What do you think of the idea of a Nurse rework?

TinyGayGuitar Member Posts: 9

This poll is anonymous, so don't be afraid to answer honestly.

What do you think of the idea of a Nurse rework? 27 votes

The Nurse is fine in her current state.
44% 12 votes
Her power should be nerfed while keeping the core concept
25% 7 votes
Her power doesn't belong in Dead by Daylight and needs a complete rework
25% 7 votes
The only way to fix the Nurse is to nerf Pig
3% 1 vote


  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 762
    edited January 2023

    Well, the nurse has KS 30%

    at this time KS pig 60%

    so of course we have to nerf the pig

  • SmolBlob
    SmolBlob Member Posts: 399

    Nurse is perfectly fine.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,502

    The Nurse is only a problem for top MMR, bHVR should not waste even more resources on reworking Nurse AGAIN.

    There are like 5 other killers that need help.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited January 2023

    I believe Nurse is only allowed as is because ~95% of the killer roster can't keep up with 4 good survivors running meta. If we're counting Nurse and Blight as the 2 killers who can which seems to be the general consensus.

    So while I personally don't like her, she is a necessary evil so to speak in the current state of the game. A nurse nerf would have to be met with either a general killer buff (again), Targeted killer buffs, or a general survivor nerf.

    Either would probably be better for the overall health of the game.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,272

    She was just effing nerfed.

    "Never enough".no nerf to the top killer is enough, because theres still a top killer.

    Cant wait for survivors demanding a map/radar and permanent bond because swf has that apparantly.

    I know im exxagerating but survivors do seem to be like this.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    She's fine.