As a Survivor Main, after 1.5k hours of DBD, the only thing I find fun is...

SilentShepherd Member Posts: 527
edited February 2023 in General Discussions

As a Survivor Main, after 1,500 hours of Dead by Daylight, the only thing I find fun is looping killers.

And every time you release more anti-looping mechanics, you kill the only thing left that I find fun in DBD.

The Knight for example, his guards just ruin loops. I'd say I am facing a Knight every other game nowadays, and frankly it's boring. His guards aren't even affected by pallets or windows much, they just kinda go right through them really fast. It's so boring when a Knight just keeps spamming his ability to deny loops and down you quicker.

The game is already M1 simulator, but at least I can have fun engaged in chases with killers. At start of games, I will run into the middle of the map and do the hardest generator location on purpose, to initiate the first chase.

But anti-loop mechanics are just so boring and removes any incentive to launch this game up for me. It's gotten to the point, where I just don't even want to play against any anti-loop killer AT ALL.

Knight especially. I absolutely hate Knight's killer abilities with the Guards stuff. (don't @ me with stories of your low MMR games with crappy killers)



  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411

    I mean it already sounds like there is a challenge right there for you to learn to loop the Knight regardless of his power.

    That being said, I absolutely despise the Knight, because every single one I've had the misfortune of facing has been a face-camper and a hard-tunneler. They don't even know what mind-gaming is. God SO boring!!!

    Nurse also has anti-loop but I certainly don't mind facing her or Blight with his strongest add-ons. Or even Wesker/Artist/Dredge, all of them have anti-looping skills but none are as unbearable as the knight.

    How do you fare against them?

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    It's either Hypermobility or Anti-loop take your pick

  • G_Hunters
    G_Hunters Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2023

    I think I'm the unluckiest knight player around then,all this hate towards this killer and almost everytime I use the guards they either get stuck in some wall,get spinned by the survivors ruining the sandwich tactic or completely bugs out from existence flying in the sky 🤣.

    Oh,and also my guards don't go through pallets most often despite me seeing videos in youtube where people do so many cool tactics with the a.i.

    Also,in my opinion,killers like this need to exist,because there are some maps wich are very unfair with broken tiles,long walls etc where you can potentially loop a player for the whole trial duration.

    Pyramid head would be my number 1 most played killer if only I owned the dlc,such a cool character.

    I don't get how one can be complaining about pyramid power anti loop possibility,or,at least,I don't get mad when I face him playing survivor,it's so fun trying to predict where he is going to shoot the trail.

    Post edited by G_Hunters on
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,497

    What killers do you enjoy going against? Hard to tell what you mean with anti-loop. What about weskers anti-loop for example?

  • SilentShepherd
    SilentShepherd Member Posts: 527
    edited February 2023

    This post was inspired by my hatred of Knight, and seeing him in almost every other game lately. He is what I mean by anti-loop, those guards are so boring.

    I like going up against Michael Myers, Wesker, Blight, and a lot of other killers. It's just Knight, man. And Nurse too. But this post was mostly inspired by Knight. I don't know why they designed him like that. His hook camping is so annoying too.

    It takes all the fun out of my games because being chased is the best part of DBD as a survivor main.

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    yes, i actually like to face blight more than knight. there is at least some active counterplay. knight is just holing W and hope not to run out of room. when you are on the hook, you have to hope he is not facecamping.

    knight is by far the worst killer design possible in terms of fun for all players.

  • SilentShepherd
    SilentShepherd Member Posts: 527
    edited February 2023

    Yes he is oppressive with his guards. On 3 gens, on hooks, denying loops. It's just so not fun to play against

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,142

    I think overwhelmingly most killers don't like to chase, and that's the feedback BHVR gets. It's why the gen kick meta + 3 gen strat gained such popularity so fast. Great success with very little need to chase. So the devs will probably release more anti-loop killers so that chasing and looping doesn't seem so tedious.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187
    edited February 2023

    Well yeah, it isn't really fun feeling like the fat kid playing tag and getting denied at every pallet/window and in all the non mindgameable loops.

    Especially when your favorite killer character isn't equipped with the means to play against that.

    @topic what does op expect? There are 4 survivors and killer can chase each one only so much before it becomes throwing the game. The alternative would be constant attention onto one survivor but that's tunneling and most survivor also don't want that.

  • Cassiopeiae
    Cassiopeiae Member Posts: 263

    I will never understand why people play killer just to -> not want to chase = actually play the game. <-

    Like, go play another game, then.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Power role, killing everyone, while they are struggling hopelessly, yet they cannot escape their fate.

    And deciding if the last one live or die.

    Best game for stomping, because MMR barely works

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited February 2023

    So I think we better introduce a killer which automatically slows gen progression speed by 66% and has no power? at least people can loop him a lot as much as they want.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,298
    edited February 2023

    yea i feel you most of the recent killers powers just completely undermine what is fun for survivors and i really hope that bhvr will realize that zoning killers aren't healthy for gameplay. tho they clearly haven't learned from the knight since they just released yet another zoning killer.

    It's really starting to turn me off from playing survivor when they keep making killers that remove your ability to express your personal skill as survivor

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Anti loop killers are okay so long as they have reasonable counterplay or take a lot of skill to use

    Knight is neither and it’s why he’s one of DBD’s worst killer designs. He literally ends all looping with no skill expression on either side

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    And I don't like booting up the game because survivors can loop and I don't have a lot of anti loop in killers.

  • Vagab0ndCat
    Vagab0ndCat Member Posts: 80

    Killers dont give a ######### bud, find something interesting or fun in the game or move on, its that simple.

  • FengShuiExe
    FengShuiExe Member Posts: 85

    After 1,500 hours you were bound to feel like this... I mean that's a whole lotta Shift + W or M1.

    I mean it sounds like the only matches you want are the easy ones with M1 only killers with no ability to play around pallets or windows.

    A nice match with no thoughts but Shift + W and M1 holds.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    He will be nerfed after few years

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 444

    Literally every friend I have who played this game, played it for chases. The rest of the game is just very underwhelming. Everything ceases to be scary after 50 hours. There's barely any strategy for survivors apart from splitting and doing gens, barely any object to interact with.

    Unfortunately a lot of survivors these days are lifeless bots who just want to press M1 in front of a generator and get rewarded with BPs, while killers on their end focus on kicking the same generators while trying to achieve the longest streak of 4Ks. And it also seems to match BHVR's vision of the game seeing they literally released an AI-based killer that does the chase for you.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    After a dozen hours you will know how to play Knight perfectly he has no skill expression, which will cause him to be nerfed in the future. Just like Forever Freddy and All seeing Super lunge Wraith, both nerfed to the ground because anyone could stomp with them

  • SilentShepherd
    SilentShepherd Member Posts: 527
    edited February 2023

    Why do you even want to play DBD if you don't want to do chases??? The whole point is to chase the survivor and kill him.

    Against Knight there is no skill involved. It isn’t looping, it is just holding W until you go down. It is mindnumbingly boring.

    I'm tired of devs just releasing pure anti loop killers honestly. Artist, Nurse, but now especially KNIGHT.

    The only thing fun about DBD is being in chases and looping. Otherwise you sit at a gen and hold M1 all game.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,497

    OK that is understandable. Having to just run away from loops everytime he drops a guard is really not very interesting gameplay, I agree.

    I was just curious because I think some people might assume you mean anti-loop killers in general. But there are good anti-loop killers like Wesker or Blight for example, that have tools against loops, but survivors also have fair counterplay against those anti-loop abilities as well. That's the design BHVR should try to strive for.

  • SilentShepherd
    SilentShepherd Member Posts: 527
    edited February 2023

    Yes I like going up against Blight or Wesker etc. Blight has counter-play, you can make him miss in several ways. And when a Blight curves a corner and somehow lands a crazy hit, I usually congratulate him on a really nice play. It's fun. Sometimes when a Blight is running at me, I'll just turn around and run right at him to make him miss by not being ready, as I run right past him in opposite direction, it's funny. Have you ever watched The Hunt For Red October, a submarine movie from a long time ago with Sean Connery as a Russian submarine Captain? He turns into a torpedo and goes straight at it, hitting it before it has a chance to arm itself. Fun concept.

    But back to Knight. There is no counter-play to Knight except hold W in a straight line. He just denies entire zones and all you can do is hit W. Those guards even walk through pallets and windows really fast and will hit you quick if you just don't hold W.

    As I said, what is left in DBD? BHVR doesn't release new game mechanics. All we have are holding M1 on Generators, using lockers, and then the pallet looping. That's it. Yet BHVR keeps releasing anti-loop killers like Artist and Knight. Even Dredge is a bit anti-loopy. But they really went overboard with KNIGHT.

    And now I hear there is another anti loop killer about to come? Like, really? Is BHVR just catering to killer whining at high MMR? They are going to keep bleeding players because what is left for fun as a Survivor? M1 simulator is not it.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    It's not like every anti-loop killer is as oppressive as Knight and Artist. You can still loop most killers in the game. It's just not braindead running around an object before dropping the pallet, rinse and repeat. Technically every single killer in DBD has some kind of an anti-loop. Trapper has the ability to instantly shut down any loop, Wraith does have an extended lunge after uncloaking, Hillbilly can use his chainsaw as a form of anti-loop, Nurse can literally go through objects, Huntress can throw hatchets over small loops, Doctor has a shock that prevents you from vaulting and dropping pallets, Myers has a faster vault and extended lunge (in tier 3), Hag doesn't really chase and also has the ability to shut down any loop, Bubba has his chainsaw, Freddy has Dream Snares etc. You can loop even Wesker and Blight. Of course you need to play different than you would against a Trapper but it's not like Shift + W is your only option.

    Complaining you don't like anti-loop killers is pretty much admitting that you want to turn off your brain while playing DBD. How fun do you think it is for a killer to be unable to deal with loops? You run around the object, sometimes try to go for a mindgame and still the best you can do is get a pallet out of the way a bit earlier. Great. Very engaging and thrilling gameplay.

  • SilentShepherd
    SilentShepherd Member Posts: 527
    edited February 2023

    Killers who remove chase ...... basically the only fun thing a survivor can do, just defeats the whole purpose of playing that role

    Out of the recent Killer releases from BHVR, it's what? look at how many recent killer releases are anti-loop killers? Artist? Dredge? Knight? and now another one coming?

    If BHVR wants to kill looping, then tell me what do Survivors do? Just close our eyes and hold W so we can be your mousey toy plaything until you down and hook us, and inbetween that stellar gameplay, we have holding M1 and staring at the screen.

  • G_Hunters
    G_Hunters Member Posts: 74

    I disagree that a knight chase doesn't have loop involved (the same banner mechanic proofs it) and that it doesn't take a certain skill on both parts,but,as said,that is your opinion and I have to respect it.

  • G_Hunters
    G_Hunters Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2023

    Double post bug,sorry

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602
    edited February 2023

    I'd rather face Blight 50x in a row than play against a single Knight. Barring some add ons, a Blight will actually have to good at the game to down me. A Knight has to click M2 and unga bunga after me with the AI. If it takes a killer 30 minutes to 4k, it's not their skill. It's broken slowdown synergy with their power and gen spawn rng.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    I feel like putting Skull Merchant in the remove chase bucket is a bit inaccurate.

    For context, SM's base kit anti loop takes 5 and 13 seconds at a loop to kick in. She drops a drone, it takes 3s to turn on. If SM stays in its range for 2s she gets undetectable, which can be helpful in chase but isn't crazy. If the Survivor stays in the Drone's area for 10s they become exposed. Which only matters if you're healthy.

    She does have addons that give her more chase power than that, but they look like worse variations of what Clown does. Or a better version of Dredge's perk that makes survivors break pallets they vault.

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    anti loop is hands down the best type of killer in DBD. it might be fun for survivor to loop the killer all game, i admit theres no better feeling when you play survivor and get chased for a long time, but it is NOT fun for killer to just run in circles chasing one person for an entire game. with how busted some maps are, anti loop killers are a necessary thing to have in dbd. Something this community needs to learn is that fun for one side isnt always fun for the other. you just gotta cope with it and move on

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    expressing skill with most killers that arent anti loop is punished because most non anti loop cant keep up against survivors that just stick to gens like leeches. They cant get downs fast enough on the modern maps because of how safe they are. With no way to force them away from a loop, they can just play ring around the rosie for 5 gens

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    You can loop Dredge alright. He isn't anywhere near as bad as Knight. The one thing you need to learn against him is how to chain loops but that typically isn't too hard. If it troubles you, I recommend Windows of Opportunity.

    Artist and Knight are 2 killers that are very hated for this exact reason. Looping them doesn't work. You can hold your own in chase against them, it's just not by looping. Instead you try to maintain distance and use every bit of distance you can make when they use their powers against them. I agree that both are not particularly fun to play against. Their pick rates imply that not too many people play them either, although for the foreseeable future there will be more Knights than usual because there are archives for him.

    I don't see how SM would be an anti-loop killer though. In chase she is pretty much a weaker Ghostface at best. You can loop Ghostface pretty well, can't you? The most she can achieve is her power to be an inconvenience, that tells you to chain to the next loop sometime soon or get exposed. Mind you, Ghostface will not ask to expose you. He'll simply do it and then you're in a worse position than against SM. I'm much more worried about how people will play her when they want to win. Without a chase power and mobility, a killer is very limited in their options. SM will probably be played as a 3 gen warrior just like Knight.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586
    edited February 2023

    Have you thought about whether killers are having fun getting looped by you all game with nothing they can do about it except eat pallets and chase you to the next safe loop?

  • SilentShepherd
    SilentShepherd Member Posts: 527
    edited February 2023

    You're just whining though. There's a lot of things Killers can do. The game is Killer sided by nature, it's designed for you to catch all of us and get 4K. You run faster than us and only get faster with bloodlust, each pallet you destroy makes the map more favorable to you, etc. And you shouldn't chase the really strong survivors first anyway. As soon as you see a survivor is a really good looper, break off and go find weaker prey. That's how good killers in high MMR do it. When you get the weaker ones out, then it's easier to chase the stronger ones with no worry of gen progress.

    Every pallet you destroy, is permanently gone from the map. Making future chases in that area very simple. If the Killer knows how to chase, then a survivor can get maybe 1 or 2 good loops before being forced to drop a pallet. Now that pallet is gone forever from that area. And now the survivor maybe goes to an unsafe pallet next. Rinse and repeat. With every pallet gone, killer only gets stronger, because pallets are a limited resource.

    As Survivors, what do we have? Hold M1, hide, or loop. That's about it. And Hiding is boring and only makes the next survivor get chased anyway. Oh, but antiloop mechanic, so the chase sucks too.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited February 2023

    Because however long you want to loop the killer as a survivor, the killer can only afford to loop you for 1/8th of that time, or they lose the game.

    Anything more than about 30-45 seconds per chase is a lost game. Killer is literally based around making chases as short as possible.

    The killer has four survivors to chase and loop 2-3 times each. You need to occupy yourself with something else for the 75% of the time you're not the target.

    If all you want to do is loop the killer for 5 minutes, you go play another game then.

  • SilentShepherd
    SilentShepherd Member Posts: 527

    Any good killer will break off chase from a good survivor, and go after weaker prey.

    If you chase someone too long, that's not looping fault, that's your own fault.