Why release a new skin for a killer that should be killswitched?

Spirit's directional audio is currently completely broken. You cannot hear which direction she's coming from if there's any kind of object between you and her at all. This is of course the perfect time to release a new skin for her so that everyone is playing her. Thanks guys!
Killswitches are for gamebreaking bugs.
Spirits power temporarily turning into her old power for a couple of seconds each game isn't game breaking.
She was fine before the directional audio, she's fine for the split second you don't have it and can therefore tell that she's behind a wall too.
This bug is after all giving you more info than you would get without it.
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They couldn’t possibly plan skin releases based on upcoming potential bugs?
also it’s not game breaking or even overpowered, so it’s unlikely this will result in a killswitch whatsoever.
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Counterpoint: She wasn't fine before the directional audio, that's why they changed her. She also wasn't fine after the directional audio, either, because she's a terrible design for a killer.
It's not an upcoming potential bug if it was in the game for literally weeks prior to releasing the cosmetic.
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And when do you think did they work on the cosmetic and plan the release? Also it’s still not a game breaking bug so…
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Well, when you have an opinion that unreasonable, what is there to argue?
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This sounds like the same sound occlusion mechanic that deletes survivor footsteps, survivor noises, and boon noises, when there's no line of sight.
Killers have been dealing with this garbage sound occlusion for an extremely long time. Why should survivors get a free pass out of it? Sound occlusion should either be fixed for both sides, or it should cause both sides to suffer.
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Everytime i get more and more dissapointed in what some people call a gamebreaking bug
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Next, weird animation glitches that don't change hitboxes are anything will be gamebreaking!
Spirit's butt zoom-in? Gamebreaking. The way Wesker sometimes causes Survivors to just drive an invisible car when they run away because things went weird? Gamebreaking. /s
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I see someone has been hurt by a spirit or don't know how to play against her. I hope this stays since i find it very dumb you can hear where the ghost is coming all the time.
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Have they acknowledged this as a bug or is it perhaps a shadow buff ? either way it's not that terrible ,,,tbh i think she should have have never gotten directional sound up until they destroyed iron will
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Because their schedule to release cosmetics is decided long before and it's not like bugs are ever planned to happen.
Furthermore, it's not a gamebreaking bug. You still know when she's phasing which is more info than you used to get. The directional audio just reacts to the environment.
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If they killswitched over sound issues, then the entire game would be kill switched.
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I guess it's just a coincidence that spirit is bugged and somehow yesterday I face 5-6, when usually she appears once every few days. And yeah, only 2 of them had the new skin
Just ######### kill switch her already
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Cool free buff and a new cosmetic for Spirit,will have to start playing her again, thanks for highlighting I was getting bored playing Blight..
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Is spirit a terrible killer design because you don’t know how to play against a spirit? That seems to be the trend I see here. Any killer that is remotely difficult to face is terrible design and needs nerfs.
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It’s not a game-breaking bug. The only killer to ever be kill switched is Nurse and that is because she was quite literally unplayable and would get stuck and couldn’t move.
Every killer has had some sort of bug with them but most of the time they are not unplayable. Wesker currently will suck a survivor back over the vault that they vaulted. On the survivor’s screen they’re clear across the vault but the killer‘s client registers a hit and it will suck the survivor back over the vault. Should Wesker be kill switched?
It seems as though you just want Spirit kill switched because you dislike facing her. This current bug doesn’t delete her entire counterplay. Frustrating? Yes. Unplayable for the killer and unbeatable for the survivor? No.
She ain’t getting kill switched.
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Seems like everyone here forgot that Clown got kill switched because of infinite haste bug.
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I pissed that BHVR fixed the gamebreaking bug that was Clown's turbojiggle.
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Because Clown has 5 mains and nobody noticed he was gone
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They would get damaged either way in that Scenario, if it hasn't been fixed yet I'm assuming Wesker grabbing survivors vaulting is at least partly intentional
At one point he would just slap them and they would still take damage so the only thing that changes is the survivor has to revault which I will say is some distance lost
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I managed to play a game with clown when the bug was up and didn't even notice it because I didn't have to throw one yellow bottle. That being said infinite haste is no where near the same as "The audio glitches sometimes"
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There's nothing to argue. Just agree with me.
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Honestly, directional audio kind of killed her.
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If the devs had to throw the killswitch for everything that causes a audio issue, we wouldn't be able to play the game
Audio bugs happen pretty much all the time, it's just a fact of DBD at this point
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That's why they should of NEVER told us about the Killswitch....
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The fact that people play her more now that she’s bugged is a reason for a kill switch imo. I mean, the only person having fun in a spirit match is the spirit, no one else. 🙄
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A Killswitch is for a game breaking bug, last time I checked this isn't a game breaking bug. Just because you don't like facing spirit doesn't mean she should be killswitched.
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> Why release a new skin for a killer that should be killswitched?
Because Killswitches aren't permanent and, besides that, one has nothing to do with the other (literally, even, as I've heard a whole other team does cosmetics vs gameplay)
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Spirit is bugged and people play her more because of that. She should be killswitched. Also literally nobody likes playing against spirit lol
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Again the bug isn't a Killswitch bug since it's a audio bug and not a game breaking bug. Also iblike facing against her because at least it's a different play style than most of the cast.
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This content has been removed.
Yes but she should be killswitched because people take advantage of the bug 🐛
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just bhvr things where they'll randomly use or not use kill switch for bugs that give big advantages to those who abuse them. Oni wasn't kill switched for getting 3x the amount of blood as normal. Clown was killswitched for his yellow bottles lasting forever. Nurse was kill switched for having a bug that made her unplayable yet twins didn't get kill switched for the same thing.
genuinely no rhythm or reason from what i can tell.
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Point blank period. ^
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No as many said this isn't a game breaking bug and that's what this is. Also it's not the same as the Clown's bug that gave him permanent haste because this isn't any bug that a Spirit player can even create as it's a Bug with the Audio Occultation which again isn't a game breaking bug which is what the Killswitch was made for.
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Guys just relax. The next update is in a week and I’m sure it’ll be fixed then if this audio bug is causing this much of a stir.
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It’s the fact people are defending spirit when she’s clearly bugged and unfun to play against. blows my mind
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Again, being "unfun to play against" and having an audio bug that in all honestly isn't that bad, isn't Killswitch worthy.
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I never “defended” the bug.
Unfun to face has no correlation to whether or not a killer should be kill switched. It’s an audio bug, not a game breaking bug. It’s a bug that definitely needs to be fixed but it’s not necessary to completely kill switch her because this is not a game breaking bad.
Just the fact that you said “unfun to face kind of makes it seem like you have always had beef with this killer.
Especially because there is an update in a week. The update is so close that they’re not going to do anything about this except revert it back to the way it was.
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Yeah, it's pretty much that she's just old Spirit, occasionally. Saying she should be killswitched is silly.
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This is still just sound occlusion, which is supposed to affect game noises, and is supposed to affect more than just survivor noises.
If people think sound occlusion is so bad, then they should ask for it to be removed from ALL sounds in the game. Because asking for sound occlusion to be removed only in the places where it's bad for you, but wanting it to stay in the game in the places where it's good for you, is a really bad double standard.
Spirit's directional audio having sound occlusion is good for the game, as Spirit's entire character design is supposed to revolve around her turning invisible to do mind games, and having overtuned unrestricted directional audio at all times, destroys the whole point of her character design.
And killers that are visible can do mindgames when they don't have line of sight, by turning their camera to hide their red stain, and it's well known that visible killers can do this. And giving Spirit audio occlusion puts her on the same footing as visible killers, because if you don't have line of sight on a killer, then it shouldn't matter if they are visible or not, since you wouldn't have been able to see them anyway if they were hiding their red stain.
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I was talking about the other users here lol
Post edited by BoxGhost on0 -
Yes it is imo
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Oop. I’m bad at interpreting things. Forgive my idiocy 😭
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This is such a whiney entitled post. Killers aren't getting killswitched just because you don't like them guys, which is basically what you're asking for here considering a minor sound bug is in no way game breaking.