batraidyn Member Posts: 105
    edited January 2023
    Survivor Prestige Level

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    I don't dodge, i don't see the point in it.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,469
    Items Present

    Don't play killer that much but 3-4 toolboxes and why stick around? I like fun games no tunneling but gen rush teams could lead to me having to tunnel so I dodge.

    Oh remember when killer dodging lobby kicked all survivors out from it also? That was harsh.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    Lobby Contains A Content Creator

    Not good enough to encounter super high prestige regularly, so I play the odd P93 in my games of P10 survivors.

    However, I don't like the idea of being free entertainment.

    I shouldn't be as cautious around content creators, most streamers I've gone against were actually very sweet, but I'm just not comfortable with that and it makes me play worse, I feel.

  • Quietus
    Quietus Member Posts: 27

    When Survivors have names that look like a wifi router password...

    Getting 4 level 100s has made me a dodge occasionally, but when you've only got 200 hours in the game and MMR wants you to play against people with thousands of hours? As I don't DC, dodge is my only defense against poor MMR calculations.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Never dodge lobbies unless survivor ping seems out of whack. 4 medkits and I’ll use franklins but that the extent of it

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,043
    Items Present

    4 toolboxes are enough to make me go back to the queue. Gen speed is already quick enough in spite of all gen regression perks, toolboxes are just overkill.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,347

    onlz reason I dodge is if the team has names that literally announce they're gonna be toxic and/or literally saying they're cheaters.

  • FeryGEN
    FeryGEN Member Posts: 629
    edited January 2023

    There are several reasons. I could of course answer the first one, but the first one sounds like I'll dodge high prestige with survivors, when in fact, I only dodge low prestige when playing Spirit, I think it's a good decision, because I can decide to waste my time low ranks where I waste pudding and everyone dies quickly or get good survivors and everything pays off. I can also exit if I see a huge ping, you can see it at the beginning (because the bug will hide the high ping later, as if it were normal)

    I also try to bypass suspicious accounts, hidden ones with a small number of hours in the game and 100th prestige can be cheaters.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    I will 100% dodge anyone using anonymous mode, if I have them blocked from a previous match, if I am in the middle of a string of bad games I will dodge high prestige, and if you last second switch I will crash my game before the match starts.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,327

    I don't, I click ready and tab out until the game starts (now with the noise notification when a match is found, until I hear that. Then I tab in, click ready again in lobby and tab out again until the match starts)

  • NOEDaddy
    NOEDaddy Member Posts: 93
    Survivor Prestige Level

    I dodge based on prestige level but not if it’s a high prestige level, it’s the exact opposite. I usually get matched with prestiges higher than 30-50 at the least so when I encounter a prestige 0 anonymous mode it’s a dead giveaway of hackers so I dodge them.

  • Wexton
    Wexton Member Posts: 496

    I don't dodge lobbies, simple as that. Even if it looks like there's a hacker in a lobby, I'm not gonna dodge it. If I lose, I lose, and if I win, I win.

  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 263

    I don't dodge lobbies but if there is a ttv or two I afk. Put that on your stream it will be so exciting to watch