Should Myers Be Buffed?

Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,579
edited March 2023 in General Discussions

Honestly, I do not see the point in running Myers over a Killer like Ghostface since Ghostface has built in stealth (with Undetectable) and 60 second Exposed similar to Myers, and has the ability to get downs more consistently. I think Myers just needs something a bit extra to help them stand out but also make them seem more threatening.

I personally think Myers should have some changes to help him out:

  • Base Exposed duration increased from 60 seconds to 80 seconds.
  • The amount of stalk that is needed to reach Tier 2 Evil Within has been decreased by 30%.
  • The base amount of stalk that can be pulled from a Survivor is doubled.
  • When a Survivor is fully stalked, they become mori-able.
  • Reworked tombstone addons (decreases the base amount of stalk needed to pull before a Survivor becomes mori-able, but mori becomes only applicable to a limited amount of Survivors based on addon rarity); rework other addons (stalk speed addons also increase the total amount of stalk that can be pulled from a Survivor, providing some sort of drawback and benefit); etc.


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    The skull merchant has an add-on called Geographical readout. it provides following effects when inside a drone radius:

    -Increases movement speed by 2%

    -Increases pallet breaking by 15%

    -increases vaulting speed by 15%

    I think myer's add-on should give him base-kit improvements in tier 3. Myers could have an add-on that increases his movement by 2% in tier 3. His boyfriend memo could increase his lunge distance and lunge velocity by 30% in tier 3. He could also have add-on that improve his tier 2 similar dead rabbit that increase his vault speed and pallet breaking speed.

    Myer tier 3 feels too plain currently. perhaps this would promote a lot more add-on variety for myer's instead of the instant-kill gameplay.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247

    I think T3 having some kind of boost to break actions, pickup and so on would be so nice. He already gets so much value from perks like brutal strength, bamboozle etc

    I also think they should remove the stalking at a distance penalty for tier 1, make it like ghostface where there's no penalty for stalking at a distance in T1.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    The only thing I want to see with Myers is once a survivor is fully stalked, they should slowly regress the amount of stalk on them to like a maximum regression of 70% total stalked. Like every 10 seconds they lose 1% stalk so after 5 minutes they will be at 70% stalked. I think that would be perfectly fair. Always feels bad once someone is fully stalked and you can't stalk them any more for the rest of the game.

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    Should? No. But I wouldn't say no to it either.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Just remove the stalk limit you can get off a survivor and he would be fine. Maybe even give him a way to re-enable his 0 TR but it wouldn’t even be needed really.

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    Giving some of his browns or yellow addons basekit would be good.

    Being able to reach Tier 3 and then activate it like Oni's power was an idea I've seen before, but that might be too much because I feel like there's a small bit of skill in stalking just enough so that you can surprise survivors with it later.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Tier 1 needs to be less crippling and Tier 3 more dangerous. Then he will be okay.

  • tristenbennett381
    tristenbennett381 Member Posts: 117

    Tombstone Myers is OP but base Myers is underpowered, so this can easily become survivor sided or killer sided

    For base Myers make it so he can stalk from longer distances since that’s what he did in the movies and it makes him a weaker stealth killer having to get so close to survivors.

    Maybe make him get stronger as evil within progresses tiers, tier1 he’s a normal m1 killer, tier2 he has decreased stun and quicker pallet break time, and then tier3 he just auto breaks pallets after getting stunned.

    Maybe give him an insidious perk type ability while stalking where instead of becoming undetectable he gets obscured by a black fog and his breathing becomes silent when he stands still.

    Another good idea I’ve heard is that survivors should slowly build up stalk points after they lose them.

    Last but not least it should be an option to enter Evil Within3, for more power control.

    Tombstone is such a fun addon, either make it so he can only mori one survivor per every time he reaches Evil Within 3 or make it so he can mori survivors during Endgame Collapse.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,254

    Not eveything need a built in mori.....

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,579

    I think it would make Myers more intimidating since it would make Survivors actually want to avoid being stalked, it provides more consequences to playing carelessly, and again, it's based on the Tombstone addons and provides an area for reworking those addons.

    It has nothing to do with "other Killers have a built in Mori, so why not Myers", because that mindset would be stupid to have to begin with.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    Myers has a very outdated and simple design. Buffing him is kinda tricky.

    Ghostface is basically the same concept (Stealth, stalking, exposed killer) but better in everyway for both sides.

    In the end Myers is just a stats killer, doesn't really offer counter play or fun experience for survivors, besides him being Myers or jumpscares

    Ghostface, survivors can interact with it and manipulate stuff.

    Because Myers lacks so much stuff and is a stats bot. I guess he can become very problematic for lower level survivors while being super easy to play himself.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,365

    Im liking most of these Myers buffs yall throwing out but i wouldn't want to see TS added to basekit at all. When huntress, deathslinger, curving billy, or a pin balling blight land a hit from a crazy angle I'll go "nice hit". Myers do the bare minimum and watch a few people on gens (can kill u now)...not nice!

    Ts is way to strong given the low amount skill u need to obtain it. TS Myers is about as fun as getting gen rush! leaving u with the feeling u didn't even get to play the game. Myers should absolutely not have the power to kill someone before hooking them added to basekit.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 894

    no fking way you're serious

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,579

    Billy can get downs by curving around shack whereas other Killers cannot. Blight can quickly position himself in areas to get hits and use their speed to their advantage to make safe loops incredibly dangerous whereas other Killers cannot. Huntress can hit people and down them from across the map considering they are skilled enough and have the information they need to do so, whereas other Killers cannot.

    Myers is still an M1 Killer, he has to work around limitations that Blight, Billy, and Huntress do not have to deal with (or deal with to the same extent). His power is simple, and his skill ceiling is lower, but they have less potential to get hits and downs that others Killers get as a result, but I consider Myers to not be threatening at all, I never worry about being stalked "too much" since once Im out of that stalk juice that Myers needs, Im basically a "non-target", I become an expensed resource, there is no longer a threat since 99%ing Evil WIthin is useless if Im all juiced out, being moriable adds some consequence/weight to it IMO, and it still is counterable with lockers.

    Keep in mind, this is coming from a Billy main, someone who has spent time dedicating myself to the craft of curving and such. I have been through the hundreds and thousands of hours of pain that it takes, so I at least have some credibility when I say this.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Easier to get out of t1, stronger t3, remove stalk limit per survivor and make it so you get more stalk the farther you are away rather than close up. Now he’s solid.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,697

    This is a talking point that continues to go around and around because Myers, while effective against inexperienced players, can absolutely be destroyed in the hands of a competent team of survivors.

    Because of this he definitely needs a rework. He's the first licensed character to ever appear in the game, and since his implementation there has been a plethora of balance changes to DBD over the years, and sadly he hasn't been touched to reflect those changes. His biggest disadvantage is that not only is he quite ineffective in tier 1, but unlike Ghostface he can't keep stalking over and over. Once a survivor is in the red, they can no longer be stalked. This is a huge disadvantage because that means he no longer has a power. I've had many games where the last remaining survivors were fully in the red, and it turned me into just a basic m1 killer for the rest of the match.

    Many have suggested that he needs to lose the tombstone add-ons in order to be given a buff, and I agree. I'm perfectly fine losing his strongest add-ons if it means that we can get a competent rework. While I do agree that the twins need a rework too, Myers has been untouched for many, many years. If anyone should get a rework next, it should be him.

  • qwertyuiopz666
    qwertyuiopz666 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 73

    So make myers op he’s fine the way he is lol not every killer is gonna be op and every change idea I see is just unreasonable the reason the tombstone add ons are like they are is cause if they weren’t they would be overpowered keep dreaming chap

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Ez buff/fix for the current game:

    Remove the stalking hard cap, have stalking progression for each survivor slowly regress when not engaged with the killer.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,579

    I mean, all of that time was spent on controller, and since I moved to PC, Ive been learning to do it on Keyboard and Mouse... Im basically having to relearn everything again. 😓

    Ill be fine though, I mean, Ive done it before I can definitely do it again, but I reckon it will take longer to relearn it considering how Im overall just not use to gaming with a keyboard, it's something Im relatively new with... it also doesnt help that Im having to unlock all perks again on my PC account.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,047

    When nobody plays a killer without using addons that completely change the playstyle, that's a pretty good sign the basekit needs an update. The only question is how.

  • LuthirFontaine
    LuthirFontaine Member Posts: 375

    Buffing the guy who can take me from health to dead in one shot...

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    I actually love the idea of being able to Mori after fully stalked. Perhaps he has small window to do it before the stalk meter resets completely. Would need to be balanced so it is not easy to do but has Suvivors on edge.