Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

leaving until tunneling is addressed

3 matches in a row now to where the killer gets his hands on me and then refuses to leave the area of the hook. i can watch paint dry i can stare at the clock i can do literally anything and get the same result as i do playing the game in its current state, and unfortunately that leads me to come to the conclusion that until this is fixed i might as well just not play for the time being.



  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    You’re right but I feel like “don’t die bro” just isn’t a good solution to OP’s misfortune. I mean OP could play immersed to avoid being caught but isn’t that something killers also complain about? And it’s probably something that would upset his teammates too. Playing in a SWF is a good idea though. It’s a good counter to camping (and tunneling).

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    If tunneling is happening every game, just don’t get caught first

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    Unfortunately camping and tunneling is the easiest option. Killers will do it until the devs make it less rewarding. We can only hope the devs will eventually change this.

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493
    edited February 2023

    I didn't say it was a good solution. But if you don't have/can't make any friends to play with, it's really the best you've got. Without friends, either you get better at hiding or looping, or simply suffer.

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    assuming this isnt sarcasm, i dont see how nerfing perks that require the killer to leave would nerf camping. shouldnt they be buffed? love or hate eruption/cob, but it forces the killer to not camp the hook-they have to walk to at least one gen to get value out of 1 or 2 of their perks, giving survivors the opportunity to unhook

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    Some of those things should absolutely get changed as well. That's not what this thread is about.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Some people aren't taking a stand, they just want attention.

  • BrownEncrustedBoxers
    BrownEncrustedBoxers Member Posts: 40
    edited February 2023

    That's camping, dude. Not tunnelling. Yeah, it's annoying as hell when you get one of those... but blame your teammates for not unhooking you. Good teammates know how to unhook someone in that situation. Bad ones let them die. There's a way around every toxic gameplay style in this game.

    I was left on a hook until the second state last night. I saved a fellow survivor from a camping killer, took a blow for them, then escaped the chase. They only had one hook. Later we were teaming up on a gen, the killer showed up and this person didn't lead the killer away from me, they led the killer to me. Got slugged, then that person took off running instead of trying to sabotage the nearby hooks for me. Yay. Bad teammates are worse than bad killers.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,338
  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436
  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,608
    edited February 2023

    Actually, only one thing was ever tried, once, six years ago. Since then, the only thing that can be construed as trying to curb camping was Reassurance, and that was butchered to no longer work against it before it could hit live.

  • Mechanix82
    Mechanix82 Member Posts: 186

    I don't understand why people are mad about tunneling. I would much rather be in chase then on a generator. Tunnel me please!

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,531
    edited February 2023

    Tournament level of players should not be how the game is balanced. But if tunneling is nerfed lower tier killers will need to be buffed as that what is carrying them and keeping kill rates high. It's actually problem now killers can't be buffed until tunneling is nerfed. So nerfing tunneling would be just best for everyone lower tier killers could be actually made more viable to win other way. Only blights would probably not like that because they do it most in my experience. Probably next viable strat after that would be focusing your hooks between two survivors or target one over others.

  • KingDeathly
    KingDeathly Member Posts: 149

    I mean I recently uninstalled the game cause I felt like gen just get done too fast, and every game I have to camp/tunnel to even get a 1-2 kills. It's just too stressful to play now, and there simply other games out there that don't make me feel that way.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Do you know what is the best solution to resist tunneling? Be good at the game. It's pure pleasure to run the killer 2-3 generators, then be taken off the hook, run 2 more generators and escape into the gate. This happens only when your team knows how to press m1 on the gens. Sometimes you might not be lucky with RNG. Or it's a very powerful killer with fast chases. But these moments and games are worth it when it happens.

    It's a pity that you'll never know what it's like, because modern survivors have stopped even trying to be good at the game. "Mommy, I want the game to protect me from any troubles. Which button should I click to win the game? WDYM it doesn't exist? Well then I'm DC and leaving the game."

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Yes, I also play about twice a week. And I have no problem with the fact that someone doesn't want to sweat in this game. I played for a long time before becoming a good survivor, even longer to be a good killer.

    Every time my chases were about 20 seconds, all I thought was, "Okay, I'm still bad enough and I have a lot to learn. I'll take this lesson to be better next time in this place/against this killer."

    Yes, this is a casual game, you can play as you like, but please do not forget that this is also a game in which experience and skills play a big role. Therefore, do not come to the forums and ask "Please I need everyone come down to my level" if you are not going to grow in this game and just came to press the buttons with beer in one hand.

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    Considering one of the most common builds in this game is a camping bubba and the devs could give a damn about it, I guess farewell. There’s like 100+ ways for killers to play like toxic a-holes which affect every survivor player in the game. All survivors can do is get better at looping and using flashlights. Oh, and we can teabag. LOL. DEVS LOVE KILLERS. Period.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    Teamwork between strangers can defeat a camping bubba. That right there is excitement.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,596

    Soooo... Call Of Duty is a casual game unless you're a pro

    Call Of Duty was meant to be a casual game...

    IDK about League Of Legends... nor do I care (I don't play the game)

    So what games do you consider casual (no single player games... cause comparing the two would be like comparing apples to oranges)

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,997

    I've been keeping track of my games and I see a tunneller usually every 10 or so games. However, there's been a number of popular content creators recently talking up tunnelling as the most efficient means of winning, so I anticipate it's going to happen alot more now. This community is big on their content creators. Best advice I can give is - if it's happening often and you want a break, equip Distortion. Lethal Pursuer is a very popular perk, and Distortion will counter it and give you a break from being first found.

  • KingDeathly
    KingDeathly Member Posts: 149

    I can and will come up in here, and say what I will. Again you are not understanding what game you are playing this is a casual game, and the game will always be balanced too casuals which is why we have perks to begin with. If this game was balanced around "experienced players" all perks would be dumbed down to the level of light weight where they don't make a big impact but a slight change. Casuals have a right to complain cause it's not fair for them to be facing try hards match after match. If you want a skill based game there thousands of them,but don't be coming in here thinking this game is centered around top tier skill, that's just laughable 😂

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    • No, but it does demonstrate how the game plays in 'perfect' environments. Of course, most SWFs aren't comp, but neither are most killers.
    • Kill rates are thrown off massively by the ridiculous rates of suicide (20% or more games have one).
    • Lower tier killers weren't buffed for years. What makes you think BHVR are going to suddenly buff them now?
    • How do you 'nerf tunneling'?
    • Nurses tunnel more than Blights, and Clowns/PH/Trickster can tunnel harder than either.
    • Here's why it's a problem. I start out, get an early down, hook them. Then I leave the hook. There are 4 Claudettes with similar skins. How do I avoid tunneling?
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    He could be the difference! Play like he would like to see killers play, when he is a survivor.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667

    1st of all what you described is camping. 2nd you have perks to counter camping and 3rd i doubt that devs will try to solve it since it's literally impossible to apply mechanics aganist it without being abused by survivors... it's a game mechanic that can't be erased, unless you'll rework the whole concept that the game has (aka NOT GONNA HAPPEN), so at this point you have 3 solutions:

    1 become a full killer main

    2 stop playing dbd

    3 accept the game for what it is and keep playing it

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,069

    On the first part: if every survivor in a game was capable of running the killer for 90+ seconds, survivors win easily. If that was the standard at which defined survivors as just being 'good at the game' killers would have a right to be massively upset about the balance.

    The second part is something that always gets brought up when this is discussed and baffles me. You complain that survivors want the game to be easy when what is being pointed out is that the most powerful killer strategies are childishly easy. Camping? Just stand in front of the hook. Tunneling? Identify the weakest player on the team and, if in soloQ, probably get them out really quickly. Slug camp? Just stand over the body.

    The very thing you complain about, the request for a press a button and win, is what killers have available to them.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,069

    Some of us haven't been around for 6 years, what was tried?

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,176
    edited February 2023

    Stopping hook sacrifice progress when the killer is in the vicinity of the hook.

    Survivor abused that by just swarming around the hook at a visual distance and the killer ended up in a lose/lose scenario back then.

    Either chase someone while obviously the other are going for the free save or stay there and nothing progresses and the survivor also don't lose anything by making this stupid play.

    Edit: What i mean by stupid play is that it isn't really camping when the killer knows for a fact that survivor are already around. Survivor aren't entitled to a free save every.time without making a smart play aka let the killer leave first.

  • BreadLord
    BreadLord Member Posts: 274

    skill issue

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,069

    Isn't there a simple way this could have been fixed? Hook don't progress if killer near the hook UNLESS they are in a chase. It could be that if the killer has a bloodlust chase time any higher than zero hooks progress normally.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,176

    How would that help with survivor staying at arm's length where no chase is initiated but the killer knows that they are there?

    Btw, i wouldn't care for a change like this, even if i would still play. My go to "strategy" was to change map sides when i hooked somebody. I played FOR the survivors.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,069

    Maybe I'm missing something about the mechanics, but that just seems really rare. Was the zone that the killer had to vacate really large? Because I feel like if survivors are around either you will be registered as being in a chase or being outside the zone.

    Or if that doesn't work: Hooks don't progress if a killer is within X meters of the hook UNLESS a survivor is also within Y meters. You could even put a 15 second delay on that so that killers wouldn't know a survivor is close by after a hook.


    Camping seems the most obviously broken things about the game to me and I'm surprised more efforts aren't made to fix it. About a week ago I hit three campers in a single night. In one game players foolishly rushed in immediately, more downs. Game should have been over quick, but killer still refused to leave the camp. In the second, we made two attempts at trying to free the hook, but being we were soloQ we screwed up the timing. In the other game, no one bothered to go for the rescue, we finished the gens easily, and left. All the game were boring and in none of them was I the person camped.

    It's an easy strategy that can be used to be vindictive (if someone outplays the killer guarantee they don't escape) or to try and force a player out early (because frequently the camped survivor will suicide because they have nothing to play for). It's also one of those things that is completely useless against SWF (quick com message is all that's needed to make it irrelevant) and overpowered against soloQ.

  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426

    It's a PvP game, player versus player and by definition is competitive, there's a competition at the base. The fact you and other players decided to play it casual mean nothing, other players want to play it on a more serious level. You can not expect to perform well and win against those people if you're a casual gamer, damn you'll never win an any game on any level vs someone who's competitive so it's not a "dbd fault" it's your fault because you think YOUR way to see the game ( casual) should be the only way to play for everyone else

    and again that's why i hope one day this game will have a ranked mode and an unranked mode

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 522

    This feels like a waste of time...

    But survivors that can loop for 90 seconds, when all pallets are up are not rare. Its like at least one per game usually.

    Camping is not easy, aside from bubba. You can of course sit there and face to face them and this will usually work out with a hook trade, but in that time gens are getting done. Basically you're going to lose if you do this from the start. And later SWF types deal with it pretty well, usually resulting in them 2 exiting.(Some people will say thats a draw, but IDK anyone who sets out to play for that goal.).

    Tunneling is good game play, but not so much where you can identify the weak survivor(if there is one on the map), figuring that out takes time, and IDK about you, but my matches don't give me that time.

    While you are slug camping you are aiming for a 1k or something, never seen anyone seriously do this from the start. Have seen it late match when a survivor was abusing boil over, or broken hit boxes, geometry.

    The game has adequate and varied mechanics in place to discourage most of these things most of the time.

    Killers do not have an I win button, neither do survivors.

    As annoying and frankly repulsive sportmanship wise as most SWF are, neither do they. Its all skills you build through practice and game, map knowledge, and a little observation of your opponents.

    As a killer, if I could ask for one thing, it would be time, slow the matches down so we(or maybe just I) can enjoy the observation of specific opponents part.

    at the OP, just sandbag a Gen while running bond, the killer while come off to kick the gen/ get on that person, most of the time.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,069

    It feels impossible to me mathematically that there can be that many survivors who could loop that well. Two such chases in a game and survivors should win easily, not to mention any additional 'lesser' chases.

    Camping: The problem is the concept of winning. SWF can consider a 3 man out a team win, but soloQ it's you survive or not. So things like hook trades don't work out as well. It's also strange because with so much else of the game BHVR's attitude is 'play as a team, or not' and then with camping it suddenly becomes of course people will be willing to work together and sacrifice because the only thing that matters is how many get out. If BHVR even put up win messages at the end ('Survivors Win' - 'Killers Win') it would change things.

    Identifying Weak Survivors: I generally don't consider myself a good killer, but maybe this is the skill I have others don't. It doesn't take me long in a chase to figure out how skilled they are and whether I need to find someone else who is an easier target.

    Slug Camping: Sure, it's late game, but the point is it guarantees the killer that 1 win (maybe it's the first or the third). It's a point of the game where it just stalemates.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,176

    I don't remember the specifics but survivor being in vision range can be anything from a few to dozens of meters and a chase is not triggered at a short to medium range.

    It is rare nowadays but it wasn't when the restriction was tested, just like a boil over dedicated built is relatively rare now but was all around when kt was broken.

    And yes that distance X and Y solution was also the thing I thought would solve it. I don't know if a delay would really fix the problem or not, but that's not my problem anymore.