Do you know what we haven’t had in a while?

Im going to continue it now! Here’s a new argument I have with the perk. We shouldn’t have a perk that makes the killer thinking twice about hitting there prey. Imagine if in call of duty there was a perk to make you invincible from grenades and bullets and you couldn’t shoot the guy if you found them?
That’s bad game design. If I find a survivor that’s injured I deserve that down. It breaks the immersion cause you have to sniff at there ass just make sure they don’t have it where I would have just downed them. You shouldn’t have to completely change your gameplay just to counter 1 perk.
I hope this attention brings this issue to light.
Imagine trying to spam with threads just cause you don’t like a perk to try bully devs into giving you what you want DEAD HARD IS HERE TO STAY WILL NEVER GO ANYWHERE AND ITS FUN TO USE FUNNY HOW A PERK LIVES IN YOUR GUYS HEAD RENT FREE
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Halo: Reach actually introduced a mechanic like this: Armor Lock. You temporarily become invincible, but unable to attack or move. You can end the invincibility at any time, or after a set duration. And after you've ended it, you emit an EMP that damages the shields of enemies close to you.
Even though you could often just wait it out, especially if the Armor Lock player used it poorly, it was one of the most hated mechanics ever introduced to the series, and never returned after its first game.
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It’s one of the only counters against a good nurse as well so your basically making nurse even more over powered you guys seriously sound ridiculous making paragraphs for a perk you can’t even use yourself hahaha go into a trial a higher mmr one and use dead hard more than once my guy once the killer knows you have it it’s pretty pointless unless you get good timing not to mention latency
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Flooding the forum with the same threads over and over again repeating the same things only shows how much some of you need to get some fresh air as soon as possible.
I think it is seriously becoming therapeutic at this point.
The end result is already a foregone conclusion anyway: the perk will be nerfed again, but you will all be here again, whining like babies and targeting the next one.
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I don't think typing in all caps is going to make people stop spamming dead hard threads
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there is no way you are a real human being
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Thanks. I almost forgot DH was still a thing. It's good to be reminded of that.
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Thanks for the offer tho loves ya ;)
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You don't seem to be going anywhere either ;)
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A brand new "movie license"?
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It’s 1:35 am on a Sunday I’m chilling
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Going to sound trolly and snarky but I do hope they nerf dh I want to see the next why I didn't 4k perk
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Tbh, I don't really know what they're going to do with dead hard. Because either way, people are going to be upset. They nerf it into the ground? People will be extremely upset. They nerf it but it's still really strong? People will be extremely upset. They don't touch it? People will be extremely upset.
I just wanna wait and see if that they'll do.
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I hate dead hard and would be happy to see it deleted from the game entirely. That said: You do not deserve a down just because you found someone injured. The only thing you deserve is a functional game that you paid for. Beyond that, you have to earn your way to victory.
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Took the words right out of my mouth.
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Hey, I'm not some crazy "The game is balanced when I 4k every game" Killer main. I just wanna win a chase when I've won a chase, and not get outplayed by the E key.
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So why didn't people say that when the forums was flooded with nerf nurse and nerf eruption posts? Because that's what happened, and Nurse got triple nerfed, and eruption got nerfed into the ground.
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Then give DH a higher activation time, like 1.5s but make it one use only. Thus it allows that one good game, that one important move per game, but it can't be used mindlessly at every opportunity and killers can swing when they corner someone. DH right now is so overtuned, even with one use only it would see play.
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THIS. there is always going to be something to blame on why they’re not winning.
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This comparison does not even exist
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I'm not sure if talking about something that's one of the only three things that ever get talked on here counts as bringing light to something or just bringing a flashlight to something that is already illuminated by the sun.
I also don't know how comparing two games in two completely different genres is a good argument. I could say the mechanic exists in Street Fighter 3 it's called a parry but that doesn't mean DBD is a fighting game only that the mechanic isn't new to games.
You can only talk about DH in the context it exists in and in that context it's relatively balanced just not fun to deal with. I don't see people complain about Unbreakable because of that one perk slugging is always risky and changes how you play the game.
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Why would you compare dbd with call of duty 🙄
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Its ok with me, if we apply the same logic to survivors. Survivors shoulndt need to think twice about repairing a gen or leaving it if the killer comes, so nerf eruption, ruin, dead mans switch, pain resonance, bbq, call of brime, gear head, merciless storm, surveillance and dragons grip all need to be nerfed too.
Unless you think the game is about decicion making, including whatever or not you hit a survivor, or commit to a gen or better leav it.
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You really think DH is the only perk that should make change your gameplay? Like wow, that explains a lot.
Also, comparing Dbd to COD? The games are nothing a like.
Bringing feedback and promoting discussion were supposed to be purpose of the forums. But people are now just scrapping the bottom of the barrel just to spam this forums with DH posts. If at least were good posts, but most of them are just raged with nothing of value, ideas or facts to see.
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Ok but the difference here is that. You can cleanse ruin and it’s gone permanently. You can counter Pain res/DMS by just watching the hook and letting go so you don’t get hit and it only lasts for 30 seconds anyway. BBQ just get in a locker or get close to the killer so he can’t spot you. COB just touch the gen once and it’s gone.
if you seriously compared it to the others you seriously don’t know what your talking about the difference is At least those perks have fair counterplay and some won’t ever last the whole game. DH lasts the whole game and only has a 40 second exhausted timer for a 3rd healthstate. Way to strong to have it the entire game. It should deactivate as soon as you use it so it’s balanced out you get a 3rd healthstate but the perk shuts off.