Is it viable to play Killer without gen slowdown or camping/tunneling?

Legit question. I don't think it is. Even if you are finishing your chases quickly, if there is no gen regression from your chases (Pain Res, Jolt) or passive lockdown (Deadlock, Corrupt), gens will fly. As a result, Killers will have to play sweaty or see tbagging at the gates.
I expect Survivors to complain. BHVR makes camping/tunneling harder. Killers run more gen regression. BHVR nerfs gen regression instead of looking at the root of why it is needed to stand a chance.
It can be done but it's extremely inconsistent depending on which killer you play as, which map you get and who you match up against.
Against a try-hard survivor group (not necessarily SWF), I'd say it's almost impossible as any killer except Nurse, Blight and maybe Spirit.
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Depends on what you mean. I would say you're definitely expecting to see a lower winrate if you bring no slowdown whatsoever, but people tend to conflate "slowdown" with "regression" when the former also covers gen blocking, endgame perks, healing slowdown, and a few other things.
Personally speaking, I only tend to run one or two slowdown perks, don't tend to prioritise anything stronger than Deadlock or Jolt, and don't tend to camp or tunnel. While my results are obviously anecdotal, I do see roughly half of my games being won, which would say to me that while no slowdown might not be viable, minimal slowdown seems to be. You don't need Eruption/CoB or Pain Res/DMS to stand a chance, you just need something to buy you slightly more time so you can generate the best form of slowdown: pressure from downs and hooks.
It also depends on the killer. For a killer like Pig, "slowdown" could also be said to include hex builds, since it's another objective on top of the extra one she adds with her RBTs. You could almost certainly get decent results from Pig, I'd wager, without a single traditional slowdown perk just because of how her kit works-- and on the extreme end, a killer like Nurse or Blight can win with basically no perks, and excel with information perks just as much as regular slowdown.
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Maybe the higher tier killers? I'm not sure.
But B tier and below is very much screwed without this. On some killers my MMR is much lower than it should be. To the point where I dominate in chase but lose because I can't finish the game in 4 minutes. I know that slowdown perks would help me there but the reason I play killer is for the chases. Running around to kick gens is not really what I consider fun.
I've also noticed something else. Some survivors will just run and predrop every pallet they find. By the time you catch up to them the game is already lost. The game simply outpaces you. You are physically unable to end chases so quick that you can compete.
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Yes, it is legit.
-Some random survivor main.
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Since i was able to do it once, it comes to my atttention it surely is possible 🤓
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Is it viable to play nice, with only things like aura reading and chase perks?
Eh... half and half. You're kind of reliant on things snowballing completely out of control, and that really depends on the Killer and how ridiculously altruistic the Survivors are being. There's a couple of Killers that add built-in slowdown to their kit, too (Pinhead and Pig, most obviously).
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Viable and possible are different. Also there were 2 Leons...
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I wasnt beeing serious with that one, but it is viable to not play the slowdown meta BUT playing that route, the decisions in matches matter so much more then from ppl who use slowdown. So its more stressful for the same or worse outcome afterwards.
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it’s not optimal. Just the same as it’s not optimal to play survivor without health state perks. The main goal of survivors is generators and you can only kick so many -
but you can do it and win. You just have to make sure you kill the survivor quickly. Meaning aura, broken, and exposed perks are mandatory to counter healing teams. Lethal pursuer, discordance, forced penance, hex haunted grounds, hubris, iron maiden, make your choice, etc.
there’s a reason why killers tend to have some combination of 3 out of the 6 types: chase, hunt, destruction, objective, sacrifice, or counter.
often the objective perks are anti generator. Some are for gate, some are for totems and chests, but most are for generators.
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from one killer main to another - dont get goaded into a chase with the “runner” class survivor. I do it for fun when I’m trying to complete challenges, but the actual purpose of these survivor builds is to never touch a generator and to just take you on a pallet sightseeing tour.
since you know they don’t have gen perks just go find the “mechanic” or “”technician” or “support” player and kill them. They should be easier to catch. - look for the toolkit or pay attention to who you always see at the generators that pop.
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If you play with no macro strategy and only chases (micro) you won't consistently win.
That's kind of the case with any game. You don't have to camp or tunnel, but sometimes that's the appropriate macro strategy.
If you camp and tunnel every game, you'll also lose because, while strong, it's sometimes the wrong macro strategy. If tunneling takes 2 minutes but you can get a down on another survivor faster, that may be a better macro strategy. If you tunnel, the other three survivors are glued to gens. If you don't, then one survivor spends time healing another survivor and one survivor is getting chased and they're not doing gens. If you camp, the other survivors give up on unhooking and stick to generators.
Being good at killer is knowing when to employ which strategy.
For what it's worth, I generally don't camp or tunnel much and pretty rarely get teabagged at the gate even when survivors escape. It's not even a big deal when they do since I had fun playing how I wanted to play.
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Believe me, I have tried. But I sometimes get matches where all survivors will play like this. I can't even say they're bad because how would I know? I didn't see them do anything good or bad. I just lost with no skill expressions at play.
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The worst case scenario is 4 deadhard, 4 adrenaline, 1 with deliverance, 1 with circle of healing, 1 with both stakeout and rebecca’s skillcheck perk, and then the miscellaneous aura perks and strat perks like bond, prove thyself, self care, etc.
if they bring the 20 second generator toolkits it’s hard to win - so i get what you mean.
in this scenario you have to 3 gen if possible. Or play the “gen run only” strat where you single out the gens and avoid chases all together
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nice bait thread
gud 1
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Having a slowdown is necessary on most killers because most killers have not mastered the art of killing or the killer they use as much as say an Umbra. Tunneling/Camping is not necessary in my opinion it is optional for those who cannot keep pressure by downing survivors.
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Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Artist are probably the only ones that could pull it off consistently but for everyone else you need some form of slowdown. It doesn't even need to be gen slowdown even something like sloppy to slow down heals or devour paired with thrill or undying that's a "you need to take care of this or you're gonna die" type thing.
If you just do something like franklins/BBQ/discordance/haunted grounds none of those perks are bad but gens and heals are gonna fly so fast you won't be able to generate enough value to win.
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Your results will vary without slowdown. Some slowdown is needed. But if you feel like you need 3 or 4 slowdowns, your issue isn't a lack of slowdown.
And it depends how you define tunneling. It's tough to beat a decent team if you try to Nice Guy your way to a uniform 12 hooks. But that doesn't mean you need to hard tunnel someone out of the game at 5 gens either. You just can't be completely brainless about target selection. Don't take a chase on a fresh survivor with 2 gens remaining, for example.
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Only when the killer is truly the better player. No gen perks against competent survivors is a loss if they aren't making mistakes.
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Not really. Even strong Killers like Nurse and Blight can be sent to disadvantageous maps and having to chew through 4 DHs and DSs take a lot of time that Killers just cannot afford. Obviously, you can dumpster a weak team with no perk Ghostface, but good luck doing that consistently against the cracked SWFs that don't waste all match trying to flashlight save and actually know how to loop.
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Had a game on torment last night running blight. Had pop as my regression, downed survs almost immediately as you would expect. BUT...
They still got 5 gens finished super fast, and i had to slug the end to secure the 4k. So sure, its possible but even with high tier killers, a decent team will make you play dirty
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You can play every killer you want with every perk you want.
Only you probably won´t kill everybody.
Unless you run into new survivor players. These you can kill with every killer.
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I main Pyramid Head and I play him pure aggression playstyle, no regression. Lethal Pursuer is my slowdown perk, ie getting into the survivors way asap and never letting then truly calm down.
My build is Lethal Pursuer, Awakened Awareness, Nowhere to Hide, I am all Ears. With LP I get into the first chase as fast as possible and usually end it before the first gen pops. Then I either return to the first gen or patrol to the gen I know some survivor has to be there and play it by ear from there.
Sometimes I will see someone via AA while hooking a downed survivor, at other times it is a kicked gen that will show me a sneaky git, but there is very little downtime with this build. In chases I am all Ears either helps me to stay on the survivors toes or to even get a down with an impossible POTD shot. The instances were I hook someone and see another one via AA nearby are often moments were survivors DC; its extremely devastating to go from one hooked to two hooked survivors in a heartbeat. Now the other two are in a bind and if you intercept one while they are on a saving run, you could end the game then and there.
Keeping chases short and starting the next one asap via info perks is key to playing without real slowdown, but it is viable if you are just brutally efficient and ruthless enough.
Pretty often the last survivor cornered is so flappergasted that that drop their item for me and I usually accept their surrender. It's always quite cathartic to roam around the map together with a survivor on search of the hatch. And I am always surprised how often the other survivors get salty at that.
"Buhu why did you gave that one the hatch? They did nothing all game." or "why didn't you give ME the hatc? I was clearly better." Dude! I just give the last one the hatch, unless they BM me, I don't care what they did all game, most often I don't even see one of the survivors until its down to the last gen.
But whatever. TL, dr: no slowdown is possible if you play very brutal, ruthless and efficient and use a lot of info and game sense to get into chases fast and end them even faster.
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legit answer: i usually run maybe 1 gen regression perk, somtimes not even one. and according to my nightlight i dont perform that bad... sometimes i win, and sometimes the survs were better. whatever :)
but the truth is, most killer players are sweaty boys by nature. what i mean is they want to win so badly. i once was the same, hardcore going for 4k... for what? feeling stress in a game? a game that should be the exact opposite of stress?
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Nice bait post, you almost made me think you were serious for a second, good one.
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Yah, of course you can still win without slow down.
Its good to practice doing that to build chase and map skills.
Its not a big deal to lose, its actually good if you lose while working these things out. You will learn more from failure( I say this not to be a condescending ass, but to imply I did it, I lost doing it, and still do do it to keep learning.).
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Why should it be?
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Yes, unless you are wanting 4k every single game. Which shouldn't be a thing anyway, per the way the game is designed. You're supposed to lose sometimes. Having said that, I do use Jolt.
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No, normally you need both against a half decent team.
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I don't claim to be a god, but I did recently get the "Tools of The Trade" achievement in 5 matches, using Doctor with Sloppy, Whispers, and Distressing. No tunneling, and no gen slowdown. It was fun.
It CAN be done, but it's not "optimal" to some people.
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What's that achievement for?
It's been a long time for me
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Trapper main, and yes its possible, even consistent if you find what works well. I don't feel many play Trappy boi well or correctly.
I run (usually) Lethal Pursuer, Hex: Plaything, SH: Floods, and Agitation. Addons are purple bag/green bag with Tension spring/lengthened jaws (mending). With a good chase start from Lethal, things can go in your facor pretty quick. Add in map/game knowledge for trap placement and its a winning combo.
Havent had many issues with SWFs or whatnot yet. Some great matches though.
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It depends on the quality of survivors you're going against. If they're good then you're only going to stand a chance if you're a top level Nurse or Blight.
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Yeah, im quite fed up with gen goblins/moths all you see as killer anymore is 1-2 gens or possibly 3 every 10 seconds in chase.
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If you have a very good sense for macro strategy and you are capable of downing survivors very quickly it is possible. That relies, though, on using Killers whose powers are strong enough to do that (of which there are four in my opinion against equally skilled players) or, on any Killer, being far enough over the softcap for MMR that you regularly face survivors with less skill than you.
For the majority of the Killer roster, no, it's not possible against survivors of even close to the same skill level.
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The mmr system will try to find matches that are fair (50% win rate) regardless of how you play the game. At least, that's how it's supposed to work.
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Sorry, off topic but I'm pretty sure you played against one of my favourite streamers earlier. I recognise your name.
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I have some pure info builds and pure chase builds that do me well enough.
All seeing Ghostface, with Lethal, BBQ, I'm all Ears and Nowhere to Hide.
Similar on Dredge with MYC and Darkness Revealed in there.
Or my Agi + Mad Grit builds that excell against hook bombing SWFs and quickly snowball due to mid-carry slugging.
In nearly all cases though I capitalise on Expose, either through killer power or perk. This turns healing into slowdown and negates DH.
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Yes, against noob~medium levl survivors. not good survivors.
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You can always play the game of "kill this guy at all cost" even for swf, so yes.
Hard camping and tunneling is your friend.
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Its defiantly possible even with good survivors, thought probably gona end up in a sweat fest for most the killer roster.
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Depends on the killer but for 27 out of 30: No.
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Against bad survivors? Yeah you can win without them.
Against good survivors? No, you have to do one of those. Really good survivors you’re doing both.
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Get "Merciless Killer" in 5 matches using only 3 universal perks. It replaced "Adept Demogorgon" when the Stranger Things license was lost.
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I see, thank you.
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Is it viable? Definitely not. Is it possible? Yes.
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It's kinda similar to no perk no trap trapper, can still results 4k nonetheless but like why.
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I run 3 or 4 slowdown Perks and I tunnel. I played Wraith without it... Never again. Got smoked...