How im supposed to safety pip this game?

Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,202

4 toolboxes, 3 brand new parts, they got eyrie of crow as map and were gen rush team. I tunneled first survivor out and did everything I could but this was result. Last 2 were just able to escape before I could get them with noed I quess bad luck too...

Im pretty sure I will not try to reach red rank I as it would be too much sweating. Is it even worth it just for extra 300K bp and lose my mind in progress?


  • wiccan
    wiccan Member Posts: 37

    Games like this are gonna suck regardless. But for pipping up in general, personally, I like to run corrupt and no way out for most of my killers. From there I either run something for gen defense or for chase, depending on my mood and the killer I’m playing. Prevents them from really splitting up on 3 different gens easily at the start and allows you to have an actual endgame if you don’t kill them before the last gen pops. With a build like that I usually always gain a pip and even if I lose the match I usually don’t lose a pip. Every player is different though so maybe experiment more with builds to find something that’s a bit more consistent for what you’re going for.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    This is why I've totally given up grinding rank.

    I hit iri 1 on both roles in one month and I decided I was done. Its was mad stressful and all it gets you is some BP.

    Game is much more fun if you just aim to enjoy it rather than sweat for ranks.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Not much you can to there. You're playing a C tier killer with a okayish build on a rough map against a squad built around gen efficiency. Add to that they appear to be in at least a 3 man swf.

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    If you wanted to pip, there are several things you can do. If you see a group of survivors that has 2-3 toolboxes, just leave the lobby and get the new one. I usually avoided the lobbies where there are more than 2 toolboxes because BNP is really strong and average killers can not do anything against it. Other than that always guarantee 1 kill, even if it leads to tunneling. Tunneling is a strategy, maybe an unfun one but a viable one. Other than that, if you suspect a lobby you enter is a SWAT kind of SWF or you just get the vibes of it, just dodge that lobby.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,001

    102K Iri Shards? What the heck are you saving for?

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,126

    Sometimes you just lose.

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    Besides dropping the lobby on a suspected gen rush group, run Franklin's. I run that most of the time on Wraith and for the first couple minutes of the match run around playing hit and run.

    If you down a survivor, leave them and keep going until you've knocked everything out of everyone's hands. Sometimes you can slug most of the team because instead of running they'll pick up the item that just got dropped so it doesn't degrade.

    Some will get their toolboxes off, but with Wraith speed and making a beeline for where the survivors will likely be immediately, you will usually reach them in time to scare them off the gens before everything's been used. Lethal Pursuer is also good for that.

    Franklin's is especially indispensable if one or more of the survivors is running Built to Last, or it's a mixed item group (toolbox, med kit, flashlight).

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,132

    i feel like your wraith build could use some work. it's pretty crap.