Everyone Leave Your Bets...

...On what is going to be in the "DBD Movie?"

Original post BHVR made: https://deadbydaylight.com/news/dead-by-daylight-movie/

Yes, BHVR themselves released a post signifying the collaboration with Atomic Monster and Blum House to work on a potential DBD movie. This being said, a lot is in the air, and we know literally nothing about what is going on behind the scenes.

So I think it would be fun to gather community predictions/bets to see what people believe is going to happen... this can during production (such as it being canceled) or what can happen during the movie (details to a scene and such).

I personally believe that:

  • The movie will start with some brief moments with the Entity's realm only to cut to people doing normal stuff until they are eventually pulled into the Entity's realm by the fog (following a typical scene/plot sequence used for a "after and before" instead of "before and after" type of scene).


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I don't have a lot of faith in blumhouse so I expect it to be centered around the the four original Survivors hunting down Vigo or clues about him

    I also think the villain will be Wraith. He's the easiest to make jumpscares with

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    Can I just ask why you don't have much faith? They've produced some incredible horror movies in the past (Get Out, Us, Split, Sinister, among others). I think it more-so depends on who the director will be. They even mention working with James Wan who co-created Saw and Insidious. I actually have decent faith in this project. Though I will say, depends largely on whoever directs this. Also, the upcoming FNAF movie with Blumhouse will probably be a sneak peak at how they want to turn video games into movies. If the FNAF one is actually good, I trust the DBD one will be too.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,171
    edited March 2023

    Blum House release some good films sometimes, but most of their other films are basically just the "shovelware" of horror. They do not have a consistent form of quality control because they care more about quantity over quality in most instances.

    Also most movie companies in general do a horrible job of converting horror games to horror movies (I mean, just look at the Silent Hill and Resident Evil films).

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    They've made a LOT more ######### movies than good one's.

    Get Out and Us are entirely Jordan Peele. Split was the one with James Mcavoy?

    I think it does come down to who's directing it. If it's left to Blumhouse, it's not gonna be good.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    All I know is there better be a shirtless Trapper played by Henry Cavill.

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    Like I said, I think it comes down to whoever directs it. I'm just praying they realise that good adaptions are Arcane and The Last of Us, and not.... RE, Silent Hill, Mortal Kombat, etc...

  • redleader2000
    redleader2000 Member Posts: 21

    how funny would it be if we got an Insidious Bubba in the movie

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,438

    I think Legion will be a big part of it. They're already the subject of the first DBD comic release, and they have a certain appealing aesthetic, especially for a younger audience. Trapper is the main man, but clearly inspired by Jason, so I feel they'll want something to separate the movie from F13

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,004

    It's impossible to predict anything when there's so many different things the movie could be. It could be about the lore of the game/Entity, it could just the lore of one specific killer being adapted...

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited March 2023

    What I expect: Characters and lore being thrown out the window, and some random self insert character that's able to do everything for some reason.. and then turns out to be the entity, but the real twist is that it's not Nea.

    NODD3RS Member Posts: 150

    it’s probably going to be like the resident evil tv show

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Besides Trapper I kinda think it would be crazy to leave Blight out of the movie. Either as Blight or Talbot Grimes because he's so tied in with the story of the entity and besides maybe vigo came closer to learning the biology of the entity than anyone else.

    Story wise Plague has a decent chance of making it in as the Entity's main worshipper I could see her being a pseudo leader for the black vale in the realm.

    If we just go by pure popularity Huntress has a good shot at making it in somewhere.

    If Clown makes it in it will literally only be for a single scene because they want a cameo of Maurice.

    Everyone else I kinda don't think makes it in. I feel like Otto, Doctor and Dredge could be thier own movie so they should probably wait on including them.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    I bet it's gonna be a short movie series that start off with the observer and then go over each killer and have a horror/chase scene

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    I don't know what the plot could be, but I look forward to the moment when this huge supernaturally-enhanced murderous creature plunges forward minaciously with bloody intent and they get stopped in their tracks by a meager piece of wood slapped on their head.

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    I think they are gonna use vanilla survivors(Dwight, Meg, Claudette) and the movie will be about how they get caught in the Entity's realm and their stories, their escapes and etc... The killer will be the vanilla killers probably. They will check the overall excitement and I think if they succeed in the first movie, they will add the other survivors and killers(Felix, Adam, Blight, Legion) as 2nd, the 3rd, and 4th movies, depending on the success of these movies. That is my idea for the movie. Probably one of the survivors will be dead in the movie and there will be jumpscares, drama and etc...

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    They will ignore the lore and the entity will transport the killer into the real world to kill people there. Bc for non-dbd-players this is easier to understand. There will be a lot of dead people and our self-insert protagonist needs to find out who is behind it. Bc its the real world there will be guns.

    Ah and there is a cameo pallet appearance. They will be in a storage hall and instead of dropping a pallet, they will knock-over a mountain of pallets and the killer will be buried under them.

    But on a serious note: if im correct with one thing except the pallets, i will not watch it.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Thank you for making me imagine the scene with the mountain of pallets, comedy gold

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,136

    I think its incredibly wild how we’re getting a ######### movie before cross progression.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,986

    What my movie would be If I had a chance to write one

    Characters: Dwight, Meg, Claudette, Jake, Nea, and David

    Killer: Trapper

    The beginning of the movie would show brief moments of each character before being taken by the fog

    They wake up in the Macmillan realm and work together trying to figure out how to escape. They noticed a huge door that has been powered by a single generator far from there, but the generator is broken. They scavenge for tools to fix it.

    The Trapper appears sometimes but they manage to escape. Until the Trapper takes Claudette, Dwight, Nea and David and hangs them on a hook inside his basement. Meg and Jake try to figure out a plan to save them but they are ambushed by the Trapper. Jake dies from a machete slice on the neck. Meg runs but steps on a beartrap. The Trapper then slices her back to death.

    David manages to escape the hook by himself and saves the others. They go to the door but one person needs to power the generator. David offers to do so, but Trapper finds him and "kills" him right beside the generator. Dwight, Claudette and Nea find the bodies of Jake and Meg along the way. They wait by the door. David is still alive and crawls to the generator, powering it up before succumbing to death. The door opens and the 3 characters escape whilst Trapper just stands there looking at them menacingly.

    Post credit scene: Felix and Elodie are in a workplace and someone standing close to them starts humming the Huntress lullaby.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,613

    In my heart I'm hoping for a campy, schlocky love-letter to slashers that looks at a loose interpretation of just one trial, but I think they're probably going to do something with a bit more narrative.

    Maybe something that focuses on the "real world" in DBD, with characters learning about the Entity? Or a story about the OG four getting taken?

    It's possible, but I think unlikely, that it's just one killer's backstory. The bold choice would be to make like, an All-Kill adaptation specifically, but I doubt they'd take that route.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,573

    I have a hunch it’s gonna follow an entirely new survivor character, who may or may not appear in the game afterwards.

    Also watch Vittorio speak fluent modern English.

  • Bryzola
    Bryzola Member Posts: 16

    I think they will get around a new survivor only for the movie, and follow how they are abducted by the Entity and start to learn how the trials work after each death, then end up escaping the trial just to discover there is no actual escape from the Entity's realm.

    Post credit scene with licensed killer from Atomic Monster movies as revelation of next killer chapter, they have some nice horror movies after all! :D

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    Im going to expect a set of Survivors that aren't in the game with maybe a few "cameos" of existing Survivors, or maybe hints of them. Same goes for killers but instead the movie will have the main antagonist be them (My bet is on Wraith or Huntress) with little parts of the movie that showcase the others. This can be through our protagonist maybe recalling previous trials to be able to try to overcome their next challenge.

    I still don't know how I feel about it being a thing, and part of me is worried but another is excited.