Tunneling, Camping... you know.

acoldboy Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 11

So, its reached a point where I cannot play this game anymore without at least 2 people getting camped and tunneled each game. I know this is a drop in the bucket in terms of posts about this, and I doubt it will make any difference, cuz its been at least 6 months of this, and it just gets worse. Do you guys not see this in the data? Do you not see the comments about it all over the place? This game used to be so fun to play. Now it has actually reached as point where I'm done. Whatever happened it has single handedly destroyed my love of this game, one I've played since release. I play killer; I do not tunnel. I play survivor, I get tunneled and camped cuz there is absolutely no downside too. You get less points, sacrifices, whatever, but as the person on the hook just watching the futility of your team saving you, doing gens, healing, etc. it is so demoralizing and so powerful you've made me quit. Fantastic. Reassurance base kit at this point. It's unreal. I really don't want to bash devs, cuz balancing must be one of the trickiest things to do for an online game, but how do you not see the up in tunneling. and, lack of punishing for it. I get it, instances its needed ( end game, SWF, etc.), but the fun of the game is being drained. at least for me. I wrote this after being tunneled before the first gen was done, It happens, I get it, but why. Just my contribution to this, like playing against a hard tunneler. futile. Not to mention the new killer perk rewarding tunneling in a roundabout way.


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    Yes... they know

    So do you play Killer as well???

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,408

    I play killer, and I don't resort to playing a Nurse that camps on 5 gens and tunnels. Same for Blights. It's gotten ridiculous.

  • K_Nottie16
    K_Nottie16 Member Posts: 72

    In the past year tunneling and camping has become much more popular. I get when you tunnel and camp end game but ive had the same thing happen to me. Camping at 5 gens . Whats the reason? To me they not only hurt me by taking up my time but i tell my swf to do gens and it hurts the killer. By sitting in my face your losing gens and not hooking anyone else. It makes no sense to me sometimes. And at this point killers will make up any excuse just to tunnel and camp to make survivors time insufferable.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    Well i never saw any incentive for killer not to do it. Not from the game itself and definitely not from the majority of survivors.

    I played intentionally fair and friendly for two years and for the majority of the time survivor behaved just indifferent or even toxic and used a killer going "easy" on them to style on the killer and rub the escape in instead of being grateful for the exception of a no tunneling/camping killer.

    And I don't care if you people in this thread personally do show appreciation, the majority doesn't.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,408

    BBQ & Chili used to be way more common and was a great incentive to not camp! The same goes for Pop Goes the Weasel, and it used to be really good for a gen regression perk. Enough amount of pressure but not oppressing.

    This last year, I've noticed that in almost every game at least 1 person has Prove Thyself now and toolboxes, which wasn't as prominent a year ago. I really miss the old meta of Ruin and Pop, even DMS and Pain Res.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I don't see ANY camping at all. Tunneling is at a bit of low for me too. It must be an MMR or time of day thing .....

    I genuinely can't remember the last time I was heavily camped on the hook or saw a face camper.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145
  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747

    As long as it's possible to complete 60% of the objective before the killer can get to 8.3% of theirs, there will always be a lot of camping/tunneling in response.

  • Gamall
    Gamall Member Posts: 487
    edited February 2023

    I'll never forget how the 6.1.0 patch notes had a section on camping and then literally did nothing about it

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    As long as there is no benefit to spreading out hooks, tunneling and camping will be the best method to win games.

  • Warlord1981NL
    Warlord1981NL Member Posts: 262

    Why would a killer not tunnel and camp? If we actually play the perks killers use get nerfed into oblivion... Camping and tunneling gets around that nonsense nicely. There is no point in adhering to the Survivor Guide to Killer. Besides that, not the killer's job to let you have a good time.

  • Forza
    Forza Member Posts: 109
    edited February 2023

    so dead by daylight isn't really balanced when 4 survivors are alive. it's balanced when there are 3 alive and more than 1 generator remaining. that's just a fact.

    look at it this way. commit to a chase against a good survivor early game. 2 gens are going to pop before that survivor goes down. now imagine all the gens being worked on are on the other side of the map. you can go try to dispute them but 1 will likely pop before you get there. boom you're down to 2 gens remaining. when 2 gens are remaining and 4 survivors are alive and not in the downed or hook state you've basically lost the game. so you make sure that first survivor dies, if they don't die then it's game over, if they do die you may be able to start controlling the remaining gens and lock the game down. that's how this game is being played right now.

    there are other strategies around this for success. like playing nurse or blight or going for a 3 gen strategy. any other way of playing this game just means 3 or 4 survivors will be escaping and at that point, why even play killer?

    seriously though, just do the math. how long does it take to down a good survivor at killer shack with an m1 killer. unless they misplay they can waste a minute of your time there and that doesn't include any other vaults or pallets in the area that will re-enable the vault or the time it takes to hook and travel to other generators. in that time if 3 gens are worked on then you've lost the game. that's how easy it is to lose the game as killer, 1 long chase and it's over. now you can say that not all survivors are efficient or whatever, but saying survivors aren't playing at their full capacity because they're bad at the game isn't a good argument.