Where Dredge players?! :-(

Where are they??? I didn't see him for at least 60+ games by now. Me sad.
sadly this killer isn't so good as people think. Funny? Maybe, but only if you aren't aganist people who play to win. As for me i'm one of the few people out there that will usually play every killer present in the roster, but recently i stopped to use some of them (nurse cause i found her irritating to say the least, twins due to their gameplay that require to slug in order to be effective and spirit since i don't use headphones)
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I prefer Sadako, just because its Sadako. Dredge is a fine killer, but he couldnt catch me as much as Sadako could.
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Lucky bastard. I get that stupid blob every time I play at least once.
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I dont play dredge, because I found him very borring to play.
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Dredge is fun but not that easy. It's not mechanically complex but it's easy for people to bait themselves into using the power when it hurts them, managing nightfall is an important skill which the mechanic of aren't intuitive and there isn't any plug and play builds/addons for Dredge, they're all synergistic and require you to change your play style. I personally like these aspects of dredge as it makes it fun to learn and leads to a lot of diversity in how you play it, but can be a turn of for people who want someone a bit simpler. Generally speaking, killers with a complex 1v4, or macrogame, like Plague, Ghostface or Dredge tend to see less play than killers with a larger focus on the 1v1, microgame, like Huntress, Mastermind or Deathslinger.
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I see a dredge after 100 games.
So its indeed rare
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Just turn your monitor off for half of the match to have the same experience.
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Not true at all but thanks for tip :(
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I've been playing Dredge more recently and he's really fun. He's a bit more addon-dependant though I think is the thing, his basekit is a bit underwhelming but with Malthinker's Skull and Haddie's Calender he's pretty solid. He's a bit harder to play then many other killers too which is probably why he isn't seen much.
Got some sick skins too.
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I never understood why some people seemed to like Dredge so much. I played him maybe 3 times and I got utterly bored every single time.
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Swap games with me. Played 2 dbd games yesterday, 2 were against a Dredge, and by that point I had to stop playing because I was in excruciating pain.
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Deal. Please take my Blight and Nemesis matches, thank you :3
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Well Nemesis needs to catch me to camp me so it's just the random solo queue Meg that hurts, and Blight games are mercifully short because they all are either brand new or haven't showered since August 2020, so deal.
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I love facing Nemesis. I feel pure joy when I hear those loud ass footsteps blundering about.
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I like playing him but I feel like he's useless without the addon that starts the match in Nightfall and those are hard to come by.
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Once it was revealed that the dredge will automatically teleport to the locker that's locked, I stopped playing him. If the locker isn't locked, then it makes no sense for me to teleport to the one that is.
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Same here. I get him at least once when I play. He's a cool killer but I hate the darkness (gives me a headache).
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Btw on some maps the game is unplayable during his ability, all I can see total darkness, too annoying
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Me gave it a break. It is frasturating :(
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I play Dredge, but been taking a break from them as of late. It can be very frustrating to play as Dredge because their power just isn't as good as some think.
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It's the obnoxious wailing for me.
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Well sadako is much better anyway if you use condemn stragedy.
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I've played against him about 4 times in total. I don't even bother checking the locker doors for locks upon spawn anymore. I really like facing him but he's easily the least picked killer along with Twins for me.
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I dont, I play normally. Old Newspaper is a banger.
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Why play dredge when better killers are at your disposal?
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Dredge main here I'm busy with other stuff atm but I will play him later once I get my last killer achievement/trophy done
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Why? It's so beautiful <3
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I wish I didn't see him for 60+ games, I hate the darkness - it's annoying and causes headaches.
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You must stare into dispare and see if it stares back
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Look at the distinguished gentleman. Ready to check lockers and go enjoy the circus…. Wait.
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Map wide mobility decent anti loop relentless in night fall mediocre stealth solid b+ or a killer
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Easily distinguishable and loud mobility with extremely specific locations that may not ever be where you need it to be and can has a built-in counter
Average at best anti-loop as you just need to walk away from the loop while Dredge is slowed down
Darkness that really isn't that dark if you have a good monitor and don't play against the sunlight, which doesn't even matter because they made It and other survivors glow white when nearby and he utters a far too loud noise when you're nearby
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I stopped playing him once I realied every single match I play him survivors do toxic things that are risky just to torment the killer. Frankly i went from playing almost every killer, to just a handful, to now I'm just learning nurse against bots while maining survivor like when I started. At this point the toxicity is just driving most players away on both sides and it's dumb. Idk why they always want to be rude when I'm on dredge but it's either give up/dc (happened on a stream recently. I went in the ttv chat and offered to farm to get more points since THREE people gave up.) Or they just teabag and point for some reason. Then again same when I'd play pinhead for some reason.
Any other killers feel like they are being pushed off certain killers because of how weak they are or because of how survivors react to them? Really feels like at this point not mastering nurse or blight and playing anyone else is slowly becoming a waste of time.
tl;dr dredge has been my favorite killer since his launch but I don't play him often anymore due to the community, OP.
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Playing killers who can actually compete with a solid team.
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By that logic, why play anyone but Nurse/Blight?
Dredge isn't my fave killer (of killers with a similar skillset, I prefer Sadako), but I find them fun enough, and not weak by any means.
I'll play at least a few matches as the Dredge every week. Plus Dredge has some great cosmetics.
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i like dredge. once i get my last couple of adept killer achievements i'll start running him. i enjoy iron maiden + darkness revealed. doesn't help with generator slowdown, but then again 🤷🏻♂️.
so i use discordance and thrilling tremors for that. might change out discordance for pigs surveillance though.
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Eye strain causes headaches, not it's beautiful face
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Any day without a dredge match is a day well lived
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Not everyone on the community thinks this way, but a large part does, at least for me nurse and blight are fairly common killer, while off meta meme killers are quite rare. So I think my comment on why there are not many players coincides with a feasible reason for it.
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My swf is pretty good most 70+ prestige and we were defeated by that condemn strat it's insane. We could not even do gens as she teleported everywhere. Dredges we always beat easily but sadako is probably hardest for us. We don't use communication though.