Deranking or Depiping - Podcast - My opinions

Hello fellow people on twitter or maybe even youtube.
Some Fog Whisperers and some Youtuber who play Dead by Daylight talked about deranking and depiping on Dead by Daylight.
This has made a huge discussion, if it is fair or allowed by the developer. Also they called one streamer who definitly is deranking on purpose to play at Rank 10 because there are more games.

They talked about it for quite a while in a podcast. I listened to it and made also my own opinion to this.
First i want to adress that i hate calling people out for something they do, because this mostly will begin in hate from the viewer. So i didnt like that they said “who” does it and called their name.
But that is another point.

Secondly the deranking is a bit complicated to understand. There are some people that claim that they depip by still helping other survivors.
The problem is here, that i dont think that they will do it, since it simply is time consuming AND sometimes even when being chased by the killer you get a safe pip, because you rescue other survivors. If you dont rescue other survivors or doing gens you arent helpful in any way. And yes, being chased by the killer CAN help, but if the chase ends to early it isnt helpful in any way.
But the most important point is that time waste. I dont think that someone who knows he will disconnect at the end of the game, will play the game to just help others.
Its just simply not reasonable for me. When i want to depip i ignore the others.
This of course is just the bad side for the survivor who are alone and want to depip alone.

The Third thing some people claim is “okay” with deranking is when you play a full SWF and then disconnect when the game starts. After all you dont let survivors alone.
Well, yeah, you dont let survivors alone BUT you let the killer instantly win. If they had a offering it is gone, if they added some addons they are gone. And on rank 1 its actually pretty common to have Rare or Ultra Rare in your pocket.
So those items are going to get wasted.
And dont get me on the long waiting time the killer had. All is going back to zero.

The Fourth thing about deranking - With deranking you MAKE the problem why some want to derank.
In Rank 1 the waiting times are long, because there are a shortage of survivors or even killers. But why? Many people play dead by daylight for a long time - so do i.
I am rank 1 on killer side and im not rank 1 survivor because i rarely play survivor right now.
The waiting time here on the european server on killer rank 1 is quite okay. The waiting time is only long when you play at working times. After that you dont have to wait long to get a game as killer rank 1.
Why not on the other servers?
Because the most people that are playing Dead by Daylight are deranking and never want to go to Rank 1.
So those people cause the problem.

Also another problem is that the servers are quite small on other states. I dont know exactly how there are handled, so i dont have an open mind to that, but the european servers are really big. We have all kind of languages on our servers and many countrys in our european servers.

So, after saying all of these things, the biggest problems are the ones that derank on purpose. There is no “good” way to derank. In all ways you punish the others to play the game.
Either they loose offerings or addons. If you play alone survivor you punish the people by disconnecting and not helping. And no, i dont think you will play a whole game just for you disconnecting at the end of the game.

And there is no reason to derank on purpose. If you wouldnt derank on purpose there would be many more players on the Rank 1 and maybe even people that play the game for fun.
Saying you dont have fun at Rank 1 either means you are to bad to play Rank 1 or you are bad at playing games.
Yeah, the killers maybe are stronger and you cant bully those. But that is the purpose of a killer. HE has to be stronger than one individiual.
If you dont get it and find it “unfair” play something else. This isnt your game, clearly.
And if you only want to bully the killer than you are a stupid bad person.

So why deranking? You only bully the killer on the ranks and also punish them.

Also my fear about this behaviour is, that after a period people will stop playing killer at all because you cant play on Rank 5 anymore. And then even maybe later at Rank 10. And so on. This will only punish the player that WANT to play this game, but when you bully the killers they will not play anymore. Why does many killer mains leave the game is because some bully like you, those who derank, are bullying the killer because you are clearly out of their league. And THIS should be punished.
Bullying the killer isnt Dead by Daylight.

So, what is the solution to this problem?
Well, there are MANY ways to fix this problem.
Youtuber or streamer who play the game and bully low rank killers should get punished - Hard.
They shouldnt be favored, especially when they are big Streamers or Youtubers, they should be punished hard.
Yes, you maybe loose this individual who shows the game for you. But they show it in a bad way that isnt clearly Dead by Daylight.
They bully another person in the internet. Do you want to let Dead by Daylight become this way?
And yes, if a youtuber or streamer comes into your mind (I think everyone knows who im referring to) then yes, he or she is just a bad person.
I loose respect for such behaviour, even when they are Youtuber or Streamers.
Especially then you have to accept the rules and shouldnt show bullying nor bullying yourself.

That would at least fix those people who be celebrated because they do something like this.
Yes, watching this is maybe funny and #########, but being on the side of the killer is just… Disgusting.
It hurts yourself and is just not fun at all.
Im glad that we european’s are so many and that bullying the killer doenst happen THAT often here. Especially if you stay at Rank 1.

The second thing that has to happen - If a player disconnects to often in a short period, they should get a time restriction to join a new lobby. And i dont mean like 5 minutes or something, more longer.
Each time he gets a strike the more he has to wait to join another game.
Someone in the podcast said, the system attacks when you disconnect of 40% of all games, i dont think this number is correct, at least i hope so.
if you have internet problems then you shouldnt play the game. Fix your internet connection.
If you cant fix it, than this isnt your game sadly. And im sad to say it this way, but playing online when the internet cant handle it… Then you should stop playing because other people will get punished by your bad internet.

Make the restriction of the percentage definitly like 20% of all games. ESpecially for those who are playing the game for 1000 to 2000 hours. They can disconnect so often and they will not get punished. Or maybe reset the games played so it all starts anew.

And if someone says that the rank system isnt working… Well it works. Players on Rank 1 only play with Rank 1 players. Sometimes Rank 2 to 3. And sometimes when a SWF is playing there are also Rank 7 - 9 in my games.
But it works.
Most of my games are pretty difficult as killer and thats the reason i choosed to stay at Rank 1. To have the difficult i wanted.
If you dont want to play hard games, then maybe play KYF or something, after all you are a streamer, am i right? ;)

Yeah, this is everything what came into my mind and i hope i addressed everything here.
If not, im sorry.

What is your opinion on this?

And if some of your Youtuber or Fog Whisperers read this, greetings! I hope you have a great day. Loved the podcast.
But please, next time dont say names. That only becomes to hate.
And if someone dont want to be in the podcast, then accept it. They have their reason, and if the reason is because of a person than it is that way.
They still can talk over twitter about the topic.



  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    We dont need to discuss whether deranking is allowed, fact is that BHVR officially supports streamer freely admitting on doing that (MLGA same btw).
    Also, we have confirmation that afking to derank is not bannable for example.

    You say that there is no reason to derank, but is there a reason to rank up?

    The whole rank system needs a complete rework if you ask me and most important, we need a casual mode

  • Wolff_Bringer
    Wolff_Bringer Member Posts: 90

    @Master said:
    We dont need to discuss whether deranking is allowed, fact is that BHVR officially supports streamer freely admitting on doing that (MLGA same btw).
    Also, we have confirmation that afking to derank is not bannable for example.

    You say that there is no reason to derank, but is there a reason to rank up?

    The whole rank system needs a complete rework if you ask me and most important, we need a casual mode

    Yes, there is a reason the rank up. To get people that are the same strenght as you. And to NOT bullying the Killer.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    As you said, there is no "good" way to derank, not on the long run. Or well, there is one and that's playing through the match and then disconnect at the very end.

    In my 1500+ hours playtime I haven't seen this a single time. If they want to derank they either DC at the start or they suicide on first hook, ruining the match for the others.

    The result of deranking is that high skilled players get matched with less experienced players, creating an uneven playground and most likely ruin the fun for the opposite side.

    People that derank on purpose also make the matchmaking situation even worse. With every player that purposely deranks, there is one player less high rank to fill the lobby.

    I'd describe "deranking on purpose" as being pathetic and selfish. It's pathetic because you purposely put yourself into a skill bracket where you're not supposed to be. It's selfish, because it makes the situation even worse for other rank 1 players and it ruins the fun for the lesser experienced players that have to play against you.

    Plus, as you said, it gives viewers a wrong image of the game as most streamers derank to troll and bully the opposite side. Viewers shouldn't support it.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Wolff_Bringer said:

    @Master said:
    We dont need to discuss whether deranking is allowed, fact is that BHVR officially supports streamer freely admitting on doing that (MLGA same btw).
    Also, we have confirmation that afking to derank is not bannable for example.

    You say that there is no reason to derank, but is there a reason to rank up?

    The whole rank system needs a complete rework if you ask me and most important, we need a casual mode

    Yes, there is a reason the rank up. To get people that are the same strenght as you. And to NOT bullying the Killer.

    Not everyone is a competitive player

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @Master said:
    Not everyone is a competitive player

    If you play to win, you're automatically playing this game competitive. If you play to win, you will rank up. If you rank up, you''ll reach rank 1 sooner or later. If you are Rank 1, you are playing this game competitive, otherwise you'd never make it to that rank. Simple.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @PiiFree said:

    @Master said:
    Not everyone is a competitive player

    If you play to win, you're automatically playing this game competitive. If you play to win, you will rank up. If you rank up, you''ll reach rank 1 sooner or later. If you are Rank 1, you are playing this game competitive, otherwise you'd never make it to that rank. Simple.

    That argument is completely flawed since you will automatically become rank 1 by just playing the game thanks to the broken ranking system.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited January 2019

    @Master said:
    That argument is completely flawed since you will automatically become rank 1 by just playing the game thanks to the broken ranking system.

    In that case Survivor is way too easy to pip? Fair enough then, make it harder to pip.

    As Killer you actually have to tryhard to pip in Rank 1.

    Which is probably why Rank 1 Survivors play like idiots and Rank 1 Killers tryhard. It's just the nature of the game that Killers have to put a lot more dedication into a match than Survivors in order to pip.

    PS: You can play in a way that won't make you pip as Survivor. If you loop a Killer for the whole match without escaping, you'll never pip. If you rush gens without ever getting in a chase, you won't pip. As long as you don't escape and solely focus on a specific emblem, you can very easily avoid a pip as Survivor.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Maybe it's just me, but I don't think the deranking issue is as big as people claim it is. On Xbox I could counter on 1 hand the number of people I met, as killer or survivor, that were definitely deranking (and almost always because they told me they were). Maybe another 15ish that maybe were deranking. But I honestly don't think it's as widespread as people claim, at least not on Xbox. PC maybe. PS4 maybe but I doubt it considering that PS4 players are way more casual gamers than Xbox players (been involved in competitive gaming a long time and the only people I know that play competitive games on PS are FGC players, and only because frame rates are more stable on PS than Xbox, the rest are PC or Xbox players).

    Like yea this person in question deranks 25 pips (12-13 games if they just DC each time) everyday before they stream, and that is a huge issue 1) because it's a hell of a lotta ruined games for others, and 2) because she's a fog whisperer and needs to set an example for the community. As far as queue times, I can understand this point if you are a streamer, or that you want to avoid playing the same person multiple times in a row. I've had that last part happen, sometimes playing the same killer 3 times in a row. But that's mostly because a game ends, everyone searches for a new game immediately, so we just get matched up again because of the timing of the lobby ending. Monto made a very good point, just wait a few minutes if that becomes an issue. And even though I sometimes get long queue times as killer it mostly comes down to the time of day. I also think it's an issue with my game itself, as there is a lobby bug on Xbox that can happen where you never find other players and have to reset the game. I play both, so usually if I get a long killer queue I switch to survivor and find games right away.

    Another point they brought up that this person used as defense of their deranking, is to avoid the constant Nurse/Billy at rank 1. Again on Xbox we don't have this issue at rank 1, there is a pretty good variety of killers (mostly Billy, LF, Myers, Spirit, Wraith, and Trapper, also Legion but that's more because they are the newest killer) but I can understand that sentiment. I think that mostly comes down to the killer player base being convinced these are the only two viable killers at rank 1. This just simply isn't true, pretty much all the killers are viable at rank 1, albeit some more difficult or costly than others (in terms of add-on usage). But people want the easiest win possible so they pick one of the two strongest killers and never actually try other killers. If they do, they get bodied because they are used to strong killers and maybe aren't as good of a killer player as they believe themselves to be.

    But are there that many derankers that it's an epidemic? No I don't think so. Monto and Tyde both made strong points that the killer queue times for them are pretty equal regardless of rank, which tells me that the long queues are a technical issue and not a player base issue. BHVR should try to do something to curb deranking, if only to increase the integrity of their game, but I just don't see it being an actual major issue like so many claim.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    If you're playing in Rank 1 you'll hardly ever see derankers because obviously they will never reach that rank in first place - as they derank way earlier.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @PiiFree said:

    @Master said:
    That argument is completely flawed since you will automatically become rank 1 by just playing the game thanks to the broken ranking system.

    In that case Survivor is way too easy to pip? Fair enough then, make it harder to pip.

    As Killer you actually have to tryhard to pip in Rank 1.

    Which is probably why Rank 1 Survivors play like idiots and Rank 1 Killers tryhard. It's just the nature of the game that Killers have to put a lot more dedication into a match than Survivors in order to pip.

    PS: You can play in a way that won't make you pip as Survivor. If you loop a Killer for the whole match without escaping, you'll never pip. If you rush gens without ever getting in a chase, you won't pip. As long as you don't escape and solely focus on a specific emblem, you can very easily avoid a pip as Survivor.

    Its too easy for both sides to pip.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @PiiFree said:
    If you're playing in Rank 1 you'll hardly ever see derankers because obviously they will never reach that rank in first place - as they derank way earlier.

    If you're talking to me, yes true. But I'm talking about seeing derankers as I get to rank 1. Usually in purple ranks.

  • Sanmer
    Sanmer Member Posts: 20

    Hi. I'd just like to toss a suggestion for the purposeful deranking problem. How about make it so that in the same day, you can only drop at most "1" rank below what your rank started as that day. That way people who want to purposefully want to derank have to space it out over days (bad for streamers). Thoughts?