Baby Survivors

Should I kill baby survivors ?They seem so helpless,which makes me let them go sometimes.Its pretty awkward killing them also they seem so sad like the want one killer just to be nice.Is this giving them a crutch if I let them go, because I'm letting them boost their MMR which will put them against possibly tougher more ruthless than me killers and I think it crush's their hearts.
So now I'm thinking in order to protect them from their selves you shouldn't let them go and that's why they end up in My mmr.I get it you are just playing casual but you must not reward them, because this ways on game health.They think killers are OP some killers have a special touch that can be beneficial in games, Pyramid Head,Pinhead,Myers,but once you learn how these killers operate and counters it's solely left up to your own skills.
Please stop letting baby survivor boost rank,that is your Job as a casual killer this,will probably boost your MMR but you know how to get back to wear you want to stay.
Do whatever you please, if you plan on killing them I would suggest keeping a chase with them as long as you can to ensure they get practice on looping and such
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I tend to let a few go. It's unlikely to bump their mmr because they'll die in like 90% of their games anyway and very few killers tend to let survs go.
New survivors have it rough, they often get tunneled out by convenience because they lose chases extremely quickly and are bad at staying hidden.
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It's unlikely they'll encounter so many nice killers and that it will truly make a difference on their future matches.
I remember starting out and not escaping outside of being given hatch, for a very long time. The games were extremely frustrating, and for a while I had the feeling that I was wasting my time on this game because it was just too hard to escape as survivor and therefore not worth playing. (Only kept going as a favor to the friends I was playing with, at first)
I remember that getting hatch or gate was a balm on my frustration. And you know what ? My games were not significantly harder afterwards. When you die 10 times in a row for 1 escape, your mmr is decreasing. Adding to that a hatch into the mix from time to time doesn't make a difference. Mmr is still going down.
Furthermore, killers being nice to me when I was a baby is what broke me from my negative mindset about this game. It's what makes me give kills to baby killers to pay it forward. What makes me compliment my opponents in the chat and encourage them when things went wrong.
If more people had healthy and kind first experiences on this game, there would be much less toxicity around. That's my philosophy, and I'm sticking to it. If I see babies, I'll make sure they know there are some good people on this game too, and that it's worth sticking around.
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when the perfect and fantastic MMR ( sarcasm mode on ) system pits me against inexperienced players, usually in the end game chat I politely allow myself to point out what they have done wrong in the game or how they should face a certain killer. Unfortunately most of the time, the maximum of the concept they express is "camper/tunneler" but hey, I try to be helpful
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Thankfully there's less of them now, but you can't imagine the number of people who hide in lockers against Legion's Frenzy. For some reason, a lot of survivors think it's aura reading and not Killer Instinct.
I always try and politely mention it in the chat, but I rarely get a response (though no accusations either, mostly people just move on).
(I did get a "WAIT WHAT"' one time, which was vey funny)
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Go for 8 hooks and let everyone escape. Avoid the Tryhard-MMR. Farm BP.
- All this after u reached Iri I in the current month to secure your 1m BP at 13th.
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Yeah, on the increasingly rare occasions that I play Killer, when I see a Survivor who is clearly learning the ropes, I'll hook them twice and then generally leave them be. I'll give them the hatch most of the time as well.
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Here's the vicious cycle. The more you spare the new survivors the lower your MMR goes. The lower the MMR the more beginners you face.
At some point you will have to climb a mountain of noob corpes to reach experienced survivors again. It's best to play with them a little, let them "best" you at some loops, and sacrifice them to the spider. It's better for you and them in the long run.
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This is my reasoning exactly.
Either you're not where you're supposed to be, or I'm not. Either way, there's a simple solution.
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Every blue moon you'll find survivors that should never be matched with you because of how obvious the difference in skill and experience is. I tend to play nice, give them a bit of extra time to recover here and there, ignore people that are dead on hook, give them an extra chance when the game screws them over (for example hitting through a pallet) and ultimately let them leave. It's not their fault they had to go up against me and it feels better for both sides to have a nice and chill game instead of demolishing a team of less experienced players. I had many pleasant interactions with these people in EGC as well with some of them even giving me tip of patterns that they realized on me.
I remember one guy that didn't really know how to loop and was obviously struggling with the map layout yet realized some kind of quirk I used to have that gave away when exactly I was going to go for a curve as the Hillbilly. Apparently my camera movement became more frantic as I tried to get in position.
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But that only matters if one gives a toot about MMR. Not everyone does. I don't.
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You care if it gets too low that survivors are worse than bots or too high its like playing comp every match.
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Kill all babies.
All babies.
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Not the babies!
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If theres a baby, i generally try to kill them last or near last, usually they'll appear in front of me by accident so ill give them a smack then leave them alone, but at the end of the game if theres no real way for any survivors to make it out, i dont make it a special case to let them live because they're new