Devour Demo build: why is this still a thing?

Why can Demo drop his portals basically on top of totems with Lifeguard Whistle and have constant info on when someone is on his totem? This build is actually impossible to beat without being on SWF comms and coordinating perfectly to pressure the totem every time someone leaves. Out of all the builds that are terrible to play against, this one ranks one of the highest.
Because heaven forbid any Killer have one really strong combo or playstyle.
More likely, though, they can only bugfix Demo.
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It's not impossible to counter this build. You are going for risky build that can go either way depending on the map as Demo.
If survivors find your totems early it's gonna be really hard to get your Devour stacks.
If survivors are smart they will bodyblock to tank hits to break the totems.
So no, it's not impossible to deal with and Demo player has to get lucky as well as early down
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The devs have confirmed that they can change demo
They probably think he’s fine though and have little reason to actually change him
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-"This build is actually impossible to beat without being on SWF comms and coordinating perfectly to pressure the totem every time someone leaves."
Please stop lying to the community. There are new players here who might think you know what you're talking about. Shh.
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you can use thrill of the hunt and you're pretty much guaranteed to reach both your totems at the start and always be able to defend it after.
there's really barely anything Survivors can do against this build if they're not on comms
also you're oblivious if you're on top of an activated demo portal so if you're injured the demo can just get a free down on you if he's close and if you heal first that's just more time for him to pressure others.
lifeguard whistle should be looked at some point and hopefully they fix demo's animations soon as well
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lifeguard whistle should be looked at some point and hopefully they fix demo's animations soon as well
No, it shouldn't. Demo is one of the weaker killers, and his addons are abysmal. I can't believe you're literally trying to get Demoboy nerfed. Its this useless dribble that gets nothing done at BHVR.
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Lord forbid a c tier killer can have something good for once
Look at blight's addons and tell me lifeguards whistle is problematic again
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While I would agree that every Add On-Nerf is kinda dumb as long as Blight keeps his strongest Add Ons, Lifeguards Whistle is really obnoxious. I love Demo, but this Add On can lead to some really stale, boring and drawn out matches. Not even in combination with Devour Hope, but you can quite easily defend a 3-Gen across the whole Map with this Add On.
And Devour Hope just makes it worse. Not saying that Lifeguards Whistle is the most unhealthy Add On in the game and should be a top priority for the Devs, but I am very sure that at some point they should change it to a strong and more healthy Add On.
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Mm. I don't think so. It'd be pretty easy to break the totem. Because when demo hooks or chases someone you have ample time to cleanse the totem. If they pressure the totem too hard then they wont get enough hooks to trigger devour and will get genrushed.
More likely, one demo managed to succeed in this tactic against you. One bad match doesn't mean the mechanic used was broken.
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If demo its mid chase, it needs to stop it to protect devour so at any time you can bait demo to come back.
So you could stay close to devour and wait until demo goes away to "ring the door bell" and run, dont wait until demo come.
If other survs are doing gens and 1 is threating devour, sooner or later it will fall.
Aso, demo its not a strong killer, its just ok and almost no killer can use hex perks, bhvr its not going to nerf demo and/or devour.
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It's not even that good lol. First you need the 3 hooks before you start getting value and the totems need to stay up in the meantime.
Then if the survivors all figure out where the totem is you will then be spending the rest of the game defending the totem instead of gens. So if they wanted to a couple people can keep you around the totem while the others do gens and it's just throwing trying to keep Devour up.
I honestly don't like doing the strat that much because you just wind up hearing killer instinct all game and it gets obnoxious.
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They got rid of Pig afk'ing at boxes.
Devour Demo's tough for survivors to deal with / or ignore.
But also Pinhead sitting on the cube with Ruin, Face the Darkness, Sloppy, etc. making gens taking extremely long (IF you cleanse Ruin first) and making healing impossible.
Either stop the chains from interrupting actions (however, to balance this, the longer survivors wait to remove the chains, the longer the chains will take to remove), or move the cube to a new spot if the killer stays near it too long (like Executioner near cages).
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Yeah. And Tombstone Piece is completely fine because Myers is F tier. Being able to delete a player at random from the game isn't broken at all.
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It is dumb. You pretty much can’t beat it if they run Undying and Thrill. You always have enough time to get to your totems through the portals and it’s actually even stronger than it used to be because even if survivors break a totem at the start before you get your portals down, you can use Pentimento to restore your Thrill token.
I don’t know if BHVR will actually bother to change it because this build isn’t very popular, but the easy fix would just be restricting portal placements within a few meters of totems. Fwiw, I think Lifeguard Whistle is fine outside of this one specific issue.
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So the killer's buld would be all Hex perks.
TOTH, DH, Undying, Pentimento
How exactly will the Demo protect all these Hex totems?
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Lol, you guys can’t possibly be serious about nerfing an already weak killer whose addons are mediocre enough as is.
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You really only need TOTH+Devour, but you can easily place 4 portals on 4 totems and have constant information on when a survivor is on one. Once you have 3 hooks, it's the easiest thing in the world to snowball.
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No, Tombstone and Tombstone Piece are both completely fine on Myers too, especially when combined with PWYF+Deadlock+Corrupt.
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In most situations you would have at most 3 totems to protect at once, and only 2 that you actually really care about. Cleansing takes 28 seconds with Thrill at 5 stacks. Your power recovery is short enough (10 seconds) to defend multiple totems during that time. It’s possible that survivors cleanse one of them (thus killing Undying), but then you just prioritize the ones you know aren’t Pentimento (the two remaining totems from the original three). Pentimento just exists to slow down gens and keep your Thrill tokens (rekindled totems give you your tokens back). It’s not the end of the world if that one gets cleansed, and it becomes much easier to defend 2 totems instead of 3. If anything Undying is mostly just an insurance policy. You can spread out a bit more and go for early downs to build pressure and it protects you in the worst case scenario that one of the totems gets cleansed at the start before you can activate your portals.
You never have to check the totems until you see somebody there through your addon because there’s no way to avoid detection if you’re within range. Old Thrill (with the notifications) could be fooled by tapping a totem and then hiding to make the killer check it and waste their time. With Lifeguard you just know exactly how long the survivor is there and if they leave, so this counterplay doesn’t work. It’s even stronger if you also run the iri addon that shows survivor auras while using your portals, but you don’t have to.
The only way survivors can really win is by escaping before the Demo gets enough stacks for Devour, which, if they do, then the Demo player probably made a lot of mistakes.
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I said a good addon, not an op piece of ######### addon
It'll be danny deletoed when myers gets reworked, then made basekit with a catch
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... Hex perks kind of suck. so I'm not complain that a killer can get a small synergy with them
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eh, he doesn't really get yknow, many good games so let him have this one
also hag can literally do the same thing so I think it's intentional considering shes the one who brought hex perks to the game
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that $hit is kinda strong but on the other hand demo is indeed a good boi so we let him use it
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Yes what a ######### killer indeed lmao
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Bro is complaining about the most jimmy build ever