It doesn't matter killers are going to complain

Even if they take dead hard out the game.. killers are going to complain about something.. next it will be nerf sprint burst.. then nerf medkits.. then "it should be a 2v1 not 4v1"... "why do survivors have 2 health states"... "survivors shouldnt have perks"... killers are the strongest they ever been and ya still complain
Here we go again. Another "us vs them" post. If you mind people complaining so much, then maybe don't add extra oil into the fire.
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Why not? Why did you click on the post and comment..if these post annoy you?
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And visa versa
There will always be people who will look to blame anything but themself when they do poorly at something.
It's how our brains work, we instinctively look for outside sources for failures and look at ourself when we succeed at something. That's a very hard cycle to break even if you're aware to it
It's not singled out by a single role from a video game
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I dont care about the Complaining.
I want bHVR to show me the Survival rate of Survivors who use Dead hard, from MMR low to high.
if its in between 40% to 60% I guess we can call it balanced.
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Even if they take Eruption out the game.. survivors are going to complain about something.. next it will be nerf Call of Brine.. then nerf Pain Res.. then "it should be a 5v1 not 4v1"... "why do killers move faster"... "killers shouldnt have perks"... survivors are the strongest they ever been and ya still complain
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Play some killer at high MMR and get back to me
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It is quite literally the same on survivor side.
Enough with this “us vs them” #########.
Both sides is equally as whiney and entitled on the forums.
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Survivors do the same thing though. Players on both sides are going to complain about something, no matter what.
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There's always going to be someone (on both sides) who has something to complain about. It's really hard to please everyone.
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Ah, just like the last "nerf" to Dead Hard?
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Don't you all ever get tired? There is no monopoly on complaining, both sides do it.
"Survivors" this, "killers" that - this game is not that serious. Play the game, maybe provide constructive feedback on things that actually need to be worked on, and chill out lol
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I mean I understand you're trying to be petty..but actually use things survivors have actually complained about.. just a tip if you’re going to troll
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It will always be us vs them arguments.. so if you are tired of it you might want to avoid these post
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Two can play this game. No matter what survivors will complain about gen regression/slowdown perks :P You see both sides will always play the "us vs them" game. That's the state of a 4v1 game.
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I agree.. I think the competitive nature that came into the game has ruined it... I think it's a party game
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This us vs them reminds me so much of console wars.
I play both roles. Dunno why people are exclusive to one or the other. You literally are better at the game when you play both. As killer, youll understand survivor perks / reasons for doing things better. See how other survivors play. Youll see killers get tricked by something and think, hmmm think of that when you play killer.
And vise versa.
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This look fun! i wanna try too.
Even if they take tool boxs and scourge hooks out the game...players are going still complain about something. Next it will be why does gens regress at all....than why gen rushing even exist??? than last why does gens exist.... "why can't gens repair themselves"....Generators are the most balance they ever been and yall still complain.
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Agreed. This game was so much more fun 3-4 years ago, even with some of the busted things that needed fixing.
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Exactly. It doesn't matter what it is or how good something is; expose it to enough people and eventually you'll hear a complaint. In a videogame this human tendency is magnified even more.
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I mean medkits and toolboxes are fundamentally broken. Same as exhaustion with how big certain maps are.
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I mean, they’re going to after this release. Especially when killer’s will still play long 3 gen games with CoB OC NWTH, everyone will whine about how OP CoB is and that it needs to be nerfed, limiting to once per gen and not being able to stack with OC or something. Mark my words.
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The issue on both sides is mainly due to SBMM. The game has gotten drastically less fun since they implemented that and they won't do anything about that being the real issue.