Viable points that KNIGHT is a subpar killer

- His power evaporates if you hit a survivor before it connects - meanwhile you don't see pinheads chains do this do you?
- Guards block your damn vision when you're in a chase alongside one
- It takes literally an hour to enter and exit pathing phase in which 5 generators can pop in the time control is regained
PS: When's the chucky chapter out? - Cause fans of fnaf aren't even old enough to post here.
Pinheads chains do go away when you hit a survivor affected by chains.
You shouldn't be chasing alongside your guards anyways, you want to sandwich survivors between them and yourself.
It really doesn't take long at all. And it kinda makes sense that something that would result in someone being chased by two people at once wouldn't be an instant activation.
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I'm doing fine with him.
He's rather strong in today's meta.
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A chain hunt does not stop the moment you hit a survivor where as a guard disappears the moment you hit a survivor.
Cool story bro.
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I've gone against some pretty good people but Knight excels at holding 3 gens and area denial.
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nah nah. thats my thing, doesnt apply here
Knight is FAR from a "subpar killer". Everything you said in this post suggests you have no idea how to play him. Cant really blame you since no one would expect a killer like this to share similarities with Trapper and Hag.
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Yeah, it's kinda weird.
Area denial, resource wittling and webbing aren't something you'd expect from Knight.
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Use your guards long distance to catch people at gens.
Just drop guard instantly at loops to force them away.
There really isn't much more to this Killer than that.
Consistently getting at least 2k's
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I'm doing well with him apart from when I face survivors that hold w immediately or face multiple dead hards.
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Dead Hard definitely hurts him a LOT. He'll still eventually win the battle of attrition, but it'll take a long time.
Instant W holding is less of an issue than DH I've found
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Holding W is literally the only thing you can do against him.
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The activation for these two events are completely different so they're really not equivalent. A guard can be plopped out at basically any moment, while a chain hunt takes an entire minute to activate, assuming no one solves the lament configuration. Of course something that takes a whole minute to activate, if at all, would go away after a single hit is scored.
Also there's the fact that chains don't deal damage, unlike the guards. The guards go away after a hit so you're not scoring two hits back to back, resulting in an instadown. You can still kinda pull this off anyways though by bodyblocking a survivor, allowing your guard to hit them and then hitting them yourself. And if you're not in a scenario where you can pull this off, you hitting the survivor would just give them a speed boost that will allow them to outrun your guard, so it essentially wouldn't even matter if your guard didn't disappear.
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Have you tried Play with your food on him?
I wouldn't say it's strong per say but it stacks with the speedboost from long patrols and you can get some funny chases with it.
Give it a try if you haven't yet